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Chapter 1336 The only accident

Maybe in the eyes of Zhang Liang, Han Feng and others, Jin Feng has finally matured and is no longer so idealistic, but as Jin Feng's pillow, Zuo Feifei can detect the difference between Jin Feng and before.

Jin Feng looked back at Zuo Feifei. He didn't pretend to be strong or express his sadness. He just smiled at Zuo Feifei to indicate that he was fine.

Some people may like this feeling of being able to control other people's life, death and destiny, but Jin Feng doesn't like it.

For example, this time, Jin Feng knew that he had to execute Dang Xiang's Nanzheng Army and Qin Wang's Army.

Because too many Shu troops died in this battle, he had to give an explanation to the surviving Shu soldiers and the families of the sacrificed soldiers.

Secondly, even after the bombing, the Southern Expeditionary Army and the King of Qin's Army still had too many soldiers alive. He did not have that many people to look after the prisoners. If he surrendered rashly, it would easily give the enemy a chance to mutiny, and it would probably get out of control.

Finally, he had to give the enemy a painful enough lesson to inflict pain on the party members and let them know that attacking Sichuan and Shu requires paying a price, otherwise they might continue to send people to the south.

Regardless of the considerations, Jin Feng knew that he had to make the decision to kill, but he still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, Jin Feng has only been in this world for two years.

Before coming here, Jin Feng was just an engineer who worked with machinery all day long. When he saw the leader, he didn't know how to get close to him.

To put it bluntly, he is a highly educated otaku.

But in the two years since he came here, Jin Feng was pushed by the situation to fight constantly. His status became higher and higher, his power became stronger, and he killed more and more people.

In two years, he personally ordered the execution of more people than he could remember.

This feeling is not pleasant.

But Jin Feng has no regrets. Victory without sacrifice is not a real victory.

This is the only way to achieve peace.

Gently patting Zuo Feifei's cheek, Jin Feng also walked out of the command room.

But instead of looking at the hot air balloon in the sky, he signaled the hammer to call Qinghuai.

"Sir, what are your orders?"

"Have you left anyone in the north?" Jin Feng asked.

"I kept them," Qinghuai nodded: "I left the three thousand most capable brothers in Black Rock Mountain."

When Jin Feng took over the Tielin Army in Qingshui Valley, there were only 3,000 people. Although it was later expanded, Qinghuai was very strict in the selection of soldiers based on his attitude of preferring shortage to excess. The Tielin Army only had more than 10,000 people at its maximum.


After continuous fighting and relocation, only about 7,000 people remain.

Qinghuai received orders in the north not only to come to support, but also to ambush in Black Rock Mountain. So after Qinghuai found the supplies, he divided the Tielin Army into three parts.

One part came as fast as possible in a hot air balloon to support Zhuangzigou, the second part came on foot, and the third part continued northward to Blackstone Mountain.

Among them, most of the 3,000 people in the third part were the original team of the Tielin Army, and they were also the 3,000 people who were the most capable of fighting.

"Sir, Dangxiang has been snowing heavily recently. Will he really send falcons over again?" Qinghuai asked.

"I don't know either, but it's better to be prepared." Jin Feng shook his head and said, turning to look north.

Looking north like him was Li Lingrui who had just come out of the cave.

At this time, the hot air balloon had flown over and was looking for a suitable wind layer at high altitude, so the bombing was temporarily stopped.

The party soldiers who were running around also stopped running and looked up at the sky with lingering fear.

Li Lingrui found that there were still many people, so he immediately ordered the guards to find a war drum and sounded the signal to assemble.

However, not many party soldiers came to assemble. When more party soldiers heard the sound of war drums, they just looked back, then turned and ran north.

The hot air balloon finally stopped bombing. Didn't they gather together again to find a target for the hot air balloon?

Moreover, in the bombing just now, the stone wall built by the party members was the key bombing target, and it has now been blown down.

How easy is it to build the base again?

It was better to take advantage of the fact that the hot air balloon stopped attacking and run for their lives. Otherwise, when the hot air balloon found a suitable wind layer and there was another round of bombing, they might not be able to escape with the same luck as before.

Therefore, when the vast majority of the party soldiers heard the sound of the gathering war drums, they ran faster. There were not even a thousand party soldiers who came to assemble.

"They are all a bunch of idiots. Do they think they can escape like this?"

Li Lingrui angrily kicked the corpse next to him: "Even if Jin Feng is a fool, he will leave an ambush in the north. The only way to survive now is to capture Jin Feng alive!"

In fact, Li Lingrui's idea is completely correct.

Although the Tielin Army came to support, there were not many of them, and they were still on the hot air balloon. If the Southern Expedition Army could gather together, it would not be difficult to rush up the mountainside and capture Jin Feng alive.

It is a pity that the morale of the Southern Expedition Army was completely shattered by the hot air balloon. They did not have Li Lingrui's level of thinking. Most of the soldiers of the Southern Expedition now only had the instinct of survival.

Li Lingrui raised his head and sighed, knowing that he had lost his last chance to turn defeat into victory.

The Southern Expedition was a complete failure!

His only hope now is that the reinforcements of falcons can arrive in time. In this case, they may still have a chance to return alive.

Dangxiang has experienced constant natural disasters in the past two years, and Li Lingxuan's status is also unstable. It can be said that it took all the national strength to gather hundreds of thousands of troops and launch the southern expedition.

If all the Southern Expeditionary Army died here, it would be a fatal blow to Dang Xiang and Li Lingxuan.

Although these soldiers betrayed him, Li Lingrui still hoped that they could go back more often.

It's a pity that Jin Feng didn't give him this opportunity.

At this time, a battle had broken out in Blackstone Mountain.

One side is a veteran of the Iron Forest Army, and the other is a party member of the Yulin Army.

The two sides participating in the battle were both three thousand people, all elites, and they all understood the importance of this battle, so they started fighting without saying a word after the encounter, and both used their full strength from the beginning.

The main task of the Royal Forest Army is to defend the imperial city. Each soldier is a master selected by each tribe. If it is really a fair one-on-one duel, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the Royal Forest Army is definitely stronger than that of the Iron Forest Army.

It's a pity that fighting is not a ring competition. There is never absolute fairness, only unscrupulous means.

The Imperial Guards had been trudging through the snow for dozens of days, and no matter how elite they were, every one of them was almost exhausted.

The Tielin Army, on the other hand, was waiting for work. Although it was discovered that the Imperial Forest Army had brought many falcons and they could not use hot air balloons and airships, they still held the Imperial Forest Army to the ground due to their advantage in terrain and weapons.

The battle lasted for more than an hour and ended.

Everything went as planned by Jin Feng. The only surprise was that at the final stage of the battle, the commander of the Royal Forest Army realized that the defeat was certain and ordered the cages to be opened and all the falcons released.

This chapter has been completed!
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