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Chapter 1357 This day will come sooner or later

Although Jin Feng is not good at observing people's emotions and spends most of his time in the laboratory, it does not mean that he really doesn't understand anything.

In fact, when he decided to let the Ninth Princess ascend the throne as emperor, Jin Feng knew that such a day would come.

Because Princess Ninth is a capable and independent person, she is more suitable for leadership positions than herself.

Only by handing over power to such people can Sichuan and Sichuan develop better.

But such people are not destined to become puppets.

Princess Ninth has her own ideas. Once she decides on something, she will do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

For example, this time, she guessed that Jin Feng might not agree with her decision, so she decided to kill him first and then explain later.

"Wuyang didn't discuss such a big matter with you. It's really too much!"

Guan Xiaorou was furious: "Master, when I go back, I will definitely talk about her!"

After the Ninth Princess ascended the throne, Guan Xiaorou never argued with her, but became even more low-key.

In addition to feeling inferior to herself, Guan Xiaorou also didn't want to embarrass Jin Feng.

Only when it comes to matters involving Jin Feng, Guan Xiaorou will not give in.

Guan Xiaorou was really angry when she learned that the Ninth Princess made such a big decision without consulting Jin Feng.

"Xiaorou, don't be angry. Wuyang must have her reasons for doing this. I'll go talk to her when I get back."

Jin Feng patted Guan Xiaorou on the shoulder to express comfort.

In fact, from a political perspective, the Ninth Princess's decision is the most beneficial to Sichuan and Shu. It can bring long-term stability and development to Sichuan and Shu at the smallest cost.

It only hurts the well-off people outside Sichuan and Sichuan.

But which founding emperor and leader of the ZTE in history did not earn his reputation through mountains of corpses and seas of blood?

Hundreds of years later, when people see this period of history, they may only see the achievements of the Ninth Princess, and see her step by step from a down-and-out princess who wanted to marry in Tubo, to a generation of empress, and to become the founder of the great prosperity of the country.

Lord, she doesn't care how many people died because of her decision.

Because as long as the world is peaceful and the population develops very quickly, the number of people who died will soon grow again.

When future generations study history, what happened in these years is just a string of numbers that need to be memorized.

Most people will not delve into the meaning of this series of numbers, nor will they care about what these numbers meant to the people at that time.

This was the case when Jin Feng was studying history.

But when he personally experienced troubled times, he realized how heavy those strings of numbers were!

Each number represents a human tragedy, just like what he saw when he first returned to Sichuan from the East China Sea.

It was precisely because of that experience that Jin Feng realized what human life is like and understood the true meaning of "I would rather be a peace dog than a man in troubled times".

In fact, the most serious cause of Dakang's population loss in recent years was not the soldiers who died directly on the battlefield, but the people who died of starvation, disease and freezing, were killed by bandits, and were forced to die in their hometowns by exorbitant taxes.

The people living in this era have no dignity, only the instinct of survival.

In Jin Feng's memory, he once saw a pair of parents in the village selling their daughter, who was less than ten years old, to a gangster from a neighboring village for ten pounds of coarse grains.

Then a few days later, he heard that someone saw the child's body under the stone bridge outside the neighboring village.

Jin Feng was only seven or eight years old at the time, and he was at a curious age, so a few friends went to see it.

Then he saw the girl lying in the hay, with no strip of cloth on her body, and her whole body was covered in bruises and bruises.

At that time, Jin Feng and his friends didn't know what was going on. They were so frightened that they screamed a few times and ran away.

Even now, Jin Feng doesn't dare to dwell on what that child went through in the days after he was sold.

How desperate she must have been at that time!

On the way back from the East China Sea, Jin Feng saw too many tragedies like this.

At that time, he told himself in his heart that if possible, he would do his best to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

Even if the development is slower, even if you bear some risks.

Jin Feng can tolerate it.

That's why he restrained himself when making plans.

This is actually very dangerous for a newly rising power.

It was precisely because he understood his own shortcomings and limitations that Jin Feng chose to let the Ninth Princess ascend the throne and take power.81Zw.????m

From Jin Feng's point of view, he and the Ninth Princess had the same goals, at least in the general direction of pacifying the Central Plains and surrounding areas.

Even if there is a disagreement, it will only happen after the Central Plains and surrounding areas are settled.

By then Dakang will have developed and can withstand some changes.

Unfortunately, things backfired, and the disagreement came much earlier than he expected.

However, what comforted Jin Feng was that the Ninth Princess had no intention of hiding it from him. Otherwise, with the Ninth Princess' ability, she could have made the matter more secretive.

Since there is no concealment, he should be prepared to be held accountable by Jin Feng, or even ignored.

This also shows that the Ninth Princess made this decision not out of selfish motives, but indeed for the sake of the overall situation.

To be honest, no one is right or wrong in this matter, it's just that the two sides have different ideas.

This is not without the possibility of communication. In fact, the ninth princess asked Xiaoyu to send a report, which in itself sent a signal that she wanted to communicate with Jin Feng.

Guan Xiaorou saw that Jin Feng's brows were furrowed and he was obviously thinking about something, so she stopped talking. Instead, she held Jin Feng's hand and sat next to Jin Feng.

Zuo Feifei glanced at the two of them and slowly walked out of the room.

In the next more than half a month, Jin Feng did not mention this matter again. Instead, he stayed in the laboratory as before, leading different apprentices to learn how to make bullets every day.

The bodyguards outside were also busy cleaning the battlefield.

In this battle, both the enemy and ourselves suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties. The weather is still cold and the corpses are frozen. It is okay for the time being, but spring will begin in a few days, and the weather will get warmer by the day.

Once hundreds of thousands of corpses begin to rot, a plague is inevitable.

So the body must be disposed of before the weather warms up.

Guan Xiaorou and the reinforcements led by Zheng Fang have been dealing with this matter recently.

Our corpses were first cleared out and registered one by one, then the graves were arranged and people were sent to carve tombstones.

As for the enemy soldiers, they were not treated so well. The reinforcements found a mine near the cliff, threw all the enemy corpses into the pit, then used explosives to blow down the cliff, and then poured it with cement.

It took more than a month for the reinforcements to build a cemetery in the open space in the middle of Brass Valley.

The soldiers of Shu who died in the battle at Brass Valley are all buried here.

The enemy's corpses were also thrown into the mine.

"Sir, Brother Liang said that everything is ready at the cemetery, just waiting for you to come over!"

This chapter has been completed!
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