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Chapter 1293 Anti-tracking

After arranging for a platoon leader to lead people to stay behind, Tang Fei walked out of the col alone.

"Battal Commander, you'd better bring a few brothers with you so that if anything happens along the way, you'll have someone to take care of you."

The platoon leader said worriedly.

"No, you need more people here."

Tang Fei shook his head and walked into the wind and snow carrying the small package.

He was originally a very good hunter. He joined the Zhenyuan Escort Agency for more than a year and received systematic training. Although he was still a little behind the monkeys, he was already one of the most outstanding scouts in the Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

Otherwise, he would not receive first-class personal merit, and Jin Feng would not hand over the Second Reconnaissance Battalion to him.

At this time, it is fastest for him to travel alone, and bringing others will be a burden.

The reconnaissance camp not only trains escorts in infiltration and reconnaissance, tracking and counter-tracking are also required training subjects.

Not long after Tang Fei left the mountain col, he noticed someone staring at him from behind.

But he did not panic, but pretended not to notice and continued on his way quickly.

On the mountain road more than a mile behind Tang Fei, two young men in white raincoats were following the footprints on the ground.

"Why is this Tang Fei running so fast?" The young man on the left complained: "The snow is so deep that he can't see the road clearly. Isn't he afraid of missing the mark and falling to his death?"

The snow in the mountains is very thick, many ravines have been filled with snow, and the mountain roads are completely covered with snow.

When you are on the road, it is indeed very dangerous if you miss the mark.

But Tang Fei hurried on very quickly, as if he wasn't worried at all.

This was very painful for the two dead soldiers following behind.

The main responsibility of the dead soldiers is to protect the powerful, and the powerful usually move around in the city, and almost no one will go into the mountains when they are idle.

Therefore, the training that most of the dead soldiers received since childhood was mainly about guarding and fighting. There were not many people who were good at assassination. Otherwise, there would not have been only two dead soldiers hiding in the mountain col to ambush.

The two people following Tang Fei were typical dead soldiers. They grew up in a deep house compound. Although they were highly skilled in martial arts, they had never received relevant training in jungle warfare.

Nowadays, the snow in the mountains does not reach the knees or even the thighs in many places. If they had not been strong, they might have been lost by now.

Although they could barely keep up now, they did not dare to walk randomly in the snow and could only follow Tang Fei's footsteps.

This is also the reason why Tang Fei discovered them.

This tracking technology is so poor.

In fact, there is nothing the two dead soldiers can do.

It's not that they don't know how to track, but they are afraid of falling into the air and falling to their death.

"Just say a few words if it's okay," the young man on the right frowned and said, "It's already very risky for us to follow you like this. If Tang Fei hears us talking again, we will be really exposed!"

"Brother, we are more than a mile away from Tang Fei, and he is upwind and wears a thick hat. It's weird that he can hear us!"

The soldier on the left rubbed his ears and said, "If I had known it was so cold in the mountains, I would have prepared a hat." Bayi Chinese Website

It was already cold in the mountains, but there was a strong wind in the past two days, and their ears were frozen to death.

"Just be content. The two of us only need to follow one Tang Fei. If we are assigned to the southern team, we will be unlucky." The dead man on the right said.

In fact, there were four groups of dead soldiers lying in ambush near the mountain col.

The first group was the two people who lurked directly in the mountain col and burned the hot air balloon.

They were the second group, responsible for tracking and dealing with the escorts who went to Zhuzhuanggou to report the news.

The mission of the third group is similar to theirs, and is responsible for dealing with those who returned to Dashan Pass to report the news.

The fourth group continued to ambush near the mountain col, looking for opportunities to kill the escorts who remained in the mountain col.

Tang Fei was the only one who went north to report the news to Zhuzhuang Gou, while the same team went to Dashan Pass to report the news.

Moreover, the wind has been northerly recently. They followed from the south and were located downwind. Even if they occasionally spoke, Tang Fei would not hear them. Compared to the southern team, it was indeed much easier for them.

When the dead man on the left heard what his companion said, he felt much better, and then asked: "Brother, when will we kill Tang Fei?"

"Tang Fei has just set out now, so he is more cautious. It is too low to be sure now." The dead man on the right said: "Tang Fei grew up in the mountains and is very familiar with the mountains and forests. If he escapes, we may not be able to kill him again."

It’s easier.”

"It makes sense," the dead man on the left nodded: "Then let's follow him for a while and wait until he goes to sleep at night before taking action!"

The dead man on the right nodded, and just as he was about to speak, a strong wind blew up in the mountains, blowing a lot of snow off the rocks above their heads. They were so fascinated that they couldn't open their eyes, and they quickly covered their faces with their arms.

The strong wind lasted for about a minute or two and then ended.

"This damn evil wind has blown the snow up to my neck!"

The soldier on the left complained while cleaning the fallen snow from his neck and hair.

But as soon as he finished complaining, he heard the dead man on the right scolding: "Stop talking, Tang Fei is missing!"

Upon hearing this, the dead soldier on the left quickly raised his head and looked forward.

Tang Fei, who had been walking a few hundred meters ahead, now had no shadow at all.

"Brother, won't this guy find us?" the dead man on the left asked with a frown.

"It's possible!" The face of the dead man on the right became serious: "There is not even a forest in the barren mountains here, and we are following so close, it is easy to be discovered."

"Then what should we do?" the dead man on the left asked.

"There is no other way, we must kill Tang Fei, otherwise we won't be able to explain to Mr. Su when we go back!"

The dead man on the right said coldly.

The powerful not only cultivate dead soldiers, but also cultivate counselors.

The dead warrior is the executor, while the counselor is the planner and commander.

The person who planned this event and directed the event was a counselor named Su.

However, the counselor was weak, so Mr. Su stayed in a cave near the mountain col to take command.

This Mr. Su was highly regarded by the King of Qin and had the power of life and death.

Before leaving, Mr. Su asked the two of them to take Tang Fei's head back with them.

If they let Tang Fei run away, Mr. Su might take their heads back.

So the dead soldier on the right was a little anxious, so he quickened his pace and rushed forward.

"Brother, didn't you just say to follow him first, and then wait until he goes to sleep at night before taking action?" the dead man on the left asked as he ran to keep up.

"We've all been discovered, and we're still following him!" said the dead man on the right: "I don't believe Tang Fei can run faster than us, so I'll catch him and chop him down!"

"You said so earlier, why are we following him so far?" The soldier on the left rubbed his palms: "Kill him earlier, so we don't have to go back so far."

"What do you know? This place is so close to the mountain col. What should we do if we alert other bodyguards?"

The dead soldier on the right snorted coldly, speeded up again, and chased after Tang Fei's footprints.

This chapter has been completed!
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