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Chapter 1234 Consent Request

Dangxiang has a morning court every five days. Normally, civil and military officials do not need to go to the morning court every day. Only important officials such as the Privy Council need to go to the imperial city for work every day.

This morning happened to catch up with the early morning court, but due to the absence of the emperor, the prime minister, the Minister of War and the Minister of Household Affairs, the morning court that was supposed to start at 2:00 o'clock did not start until chen o'clock.

When Li Jishan was in power, he would sometimes cancel his morning pilgrimage if he felt it was too cold and was too lazy to get up.

However, Li Lingxuan's foundation is not stable and he has been very diligent since he came to the throne. This is the first time that this has happened.

It has been too cold recently. If Li Lingxuan was sick or too lazy to get up, the civil and military officials would not care too much. However, Li Lingxuan called away the prime minister, the Minister of War and the Minister of Household Affairs, and did not notify the cancellation of the morning court. Obviously something important happened.

Dangxiang has been involved in two major events recently, the first is the cold disaster, and the second is the southern expedition.

There are no fools among the civil and military officials who can stand in the court. The cold disaster is a natural disaster, and it is useless for the emperor to call the Minister of War. Therefore, most officials have guessed that this incident is most likely related to the Southern Expedition.

But they couldn't guess whether the Southern Expedition had made progress or suffered setbacks.

Most party officials prefer the former.

Because in order to persuade the civil and military officials to agree to the southern expedition, Li Lingxuan had vigorously advocated his own side's strength and Jin Feng's current predicament in the court.

Coupled with the weak image left by Dakang's army to party officials in the past few years, most party officials believe that Jin Feng is now surrounded by enemies on all sides, and without airships and hot air balloons, it is absolutely impossible to face the party's hundreds of thousands of troops.

Broken with one blow!

According to time calculation, the Southern Expedition should also begin.

Therefore, many party officials believed that the Southern Expedition had already won. Li Lingxuan called the three prime ministers in to discuss how to divide the fruits of victory!

Who in the world today doesn’t know that Jin Feng is rich? Many party officials have begun to make silent calculations, hoping to secure more benefits for themselves later!

The civil and military officials waited from Mao hour until Chen hour, and then the emperor finally came out from behind with the three prime ministers.

The civil and military officials immediately cheered up and bowed to the emperor. At the same time, they were mentally prepared for a verbal battle. However, they found that the faces of the emperor and the prime minister were very ugly.

When the civil and military officials stood up, the prime minister, at Li Lingxuan's signal, announced the news that the Heiyun tribe and the transport team had been robbed.

For a moment, the Dangxiang court became silent.

Everyone is stupid!

This is completely different from what they imagined!

Those dignitaries whose families had children serving in the Zuolang Guard frowned even more.

People have selfish motives. They send their children to the army, saying it is for training, but in fact it is also to make their resume look good.

The fact that Zuo Langwei could become a catapult transport team was what these powerful officials fought hard for.

In their view, this Southern Expedition was certain to win. The transport team did not have to go to the battlefield, but actually participated in the battle, which added a lot of color to their resume. Why not?

Many powerful officials spent a lot of effort to send their children to Zuowangwei before the transportation team set off!

Unexpectedly, the transport team was ambushed by the escort.

"This is the situation. Your Majesty hopes that everyone can brainstorm and tell us what to do?"

After the prime minister finished speaking, he turned sideways and returned to his position.

Then the silent court hall immediately became bustling with people.

Civil and military officials spoke to each other. Some asked for the reason, some blamed Li Lingrui for his poor command, and some even directly blamed Li Lingxuan for not listening to the slanderous words of the Eastern Barbarian envoys and hastily launching the southern expedition!

In the end, the chief eunuch came forward to beat the gong and stopped the noise of the civil and military officials.

Normally, the morning dynasty ends at around 12:00, but this morning dynasty lasted until noon. It was not until many elderly officials could no longer hold on anymore that it finally ended.

After a whole morning of quarreling, the proposal of the Minister of War was finally adopted - agreeing to Jin Feng's request for a hostage exchange.

Of course, some ministers suggested attacking the Scorpion Slope where the prisoners were held, or abandoning the Left Wolf Guard and directly launching a general attack on Jin Feng, but in the end they were rejected by Li Lingxuan.

In fact, Li Lingxuan also thought about doing this last night, but finally gave up the idea.

Because the terrain of Scorpion Slope is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the second company of muskets held the pass, making it difficult for the party members to attack.

Even if they sacrificed their lives and finally stormed in, the Second Musket Company would still have enough time to execute the prisoners in the process.

There are too many powerful children in Zuo Langwei. If Li Lingxuan does this, even if he wins the Southern Expedition, the Dangxiang court will probably fall into chaos after the war is over.

After the morning court, Li Lingxuan returned to the harem with a tired look, as if he had fought a battle, and sat behind the table in a daze.

To this day, he still doesn't know whether his decision was right.

But the order has been conveyed, and now the messengers have left the city. Regardless of whether it is correct or not, Li Lingxuan has to accept it.

The weather was getting cold now, and the powerful ministers were worried that the captured children would freeze to death in the hands of the bodyguards, so the order this time was still an emergency military order. It took only two days to reach the Southern Expedition Camp from the royal city.

In fact, Li Lingrui had already guessed the outcome. After receiving the order, he immediately sent an envoy to the Shu army camp.

"Sir, the party members sent an envoy, and they agreed to exchange hostages!"

Even the calm Zhang Liang couldn't help but get excited at this time.

He was the one who set up the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau. He was the one who was most anxious after the escort master and the chamber of commerce clerk were captured by Dang Xiang.

However, Zhang Liang tried various methods and even sent people to sneak into Dangxiang to try to rescue him, but in the end he was unsuccessful.

Originally he was ready to give up, but who knew that Jin Feng came over and easily solved this problem while ambushing the catapult and heavy crossbow!

Jin Feng was relieved when he heard this, but the expression on his face was very calm. He nodded slightly and asked, "How long will it take for Dangxiang to send people there?"

"Lao Zhang and the others are being held in Baiqiu Mountain. It should take more than a month to deliver them!" Zhang Liang replied.

Baiqiu Mountain is located in the middle of Dangxiang, about five hundred miles away from Xizhou. The bodyguards and chamber of commerce guys are all concentrated here.

The distance of five hundred miles is neither far nor close.

The reason why the Dangxiang people chose Baiqiu Mountain was because they wanted Jin Feng to send people to rescue them. However, Jin Feng was not fooled and instead forced the Dangxiang people to send the people there themselves. 81Zw.????m

Every time he thinks of this, Li Lingrui feels angry, but there is nothing he can do about it.

"One month is too long," Jin Feng thought for a moment and said, "Tell the Second Company to hang up the Zuolangwei men and release our brothers when they are sent to them!

Also inform Li Lingrui that we have to send people to follow them all the way. If they starve to death and freeze to death on the way, I will kill the two left wolf guards!"

This chapter has been completed!
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