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Chapter 1299 No longer a slogan

The third scout was now less than three meters away from the stone wall and heard the shouts above his head.

The z-shaped route can avoid the shooting of the sharp archer, but it cannot avoid the volley.

The third scout knew very well that he could not go back alive, so he did not untie the explosive package at all, but pulled the fuse of the explosive package with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, a salvo fired from overhead.

The scout was directly enveloped by the rain of arrows. His head and shoulders were hit by many arrows, and he fell to the ground with a plop!

However, relying on the inertia of the previous run, the scout's body still slid forward for more than two meters, almost leaning against the stone wall before stopping.

A few seconds later, the explosive bag carried by the scout exploded!


A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the entire stone wall shook slightly!

However, because it did not reach the predetermined blasting point, the explosive package did not explode close to the stone wall. The stone wall was not blown down. It was just shaken, shaking off some unstable gravel, and did not cause any damage to the main body of the stone wall.

Too much damage.

However, this explosion also bought some time for the last scout.

After the explosion, the party soldiers on the stone wall were so frightened that they squatted down to avoid the flames and shock waves. Even the sight of the sharp archer was blocked by the explosion's flames!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the last scout immediately gave up the z-shaped route and switched to running in a straight line, speeding up and charging forward.

But when passing the second scout, the last scout slowed down.

At this time, the second scout had not yet died, but because both palms were nailed to the frozen ground, he was completely unable to move.

Seeing his comrades in such pain, the last scout stopped, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and squatted next to the second scout.

"Sanlinzi, don't hate me!"

"Old Zhang, stop nagging, give me a good time, go and blow up this damn stone wall and avenge me!"

The second scout turned his head and said with a grin: "If you don't give me a good time and let me be nailed here to look like a monkey to them, I will hate you!"

"Brother, let's go!"

The last scout choked and slashed his comrade's neck with a dagger.

Then he didn't have time to wipe away his tears, took off the explosive bag from his waist, and continued to rush towards the stone wall.

When the party members lay down on the stone wall again and looked down, the last scout had already stuffed the explosive package into a gap in the stone wall.

This gap is not the best blasting point given by the hammer, or even an alternative blasting point.

But the scout has no choice and no time. He can only stuff the explosive package here!

"Long live the new world!"

"Mr. Jin, take good care of my mother!"

The scout shouted slogans and looked back at the Brass Trench.

Then he looked up at the top of the stone wall and shouted with a ferocious face: "You party barbarians, please die for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the explosive pack exploded!

Although it is not the best blasting point, it is still stuffed into the stone wall.

This section of the stone wall was pushed upwards for a moment, and then rocks flew away. The stone wall began to collapse and slide down like quicksand!

The party soldiers who were standing on the edge of the stone wall and shooting arrows all rolled down together with the stone.

Most of the soldiers were stoned to death before they could even roll down!

And the collapse continues to spread to both sides!

The sharpshooter and the intelligence chief were located a little far away from the explosion point, so they narrowly escaped death.

Realizing that the collapse was coming towards him, the sharp archer grabbed the person in charge of intelligence and ran towards the slope road.

As soon as they ran onto the slope, the place where they were standing collapsed!

The collapse lasted for several minutes before stopping.

The stone wall that the party members had built with great difficulty was also blown down by dozens of meters.

There is also a lot of looseness in the remaining areas and needs to be re-stabilized.

"Damn Jin Feng!"

The person in charge of intelligence felt scared and a little worried.

Li Lingrui had been urging the progress of the stone wall, but he saw that the stone wall was almost approaching the Brass Trench, and a long section of it was blown down.

In addition to those areas that need to be re-stabilized, I'm afraid it will delay the progress for several days.

Li Lingrui will definitely scold her if she finds out.

As the highest-ranking official at Stonewall, the head of intelligence was the first to bear the brunt.

In the middle of the night, why don't you just sleep well in the tent with your soft maid in your arms? Why do you have to run to the stone wall to join in the fun?

Not only did the cold wind make my brain hurt, but I was almost killed by a bomb, and now I have to get scolded when I go back!

The intelligence chief regretted coming to Stonewall.

But there's no point regretting it now.

The intelligence chief cursed his bad luck in his heart, then ran down the slope to report the situation to Li Lingrui.

Everyone on the fortifications of Bronze Ditch was silent.

They all witnessed two explosions and faintly heard the shout of the last scout.

"For a new world!"

"Brother! Let's go!"

Zhang Liang shouted loudly, raised one arm, and saluted the north with a military salute!

"For a new world!"

"Brother! Let's go!"

Behind Zhang Liang, Da Zhuang, Monkey, Zuo Feifei and others also saluted.

Then came Chen Fengzhi, Qing Mulan... and the other Shu soldiers behind them.

Even Amei, who had always been indifferent, imitated Zhang Liang's example and raised her arms.

Among all the people, only Jin Feng did not salute.

Jin Feng looked at the location where the explosion occurred and was filled with emotions.

For the new world!81Zw.????m

This is just a slogan that Jin Feng thought of in order to boost his morale.

It wasn't until the last scout shouted this sentence that Jin Feng realized that this sentence was no longer just a slogan.

With the continuous publicity of Jinchuan Daily and instructors, "For the New World" has gradually become the belief of many Shu soldiers!

If they had not experienced the New Deal introduced by Jin Feng and Ninth Princess, they might have been able to continue to struggle to survive under various exorbitant taxes and exploitation by bandits.

But after experiencing Jin Feng and Ninth Princess's new policy, they realized that life could still be so beautiful.

There are no bandits, there are no various exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, and the government also runs a newspaper to tell them what is happening thousands of miles away every day.

Jinchuan Daily also said that Mr. Jin is already preparing to open a new school. In the future, all children can go to the school for free. As long as they work hard, no matter whose child they are, they will have the opportunity to become an official in the future!

Since the rise of Jin Feng, the policy of working-for-relief and light corvee and low taxes has been implemented in Sichuan and Shu, which has formed a strong influence among the people.

The New Deal not only alleviated the people's survival pressure, but also made them feel respected.

It turns out that these "untouchables" will be valued and can live a dignified life!

If they have not experienced warmth, they may still be able to endure the cold.

But they felt the warmth and respect, and they could never go back to the past.

I would rather die than do that.

Therefore, for the new world, it is no longer a slogan!

This chapter has been completed!
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