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Chapter 1208 Fear

"General attack?"

Everyone in the tent was stunned.

"Your Majesty, the catapult is almost here, how about we wait a few more days?" the deputy general asked tentatively.

Many people had proposed a general attack before, but Li Lingrui did not agree. He was determined to wait for the catapults and heavy crossbows to be delivered.

Now the catapult has arrived dozens of miles away, and it will arrive in two or three days. But Li Lingrui said that he would launch a general attack?

This confused the deputy general and staff, and they couldn't understand what Li Lingrui was thinking.

Only the person in charge of intelligence understood somewhat, and Li Lingrui was probably a little scared.

In fact, just after seeing the news about Luolinggou, the person in charge of intelligence also felt a chill running down his back.

You must know that the Black Cloud Tribe is not a small tribe, but one of the largest tribes in the western part of Dangxiang. Their cavalry are also brave and good at fighting, and no one within hundreds of miles around dares to bully them.

As a result, the Black Cloud tribe dispatched 10,000 elite cavalry to ambush Jin Feng's 1,000 men. They were all killed without even seeing Jin Feng's face.

Li Lingrui is the commander-in-chief, and the Black Cloud Tribe is his direct subordinate. The Black Cloud Tribe suffered heavy losses, and he felt it the most, so he should be afraid.

What they were afraid of was not the tens of thousands of new Dakang troops led by Zhang Liang a few miles away, but Jin Feng!

Previously, Li Lingrui insisted on waiting for the heavy crossbow catapult because he planned to fight a good battle and achieve the greatest victory with the least casualties.

After hearing the news about the Black Cloud Tribe, his mind suddenly changed.

He couldn't care about anything else now, he just wanted to end this war as soon as possible before Jin Feng arrived.

The war is still under his control, but Li Lingrui has a hunch that once Jin Feng arrives, he is likely to lose the initiative on the battlefield.

Because Jin Feng was too unorganized and evil in doing things.

"Your Majesty, the catapult will arrive in three days at most. We have been waiting for so many days, how about we wait a little longer?"

The deputy general said: "I will send someone to greet you again. We will travel day and night. We will arrive in two days at most!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, if we act hastily, the soldiers will be unprepared and may get confused!"

Several staff members also followed suit.

The person in charge of intelligence probably guessed that Li Lingrui was afraid, but he couldn't do it directly, otherwise it would affect the morale of the military if word spread!

Thinking of this, the person in charge of the intelligence rolled his eyes and asked: "Your Majesty, it's still a long way from Luolinggou to Xizhou, do we still need to arrange an ambush?

Also, the team Jin Feng gathered this time came from all over Sichuan, Shu and Qin, and there are many new recruits. May I ask, Your Majesty, do we want to send someone to provoke them?"

In fact, before arranging the Luolinggou ambush, the intelligence chief and Li Lingrui had carefully analyzed Jin Feng's route map, and there was no suitable location except Luolinggou.

Because when Jin Feng travels, there must be scouts in front of him to explore the way. It is too difficult to ambush him.

Other places are not so secretive, and such big caves can hide people.

Therefore, these two questions from the intelligence chief were not really asking whether there was an ambush, but were reminding Li Lingrui that Jin Feng was still some distance away from Xizhou and could not arrive so quickly.

Moreover, the Dakang Army gathered in the south at this time not only included the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army, but also more new soldiers recruited from Sichuan, Shu and Qin in the autumn.

Even if Jin Feng comes, he won't be able to take over military affairs so quickly.

When Li Lingrui heard what the intelligence chief said, he suddenly felt enlightened!

Yes, it will take several days for Jin Feng to come. Even if he comes, he may not be able to take over the military affairs. His military strength is several times that of Jin Feng, he also has a large number of cavalry, and his weapons and equipment are not bad. Why should he be afraid?

After thinking about this, Li Lingrui finally calmed down completely.

He took a deep look at the person in charge of the intelligence and replied: "A hasty ambush will definitely be discovered by Jin Feng's scouts, so there is no need to think about the ambush! As for the provocation, just look at the arrangements. If there are any of our recruits among the recruits,

You can also try it!”

"Yes!" The person in charge of the intelligence breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that Li Lingrui's condition had recovered.

When fighting, we are afraid that the commander will lose his mind.

Li Lingrui is the commander-in-chief, and any decision he makes will affect thousands of party soldiers.

"By the way, is there any reply from the capital?" Li Lingrui asked again: "What happened to Jin Feng and the Dongman people in Yuguan City? Did Jin Feng come up with any new weapons?"

Li Lingrui has carefully studied various information about Jin Feng, especially the battles that Jin Feng commanded, which are the focus of Li Lingrui's research.

From the large-scale battles such as Qingshui Valley and Damanang Slope to the small bandit suppression operations he commanded at the beginning of his rise, Li Lingrui has carefully studied all the data he can collect, hoping to find out the habits and rules of Jin Feng's military use from these data.


After research, Li Lingrui discovered that Jin Feng's military use could be said to be unorganized, not even like a general at all, but like an amateur.

However, Jin Feng won every time, and almost every time he defeated more with less.

Through analysis and summary, Li Lingrui discovered that the secret of Jin Feng's victory was not how brilliant his military skills were, but that Jin Feng could use different weapons in every battle.

During the Qingshui Valley, Jin Feng created a horse trap, heavy crossbows, and catapults, catching the Southern Expeditionary Army by surprise.

In the battle at Damanangpo, Jin Feng came up with black armor and grenades.

Most of the Tibetan soldiers were superstitious. When they saw grenades and flash bombs, many Tibetan soldiers thought that these were weapons from the gods and a punishment from the gods!

When the Eastern Barbarians approached the city, they happened to bump into Jin Feng's hot air balloon.

The combination of hot air balloons and grenades was a perfect match, and they directly blinded the Eastern Barbarians. Tens of thousands of cavalry were eliminated by Zhang Liang's thousands of men.

Later, the Dakang dignitaries used a trick to make Jin Feng live in the East China Sea. Gada personally led the troops to raid Xichuan. Mr. Feng gathered the army and bandits to attack Jinchuan, and also blew up Jin Feng's ammunition depot and hot air balloon warehouse in advance. 81Zw.???


At this critical juncture, Jin Feng was rescued in the East China Sea.

Then Jin Feng created a steam engine and an airship, which not only broke through the blockade of King Wu and King Chu, but also caught Mr. Feng off guard!

Mr. Feng and Gada were both killed in this battle. Tubo, which had finally stabilized, fell into a melee again, and now it is still bloody and bloody!

This was not only true for several large-scale wars, but also for several anti-bandit wars commanded by Jin Feng at the beginning of his rise. Almost all of them relied on weapon superiority.

With these advantages, Jin Feng was able to use his troops as he pleased without any rules, and he won so many unwinnable wars.

Therefore, Li Lingrui was very concerned about the battle that had just occurred in Yuguan City. He sent people to the capital many times to urge his emperor brother to contact the Eastern Barbarians. No matter what the cost, he must ask what happened in Yuguan City.

He even asked the person in charge of intelligence to arrange for a secret agent to take the carrier pigeon to Yuguan City in person to find out whether Jin Feng had used new weapons in Yuguan City!

This chapter has been completed!
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