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Chapter 1290 Someone in the Snow

With a dedicated assembly line, the production efficiency of explosive arrows has been greatly improved. Although it is not enough for three heavy crossbows to be used casually, it can ensure that one can be fired every few minutes.

Once a wooden shield is blown open, the heavy crossbow will immediately follow the blasted hole and shoot inside.

But the party members soon discovered this pattern. When the shield was blown up, they would immediately dodge behind the shields on both sides.

And Li Lingrui also received the report, mobilized a large number of carts from the rear, made more shields, and arranged two layers of shields.

In this way, even if the first layer of the shield is blown up, no one will be hurt, and then people can be sent to replace the shield.

When Zhang Liang saw it, he ordered people to continue burning the mountain, built another platform, and added a heavy crossbow on both sides.

Both sides use their own methods to fight back and forth.

As a result, the party's speed of erecting walls has slowed down, but it has never stopped.

The height and length of the stone wall are also slowly increasing, approaching the hills on both sides of the brass ditch.

Everyone knows that the moment the stone wall meets the hill is when the decisive battle breaks out!

According to the custom of the Central Plains, today is New Year's Eve, but the war did not stop, but became more and more intense.

In a ravine more than a hundred miles away from Brass Valley, Tang Fei led a company of escorts and trekked northward in the wind and snow.

They all carried huge white packages and wore white ponchos.

"Battal Commander, the snow ahead is so heavy that it has buried the path."

A scout who was responsible for exploring the road ahead came back to report.

After achieving first-class personal merit, Tang Fei was recently promoted to battalion commander and was responsible for establishing the second reconnaissance battalion.

However, due to the recent frequent fighting in Jinchuan, he really could not recruit elite soldiers. Tang Fei's recruitment requirements were as strict as those of Monkey's First Reconnaissance Battalion, so it was only now that the Second Reconnaissance Battalion was established that he had recruited one company of escorts.

The Second Reconnaissance Battalion had been at Dasanguan before, and this time the task of transporting hot air balloons to Brass Gou fell to them.

The packages behind them contained hot air balloon balloons.

In order to prevent being discovered by the enemy, they did not take the official road, but chose a remote path to advance.

"Is there a suitable place to rest out front?" Tang Fei asked.

"There is a mountain col where you can take shelter from the wind." the escort replied.

"Tell the first platoon leader to take the first and second squads to clear the road, and the rest of the team will go have something to eat and rest!"

There have been several heavy snowfalls in recent days. The snow in some places in the mountains is deeper than people. The roads in the past are all covered with snow. If you are not careful, you will slip down, so Tang Fei and the others are traveling very slowly.

The first platoon does not carry a ball bag, and their mission is to deal with possible battles and explore the path ahead.

Although they didn't carry anything on their backs, the escorts in the row might be more tired than others.

For example, now, everyone else can rest, but they need to clear the snow. After the road is cleared and the large group sets off, they have to follow.

Fortunately, the escorts were all born into poor families and have experienced hardship, so no one complained and everyone worked hard.

In order to send the hot air balloon there as quickly as possible, they not only had to travel during the day, but also had to walk until midnight under the snow before resting at night.

At this time, the effect of carrying heavy loads every day will be reflected.

If the escorts hadn't insisted on exercising every day and had them carry such a heavy thing for several days, most people would have collapsed from exhaustion.

Under the leadership of Tang Fei, the second reconnaissance battalion came to a mountain col.

This mountain col is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the peaks on the back protrude two to three meters forward. There is no snow or wind in the mountain col, making it an ideal camping site.

In recent days, the Second Reconnaissance Battalion slept in the snow nest almost every day, and in order to prevent being discovered by the enemy, they did not dare to light a fire.

Although they were protected by raincoats, at night, they still felt the cold penetrated into their bones.

This mountain col was the most suitable place for camping that they had encountered since their departure. Tang Fei even wanted to order everyone to stay here for one night.

But when he looked up and saw that it was still early, Tang Fei gave up the idea and said, "Everyone, hurry up and rest. We will set off in half an hour. We have to drive another twenty miles today and rest at position 17!"

"Yes!" the escorts replied, taking off their packages and slumping on the ground.

Many people even took off their boots and rubbed their feet with a happy look on their faces.

A strong smell of smelly feet suddenly filled the col.

Their boots are all made of cowhide. Although they are waterproof, they are not breathable at all. After traveling for several days, many people's boots are sweaty.

"It would be great if we could make a fire to warm our feet at this time!"

An escort couldn't help but said.

This young escort was only fifteen years old. After walking for several days in a row, the soles of his feet were worn out.

"Just be patient, we've already walked more than half of the way, and we'll reach Brass Valley in a few days. I'll let you have a good rest then!"

An older escort rubbed the young escort's head: "We can't light a fire, otherwise it will be bad if the enemy finds out!"

"Uncle Da, I understand." The young escort smiled and said, "I just said it casually."

"Here, eat some steamed buns." The middle-aged escort took out a steamed bun from his arms: "I put it in my arms and covered it, and it's still warm!"

"Thank you, Uncle Da!" The young escort took the steamed bun and took a bite, then spit it out: "Uncle Da, did you touch your feet just now?"

All the escorts around laughed.

The middle-aged bodyguard smelled his hands and felt a little embarrassed. He walked aside and grabbed a handful of snow and washed his hands. Then he took the steamed bun from the young man's hand and handed another one over: "You eat this.


After saying that, the middle-aged bodyguard knelt down, picked up a mouthful of steamed buns that the young man had just spat out, and stuffed it into his mouth without caring.

"Uncle Da, you're all dirty." The young escort frowned.

"Yazi, what's so dirty about this?" Uncle Da said indifferently: "Have you forgotten what kind of life we ​​lived in the past few years? At that time, let alone white-flour steamed buns, even if someone gave me a mouthful of multigrain porridge, I would drink it.

I wish I could kowtow to others."

The laughter of the surrounding escorts stopped, and the young escort also lowered his head in shame.

Although he is only a teenager, he is also a person who has endured hardships. His father died on the battlefield a few years ago, and his mother took care of him and his two younger siblings. There was a time when he was so hungry that he could not walk.

When I see the table legs, I want to take a bite. www.八一zw.????m

If my mother hadn't found a job in a textile factory later, many people in their family would have starved to death.

As a result, now he dislikes the smell of white flour buns.

The young escort was about to speak when he suddenly saw someone standing up in the snow not far away!

This chapter has been completed!
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