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Chapter 1204 The price of recklessness

"The enemies in the south have been taken care of!"

The monkey raised his head and asked, "What's going on here?"

"We have just finished it here." Sanwazi replied.

"Old Chen just told me that two brothers from Tiehuying died. What happened?" Houhou asked with a frown.

Killing friendly troops is taboo. Even if you kill by mistake, you will face severe punishment from the Military Justice Department.

When the monkey asked about this, the Tiehuying scouts and the support team all looked at Sanwazi with unkind expressions.

Sanwazi scratched his head: "This... battalion commander, you should come up first and then talk about it!"

The monkey waved to the people from Tiehu Camp and climbed up the mountain along the rocks.

People from Tiehu Camp also followed.

When we got to the top of the mountain, we discovered that there were blood stains everywhere on the top of the mountain.

More than ten meters away from the cliff on the south side, there are two heavy crossbows. Next to the heavy crossbows lie the corpses of several party soldiers. They should be the culprits who shot and killed the Tiehu camp scouts.

A few hundred meters further north, in a relatively flat area, there was a row of catapults and heavy crossbows. Several of the catapults fell to the ground, and it looked like they had been damaged by grenades.

More escorts are clearing the battlefield.

Based on Monkey's experience, he roughly understood what happened at this time, but this matter involved Tiehu Camp. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings between the two parties, Monkey still asked: "I didn't ask you to ambush in advance, why?"

And the brothers from Tiehuying died?"

"Battal Commander, we didn't expect that they would set up a heavy crossbow here. We all lurked in the north. By the time we found out that they were setting up a heavy crossbow, there was no way we could come over!"

Sanwazi pointed around with a mournful face: "Batalion Commander, look at this side, it's so bare, there's no way to hide people, and there's no way to lurk here!..."

On the left side of Luolinggou is a strip of cliff running from north to south, wide in the north and narrow in the south. The place where the Tiehu Camp scout was shot is the southernmost end of the cliff and the narrowest place. The flat area is only a few square meters.

It is difficult to turn around in such a small place, and no matter how good the camouflage technique is, it is impossible to hide it, so the monkey has not arranged for anyone to lurk here at all.

First, there is no way to disguise it, and second, the monkey feels it is unnecessary.

A catapult cannot fit into an area of ​​several square meters. At most, one or two heavy crossbows can be installed. Even if the enemy wants to ambush here, it will be difficult to cause too much damage below.

The focus of the monkey defense was on the wider cliff top in the north.

Who would have thought that after the party members arrived, they actually installed two heavy crossbows here.

But at that time, the monkeys had already lurked over to the cave, and Sanwazi and the others also successfully lurked to the north.

At that time, there were party members everywhere on the top of the cliff. Even though Sanwazi realized that something might be wrong, he did not dare to act rashly and could only continue to lurk.

Sure enough, when the Tiehu Camp and the female workers' army arrived, Chen Fengzhi first sent scouts to explore the road, and then the scouts who explored the road were attacked by heavy crossbows.

Even then, Sanwazi and the others still did not take action because they were worried that they would expose the monkey by doing so.

It wasn't until they discovered that the scouts behind them had fired loud arrows that they rushed out to attack.

At that time, Tiehuying and the female workers had already arrived outside Luolinggou. The party members on the top of the mountain were also very excited. They all gathered around the catapults and heavy crossbows, preparing to launch the attack immediately after Tiehuying and the female workers entered Luolinggou.


The Dangxiang people came here to ambush Tiehu Camp and the female workers. They never expected that someone would ambush behind them earlier than they did. Sanwazi and the others were caught off guard.

Sanwazi and the others came up with a round of flash bombs. The party members were not prepared at all, and most of them were blinded on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Sanwazi and the others fired another round of grenades.

Most of the party members who were ambushing on the top of the mountain on the left didn't even see who the enemy was, and were killed on the spot!

Sanwazi and the others eliminated the main enemy force on the top of the mountain, and then came over to kill the enemies here.

"Battal Commander, this is the situation," Sanwazi said with a sad face: "We were all hiding at that time, there was no other way!"

The people in Tiehu camp were originally full of anger, but after hearing Sanwazi's explanation, they all fell silent.

They all understood that in that situation, Sanwazi's approach was correct. If it were them, they would have made the same decision as Sanwazi.

When the monkey saw this, he knew that this matter could be turned over.

However, he still kicked Sanwazi: "Don't explain to me. When you go back, explain to your husband and the Military Law Hall! ... By the way, what's going on on the other side?"

There are cliffs on the left and right sides of Luolinggou. They are currently standing on the cliff on the left, but there has been no movement from the cliff on the right.

The monkey asked Sanwazi, having already taken out the telescope in his hand.

"Battal Commander, don't look. There are dozens of party members on the right. They have been killed by the cow trough a long time ago." Sanwazi said.

He was in charge of the cliff on the left, and a platoon leader named Niucao was in charge of the cliff on the right.

Due to the terrain, there were few catapults and heavy crossbows on the cliff on the right side, and there were also few party members. Niu Cao brought a platoon of escort scouts, which gave the party members no chance to struggle, and they didn't even use grenades.

With two or three arrows per bodyguard, the enemy could be wiped out. www.八一zw.????m

The monkey put away the telescope and felt completely relieved: "Let the brothers pack up the heavy crossbow and catapult. They may need it later. You come with me!"


Sanwazi ran over to explain, and then followed the monkey down the mountain.

Chen Fengzhi and Qing Mulan had been waiting at the foot of the mountain for a long time. When they saw the monkey coming down the mountain, they quickly asked.

Sanwazi told the story again.

After hearing this, Chen Fengzhi patted Monkey on the shoulder: "I don't blame you for this. If I do, I can only blame my people for being too reckless!"

If the Tiehu camp scouts had been careful before climbing to the top and hid in a hidden place to take a look, they might not have been shot.

But they didn't do this. Instead, the two of them rushed directly to the top of the mountain recklessly, and bumped into the enemy's heavy crossbow right in front.

Qing Mulan also sighed, looked at San Wazi and asked, "Have all the enemies been eliminated?"

"Everything on the top of the mountain has been solved, but I don't know what's ahead." Sanwazi shook his head.

"There are also party members in front?" Qing Mulan was stunned.

The monkey said that there were thousands of people hiding in the cave behind. She was already surprised and surprised, but Sanwazi said that there were also enemies ambushing in front.

"How many people are here from Dangxiang?" Chen Fengzhi also asked with a frown.

"When the Dangxiang people first arrived, I estimated on the mountain that there were about 10,000 people."

Sanwazi said: "They were divided into three teams. About five thousand people hid in the cave. A thousand people sent catapults and heavy crossbows to the mountains on both sides. The remaining people hid in the mountain col more than three miles ahead."

This chapter has been completed!
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