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Chapter 1262 Conscription Order

A thousand-mile horse always exists, but a bole does not always exist.

Everyone has their own talents, but some people's talents are never discovered throughout their lives.

For example, some people may be naturally suited to shooting, but they have never been exposed to a crossbow in their entire life, so they cannot discover their shooting talent.

Some people are lucky and their talents are discovered and used in the right place.

Take Han Feng, for example. Before he met Jin Feng, he was just an ordinary hunter in Jinchuan County, and he was a hunter with very average skills. It was not until he took over the Zhong Ming team that Han Feng's talent was finally discovered.

Although there are still many problems in the Zhongming Group, it is not easy for an intelligence organization that is almost entirely composed of idiots and has been established for less than two years to achieve what it is today.

Han Feng should be the main contributor to the Zhong Ming Group’s current scale.

Fan Haizhou had just rushed back to Pingjiang County when Han Feng's local spies had already sent back the information.

According to the secret agent's report, Fan Haizhou immediately summoned troops and horses, gathered food and fodder, and prepared for the expedition after returning.

When the Ninth Princess heard the news, the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

She was really worried that Fan Haizhou would cause some trouble at this juncture.

Fortunately, judging from the information sent back by the secret agent, Fan Haizhou showed no signs of alienation.

But even so, the Ninth Princess still felt uneasy. After several days of weighing, she decided to restart the conscription order in Guangyuan.

In the past, whether it was the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau or the Zhenyuan Army recruitment, people signed up voluntarily. This is the first time since Jin Feng took control of Sichuan and Shu that he took the initiative to launch recruitment.

The Ninth Princess knew that Jin Feng would definitely blame her for doing this when he came back, but she had no other choice.

A few days ago, the Ninth Princess activated some hidden stakes left when she first took power in the capital, and she has received some feedback one after another in the past few days.

Although the information collected in a hurry was not comprehensive, through this information, the Ninth Princess still deduced that the King of Qin was mobilizing troops on a large scale within the territory.

Judging from the information currently available to the Ninth Princess, the number of soldiers and horses assembled by Dang Xiang's southern expeditionary army and the King of Qin has exceeded 500,000!

Jin Feng only had tens of thousands of people at his disposal. Even if Fan Haizhou brought all the Fan family troops to support him, he would still be far behind the enemy.

Even though Jin Feng had been recruiting militiamen before, the results were not very satisfactory. After the initial wave of outbreaks, there were not very many active applicants.

With the addition of these militiamen, there is still not enough manpower.

What's more, the Ninth Princess also got news that not only Dangxiang and the King of Qin were making trouble, but the King of Wu, King Xiang, and King Jin were also not idle, and they were all gathering troops.

Only the King of Chu, who had no geographical contact with Jin Feng, calmed down a little, but there were also some troop movements.

But the Ninth Princess did not relax her vigilance towards King Chu because of this, because she knew that if Sichuan and Shu were exposed to defeat, King Chu would never let go of the opportunity to divide the interests.

Under this situation, the Ninth Princess no longer cared about whether Jin Feng would blame her in the future, she just wanted to save Jin Feng as soon as possible.

If Jin Feng didn't come back for a day, she wouldn't be able to feel at ease for a day.

Following the Ninth Princess's order, the whole Guangyuan started to move.

The first is Jinchuan Daily, which has recently accelerated its serialization speed.

According to Chen Wenyuan's plan, the battle report sent back by Jin Feng could still be serialized for half a month. However, after receiving the notification from the Ninth Princess, the serialization ended in just a few days, and then began to report the subsequent battle status to warm up the recruitment.

After this period of guidance, almost all the people in Sichuan and Shu were concerned about the war in the northwest. When they learned that Jin Feng and the Shu army were trapped, the people were extremely anxious.

Then the Jinchuan Daily published a conscription announcement, announcing that all people in Guangyuan, regardless of gender, as long as they were between the ages of sixteen and forty, must participate in the conscription selection. Once selected, they must join the army.

Those who escape the conscription without reason will all be punished as deserters and will be tried by the military court. Their family taxes will be tripled, and blood relatives of three generations cannot participate in any public office assessment!

Descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties value inheritance most, and almost all parents hope that their children will become dragons and phoenixes.

Once you escape the conscription, you will ruin the opportunity for your descendants to participate in public office for three generations. For many people, this is heavier than any punishment!

Therefore, even if there are people who are dissatisfied with the conscription, few dare to escape.

Of course, the Ninth Princess not only formulated punishment measures, but also formulated reward measures.

Those who actively sign up for military conscription within the specified time can avoid paying taxes for that year.

The Ninth Princess doesn’t care about these taxes anyway.

In addition, the announcement also announced some measures to deal with special situations.

For example, if there are elderly people in the family who have no one to support them, or if there are young children who have no one to support them, they can be temporarily exempted from military conscription. They can wait until the elderly people die or the children reach the age of sixteen before they can participate in the military conscription.

Or if the whole family is drafted, one person can be left to look after the house.

This can ensure that every household has at least one strong laborer to stay at home to take care of the elderly and children.

Since ancient times, the imperial court has recruited soldiers for wars, but the Ninth Princess was the first to recruit women, so she was inevitably attacked by many old scholars, saying that even if she was a hen, Sichen, she would harm the entire Dakang girl.


In fact, there were similar voices before, but Jin Feng received modern education and felt that the people should be allowed to express some different opinions, so even if those old scholars objected, Jin Feng didn't pay much attention.

But the Ninth Princess is not as good-tempered as Jin Feng. Bayi Chinese website

Before, with Jin Feng's pressure, the Ninth Princess could restrain herself, but now that Jin Feng is gone, the Ninth Princess is anxious again, and these old scholars come to complain. The Ninth Princess became angry at that time, and directly sent someone to arrest the old scholar who openly opposed the conscription order.

All the academics were arrested and charged with treason and sent to Caishikou to be paraded through the streets.

At this time, many old scholars immediately became frightened and hid one after another.

Of course, there are some hard-core people. Even if the Ninth Princess starts arresting people, they still remain opposed as before.

Regarding this, the Ninth Princess did not make things too difficult for them. She just sent people to arrest them, but did not hold a parade.

In short, the Ninth Princess used an iron-fist policy to recruit 150,000 young men in Guangyuan in just half a month.

The male population of the well-off people is withering away. Among the 150,000 young men, there are less than 40,000 men, and the rest are all female soldiers.

However, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army have had a large number of female soldiers since their establishment, and have rich experience in training female soldiers.

However, because most of the female soldiers were fighting in other places, Tang Dongdong and the female textile factory workers volunteered to participate in the training of new recruits.

The female workers in the textile factory are now the Second Women's Army. Under the guidance of the female workers, the first batch of recruits quickly entered the training state.

On the third day when the new recruits started training, Han Feng's spies came to report that Fan Haizhou and his Fan family troops had arrived at the Yushan Pier, and the first batch of Fan family troops had already taken a steamboat up the river.

This chapter has been completed!
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