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Chapter 1342 Capture King Qin Alive

"Let's discuss it with Wuyang?"

Jin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Zuo Feifei meant.

Jin Feng's thoughts were mainly on the laboratory and he had forgotten Qinghuai, but the Ninth Princess's thoughts were all on government affairs and it was impossible for her to forget too.

But Jin Feng had never heard the Ninth Princess say that she wanted to promote Qing Huai.

Jin Feng didn't pay attention before, but now that he thinks about it, the Ninth Princess must have done it on purpose.

As for the reason, it's actually not difficult to guess.

Qing Xinyao is already the feudal official in charge of Xichuan, and Qinghuai's influence in Jinchuan and Zhenyuan Escorts is so great. If he is promoted, it will easily cause the Qing family to become too powerful.

Nishikawa Zhoumu and Tielin Army Commander are both important positions that hold real power and military power. Moreover, it is still the early stage of Jinfeng's establishment. As the power of Sichuan and Shu becomes stronger and stronger, and the territory becomes larger and larger, the power of the generals under their command also increases.

It will get bigger and bigger.81Zw.????m

If the Qing family has other ideas at that time, the consequences will be very serious and may even subvert the regime.

There are countless such cases in history.

Since ancient times, money has attracted people's hearts. Many people can kill people for just one tael of silver, not to mention the whole world.

After all, Jin Feng was still a man of science and engineering, so he didn't think too much about it, but the Ninth Princess was born in an imperial family, and she had heard and seen too many power struggles since she was a child.

So even though the Ninth Princess and the Qing brothers were cousins, the Ninth Princess didn't promote them much.

Jin Feng even suspected that the Ninth Princess was deliberately suppressing the Qing family.

Because since the Qing brothers surrendered, the Ninth Princess has not given them any big opportunities to make great achievements. Instead, they have been letting Jin Feng promote new generals.

Jin Feng didn't think about this before, but now that he thinks about it, the Ninth Princess's actions were actually weakening the Qing family's influence.

In fact, he could also understand the concerns of the Ninth Princess.

In the history of previous generations, it was not uncommon for the founding emperors to kill the founding heroes after pacifying the world, either to consolidate their imperial power or to pave the way for their descendants.

After Liu Bang succeeded to the throne, he massacred the heroes, and Zhu Yuanzhang burned down the celebration building... Even Li Shimin, who established Lingyan Pavilion, killed the founding general Li Junxian out of suspicion.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Kuangyin's cup of wine to release military power is considered mild.

It is better for the Ninth Princess to control the Qing brothers now than to kill them later when they become more powerful and ambitious.

Maybe the Qing family of Qinghuai Qingxinyao's generation will not rebel, but who can guarantee that their descendants will do the same?

He works all day just to be hungry, and when he is full, he thinks about clothes. He has acquired tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land, but he has no official position and is bullied by others. Yipin becomes the prime minister of the court, and he admires himself as king and emperor.

There is no end to human greed.

Jin Feng also didn't want to meet the Qing brothers or their descendants with swords one day.

So he nodded to Zuo Feifei and stopped mentioning the matter. He planned to have a frank talk with the Ninth Princess before making a decision.

Zhang Liang originally wanted to say something nice for Qing Huai, but seeing Jin Feng's behavior, he left with an excuse.

Jin Feng looked at Zhang Liang's back and sighed slightly.

Zhang Liang usually doesn't talk much, and he won't actively ask Jin Feng to promote anyone.

In fact, from Zhang Liang's point of view, it would be detrimental to him to bring Qing Huai up, but Jin Feng could feel that Zhang Liang was sincerely speaking for Qing Huai just now.

This may be a situation that only occurs in the early stages of starting a business. Now there is no scheming and intrigue, and everyone is just thinking about pacifying the world.

It would be good if the Ninth Princess could avoid brother-in-law killings in advance.

Leaving professional matters to professional people, Jin Feng shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He drank tea with Zuo Feifei for a while, then went into the small stone house to dump bullets.

Although the battle has ended, the follow-up cleanup work is far from over.

Not to mention anything else, the hundreds of thousands of corpses left behind by Dang Xiang's Southern Expedition and the King of Qin's army were a big problem.

It's winter now, so it's okay. If we leave it here alone, when the weather gets hot, there will definitely be a plague.

There were too many corpses of the Shu army, and it was unrealistic to bring them all back, so they had to find a place nearby to bury them.

So in the following days, Zhang Liang directed the reinforcements brought by Zheng Fang to find a mountainside next to Brass Valley and began to build a martyrs cemetery.

The Battle of Brass Valley not only affected Sichuan, Shu, Dangxiang, and King Qin, but also affected all the vassal kings and surrounding countries.

Not only did King Wu, King Chu, King Xiang and others send spies to pay attention to Brass Valley, but also the Eastern Barbarians and Tubo did the same.

While the Shu army was building the Martyrs Cemetery, news about the Battle of Brass Gou also spread to the outside world.

The first person to receive the news was the nearest King Qin.

At noon on the day the Battle of Zhuangzigou ended, King Qin received the legend of the Flying Pigeon.

When he learned that Zhuangzhuangou was defeated and his most valued son was burned to death by the kerosene dropped by the airship, King Qin was completely bewildered.

But it was too late to feel sorry for his son. King Qin soon realized that after the Shu army broke through Brass Valley, they would probably lead troops to attack King Qin's city.

So the King of Qin did not hesitate to escape from the royal city with a group of personal followers, and did not stop until they reached the Taihang Mountains.

This is not the first time that King Qin has escaped for his life, but the last time he escaped was too hasty and he didn't take anything with him, and his life was miserable.

A lesson learned from the last time was learned. After King Qin fled back, he sent people to build several hiding spots in the Taihang Mountains.

This cave is one of them.

Not only were sufficient wine, meat and food prepared here, but a well was also dug.

King Qin also brought seven or eight young and beautiful maids with him.

Even if he hides in the mountains for the rest of his life, the supplies in the mountains are enough for him to spend the rest of his life in peace.

It was a pity that such good days had only passed a few days, and before King Qin could get used to the new bed, the airship from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau came to find him.

King Qin escaped once, how could the Ninth Princess let him escape a second time?

In fact, the Ninth Princess had already guessed that King Qin would definitely run away once he learned that the falcon could not restrain the hot air balloon, so she had already sent experts to keep an eye on him in King Qin's city.

However, when the King of Qin escaped, the airship arranged by the Ninth Princess had not arrived yet, and the Ninth Princess did not want to bomb another royal city, so she ordered the masters to follow the King of Qin quietly.

King Qin thought that the hiding place he prepared this time was more secret than last time, but he didn't know that it had been exposed long ago.

Even the surrounding escape routes and the distribution of sentry posts of King Qin's guards were clearly seen through binoculars by the experts sent by the Ninth Princess.

Then the airship from Zhenyuan Escort Agency arrived.

Although the King of Qin's bodyguards were all experts, in order not to attract attention when escaping, the number of the bodyguards was not very large. Coupled with the information provided by the experts under the Ninth Princess, more than half of the King of Qin's bodyguards were killed in the first round of bombing.

Then the bodyguards entered the valley with muskets, killed the remaining half, and captured the King of Qin and his small court alive.

This chapter has been completed!
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