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Chapter 1319 The Line of Defense Retreats

Before Hai Dongqing appeared, the combination of airships, grenades, and kerosene tanks had always been the trump card combination for escorts.

The destructive power of grenades mainly relies on iron sand. If you are not exactly at the center of the explosion, you can block the iron sand by hiding behind a shield or bunker.

But it is difficult for a shield or bunker to block the flames after the oil altar breaks.

Moreover, kerosene jars are easy to make and are used as flight fuel for airships and hot air balloons, so the logistics team carries a very large amount of kerosene.

The first target of the dead soldiers is also these kerosene altars.

Zheng Fang naturally knew this, so he sent an additional regiment to protect the logistics group, and the number of escorts responsible for exploring the route also increased several times.

Before the army marches, not only will airships conduct reconnaissance in the sky to prevent large-scale ambushes, but the escorts who explore the road will also prick all the snow on the roadside with long spears to prevent anyone from hiding inside.

The counselors of King Qin soon discovered this, so they no longer sent large-scale soldiers for sneak attacks. Instead, they sent elite dead soldiers to hide in the snow dozens of meters away from the mountain road, hoping to use the speed of the dead soldiers to rush into the logistics.

Arson in the group.

It's a pity that the reinforcements are equipped with muskets.

No matter how fast a dead soldier is, he can't move faster than a bullet.

The dead soldiers' sneak attacks failed one after another, until the King of Qin sent someone to send a mini catapult.

The dead soldier hid dozens of meters away. When the logistics group passed by, the dead soldier used this mini catapult to throw a basket of kerosene into the logistics group's kerosene convoy.

By the time the hot air balloon was discovered in the sky, it was already too late.

The oil truck that was hit exploded directly!

Fortunately, the head of the logistics team was on guard. In order to prevent a series of explosions, he did not cluster the fuel trucks together, but dispersed them on their way. The blown up fuel trucks only affected the grain trucks in front and behind, not other fuel trucks.


The burning fuel trucks and grain trucks were quickly put out, and the soldiers who set the fire were also surrounded and killed by the bodyguards.

However, the reinforcement team also stopped and repaired for half an hour before getting back on the road.

The most terrible thing is that after the counselors of the King of Qin discovered that this method was effective, they used it repeatedly, making it difficult for the reinforcements to defend themselves.

Guan Xiaorou was so anxious that she jumped to her feet, but she had no choice but to order the airship to find the suspicious location and throw two grenades there first.

The reinforcements are not progressing smoothly here, and the situation in Brass Valley is even more dangerous.

On the second day after the general offensive began, the King of Qin sent a batch of heavy crossbows and catapults to Chen Anjie and Li Lingrui.

A small part of them were taken from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau before, and most of them were imitated by the craftsmen of King Qin.

Not to mention the part that was taken away, although key parts need to be replaced after a period of use, but before the parts are replaced, these heavy crossbow catapults are the same as those used by the Shu army, and they can completely attack the Shu army.

But what troubled Jin Feng the most was the catapult imitated by Qin craftsmen.

In fact, the principle of the catapult is very simple, and it is not difficult to imitate it.

Although the catapult imitated by Qin craftsmen was extremely large and heavy, difficult to assemble and move, and had a very slow rate of fire, its counterweight was more than twice that of the Shu army's catapult.

As the counterweight increases, so does the range and throw volume!

Jin Feng has always advocated the combat concept of "eliminating the enemy on the offensive path". In the past, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau had the advantage in range in battles, but now it is suddenly reversed.

The enemy's catapult range exceeds our own!

Fortunately, it was not too difficult to increase the counterweight. Jin Feng modified his catapult overnight and was able to barely stabilize his position.

But on this day, while attacking, the Southern Expeditionary Army began to build a wall again.

Now the northern end of Brass Valley has been filled with stones, and it has been approaching the Shu army's fortifications.

The advantages of the hills on both sides of the ravine have been lost because of the stone walls. If the stone walls are allowed to lean against the fortifications, the advantages of the fortifications will also be completely lost.

Moreover, behind the fortification is the Shu army camp. If the fortification is lost, party soldiers will rush in like a tsunami.

Jin Feng, Zhang Liang and others tried many methods but could not stop it, so they could only order the Shu army to build another fortification behind the first one.

On the day the second fortification was built, the first fortification fell and the Shu army had to retreat dozens of meters back to enter the second fortification.

But who knew that Li Lingrui did not stop, and the stone wall began to approach the second fortification again.

Jin Feng had no choice but to order the construction of a third line of fortifications.

In this way, every two or three days, the Shu army's fortifications need to be moved back dozens of meters, and the living space is also compressed by dozens of meters.

However, because so many Shu soldiers have died recently, the per capita living space in Brass Valley is constantly increasing.

In the past, when the soldiers rested at night, they had to squeeze together to sleep. Now the Datongpu has obviously become looser.81Zw.????m

Many soldiers who were sleeping on both sides yesterday will not be able to come back today.

And as the fighting continued, the beds became looser and looser.

On the twelfth day of the decisive battle, the Shu army had abandoned seven lines of defense and retreated several hundred meters back, leaving only a few hundred meters in the center.

But this is not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is the casualty rate and ammunition reserves.

There is no immortality in a war, especially a hand-to-hand combat that requires frontal bayonet fighting, and sacrifice is inevitable.

Although Jin Feng has been thinking of ways to preserve his strength, and even kept retreating his defense line, after so many days of fighting, the Shu army's casualties still exceeded 60%!

Even if the logistics regiment is included, the total number of people who can still fight in the Brass Valley is less than 20,000. The ammunition reserve has been consumed by more than 70% due to the previous indiscriminate bombing.

In the past, the clerk could encourage the soldiers of Shu with words such as "reinforcements are coming soon" and "reinforcements have brought many airships and hot air balloons", but after so many days, no sign of reinforcements was seen, let alone ordinary soldiers.

, even many junior officers began to doubt whether there were really reinforcements.

If it weren't for the fact that the front and rear roads were blocked and there was really no place to escape, the Shu army might have collapsed.

Although the Shu soldiers are still resisting, their morale is getting worse day by day.

Especially after discovering that the supply of grenades and kerosene began to be limited, morale dropped to rock bottom.

It happened that at this time, Chen Anjie in the south temporarily stopped the attack and asked people to shout outside the Shu army's fortifications, saying that King Qin's target was only Jin Feng, and that the Shu soldiers could leave now and forget about it!

Not only that, Chen Anjie really made way.

The Shu army in Zhongzhuanggou not only had old bodyguards, but also many new soldiers.

After so many days of continuous fighting and the death of so many comrades, the psychological defenses of many recruits have been almost broken.

Now suddenly there is a "way out". Although many people have guessed that this may be Chen Anjie's plan, many recruits are still tempted.

This chapter has been completed!
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