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Chapter 1273 For a New Life

Under the pitch-black night, two scouts carefully advanced along the ravine.

Both of them were covered in black camouflage and moved very slowly, trying not to make any noise.

He walked carefully in the cold wind for most of the night, and did not return to the Shu army's defense line until dawn.

Monkey didn't sleep and had been waiting in a mine on the front line with Chen Fengzhi.

Seeing the two people, the monkey quickly asked: "How are the stones and bolts? Have you touched them clearly?"

According to Jin Feng's plan, this bombing is not only to kill Hai Dongqing, but after killing Hai Dongqing, it is best to immediately send a flying team to Wutou Mountain to bombard the enemy as much as possible.

Although the steam engines used on the airships were improved small machines, they were still heavy. Coupled with the presence of Hai Dongqing, there were only two steam engines in the Shu Army warehouse in Brass Gou, and the parts were only enough to assemble one.

Therefore, the implementation of this bombing plan can only be completed by hot air balloons with lower cost and greater quantity.

Hot air balloon flight relies on wind power. Before starting, the hot air balloon and related equipment must be sent upwind.

And after blowing up Hai Dongqing, the escort on the hot air balloon had to parachute.

Nowadays, the mountain road between Zhuzhuanggou and Wutou Mountain is full of enemy scouts, and parachuting escorts must avoid them to have a chance of survival.

The two scouts who just returned were responsible for detecting the enemy's scouts' movements.

"Report to the company commander, we figured it out!"

One of the scouts walked to the hand-drawn map next to him, picked up a pencil and began to mark the number of scouts and the rotation pattern of each place.

In order to find out these things, the two of them lay down in the rubble for two days and two nights.

After the two scouts left, four teams of scouts returned.

During breakfast, Monkey came to the combat command room with the information gathered by the scouts, and did not leave until mid-morning.

At noon, the plan officially started.

In an inconspicuous hillside position in the southern section of Brass Valley, there were three scouts standing straight in front of Jin Feng.

"You three, take care!"

Jin Feng took the initiative to salute the three scouts.

Following him, Zhang Liang, Zuo Feifei and other senior officials of the Shu army also saluted.

The three scouts returned the military salute, smiled at Jin Feng, and turned around to leave without hesitation.

Jin Feng looked at the backs of the three of them and couldn't help biting his lip.

The mission carried out by these three scouts this time is extremely dangerous. No matter whether they succeed or fail, they will have a narrow escape from death.

In the past, Jin Feng would have rejected this kind of task of actively sending one of his own people to die, but the appearance of Hai Dongqing changed many of Jin Feng's plans and also changed Jin Feng's thoughts.

Through the battles between Yuguan City and Xizhou, Jin Feng grew up a lot, and also made him truly understand that sacrifice is inevitable in war!

As a commander, in order to win and to let more people survive, sometimes he has to watch his own people die!

For example, this time, it can be said that these three scouts went to die, and it was Jin Feng's personal order.

Although before the operation, Monkey had told the three of them the dangers of the operation, and the three of them volunteered to carry out the mission, Jin Feng still felt uncomfortable.

But he forced himself to accept it!

So Jin Feng did not avoid it, but personally brought people to see the three of them off!

He wants to remember the powerlessness he feels now, and also reminds himself that he must do his best to avoid similar situations in the future!

The three-person reconnaissance team quietly sneaked into the south under the cover of rocks.

However, after advancing for more than three miles, the reconnaissance team ran into a group of Qin Wang's army scouts in the canyon.

The King of Qin's scouts didn't say anything, and took advantage of the large number of people to launch an attack. The scouts had already reached the middle of the canyon, and it was too late to run away, so they had to fight.

Although there are only three scouts, they have muskets!

In this canyon terrain, three muskets fired side by side, and the iron sand could almost cover the entire canyon, leaving the enemy with nowhere to escape.

After three gunshots, most of the enemy scouts were killed directly, and the remaining few were all hit by iron sand and lost their combat effectiveness.

But these three gunshots also completely exposed the scout's position.

The surrounding Qin King's scouts immediately rushed towards the canyon.

This position was far beyond the strike range of catapults and heavy crossbows, so the scouts could only fire sounding arrows to ask for help.

On the position in the southern section of Brass Valley, Chen Fengzhi had already been prepared. When he saw the sound of arrows, he immediately led Tiehu Camp to kill them.

The King of Qin's scouts had been ambushed by Tiehu Camp several times before and had already been prepared. As soon as they saw Tiehu Camp dispatching, the soldiers of the King of Qin who were ambushing in the dark immediately set off and rushed towards the canyon.

For a time, the small canyon became a local battlefield, and both sides continued to gather forces there to reinforce their own side.

When all the enemy's eyes were attracted to the canyon battlefield, another scout team set off quietly under the watch of Jin Feng, Zhang Liang and others.

The three scouts before were just decoys, and this team was the real executor of the bombing plan.

Each of them carried a huge package on their backs, and while the enemy scouts were gathering towards the canyon, they quickly passed through it.

The enemy scouts were mainly concentrated on the outskirts of Zhuangzhuang Valley and near Wutou Mountain. After passing through the blockade at the southern end of Zhuangzhuang Valley, the team immediately accelerated and successfully arrived at a cave four miles north of Wutou Mountain in the middle of the afternoon.

This is a place that Monkey and the others have scouted a long time ago, and it is also one of the backup locations where Monkey came to inquire about Wutou Mountain last time.

After the scouts arrived at the cave, they did not take action immediately. Instead, they arranged for people to lurk on the top of the mountain to guard. After confirming that the surroundings were safe, the escorts at the bottom of the mountain began to assemble the hot air balloon.

These scouts have been strictly trained and the assembly speed is very fast. In less than ten minutes, the two hot air balloons were assembled.

"I wish you all a great success!"

While other scouts were inflating the hot air balloon, the squad leader solemnly saluted the four scouts carrying parachutes!

According to the plan, after the hot air balloon takes off, the others can retreat, and the remaining tasks are completed by the four scouts carrying parachutes in front of them.

The four of them are more dangerous than the three people who were responsible for acting as bait before! Bayi Chinese website

The place where the three people were operating before was very close to Zhuzhuanggou, and Tiehuying could rescue them in time.

In fact, the local battle in the canyon has ended, and two of the three scouts survived.

But this is the enemy's hinterland. Even if they succeed in killing Hai Dongqing, it will be difficult to escape the enemy's pursuit!

"For a new life!"

The four scouts returned the military salute and then walked towards the parachute without hesitation.

A moment later, two parachutes took off one after another, flying towards Wutou Mountain over a hundred meters apart!

This chapter has been completed!
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