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Chapter 1360 Go home

At least the King of Qin could still shout a few words. When it was Chen Anjie's turn, the Prince of Qin was even more unbearable. He was so frightened that he cried and shouted, but in the end he did not escape the guillotine.

Blood stained the ground red, and the cliff with the Martyrs Cemetery was also spray-painted a lot.

"Brothers, I know I haven't caught Li Lingrui yet. If you just wait, one day I will definitely destroy Dangxiang and avenge you all!"

Jin Feng picked up a bowl of sake and poured it on the ground: "Everyone, rest in peace! The people will never forget your sacrifice!"

"Brothers, rest in peace!"

Zhang Liang also poured a bowl of wine on the ground: "The escort agency will take good care of your family!"

Bang bang bang!

Fireworks exploded in the sky, and the memorial ceremony ended completely.

After returning from the cemetery, Guan Xiaorou returned to the courtyard and started packing her things.

It's time for them to go back.

In the combat command room, Zhang Liang was also arranging work.

Although the battle is over, after the large troops withdraw, some bodyguards need to be left behind to handle the remaining work in the cemetery and take care of the wounded.

Jin Feng is responsible for the overall strategic direction and rarely participates in specific daily work.

It was the same this time. After returning from the cemetery, Jin Feng did not come to the command room for a meeting. Instead, he returned to the stone house to pack his drawings and experimental equipment.

The process of making bullets is not complicated. After these days of training, Jin Feng has trained a group of helpers.

The bullets made by the helper have reached Jin Feng's standards and are much faster than Jin Feng's own production. Ajuan no longer has to worry about bullets.

Jin Feng had written back some time ago, asking Mancang to prepare a new production line.

After Jin Feng returns, he can start working on the development of a rear-loading rifle.

After breakfast the next day, the team began their return journey.

Jin Feng originally wanted to take an airship, which would allow him to go back several times faster, but he was stopped by Guan Xiaorou, Zhang Liang and others.

Although I haven't seen a falcon recently, no one can guarantee that there is no secret work hidden in the dark.

Although both the airship and the parachute were made by Jin Feng, Jin Feng himself had no experience in parachuting. If he were attacked by a falcon on the road, or if the falcon attacked the airship where Jin Feng was, it would be too dangerous.

The Battle of Zhuangzhuanggou was so dangerous that Jin Feng even survived it. It would be such an injustice if he died on the way back in triumph!

Seeing that Guan Xiaorou and others were resolute, Jin Feng stopped insisting and agreed to take a carriage back.

"Dongdong, come and ride the carriage too!"

Guan Xiaorou opened the carriage curtain and shouted to Tang Dongdong.

"No need," Tang Dongdong, who was riding a horse, shook his head: "It's too stuffy in the carriage, I can just ride a horse!"

Guan Xiaorou looked back and found Jin Feng looking down at the drawings without even raising his head, and couldn't help but sigh.

Tang Dongdong was the first to move to Jin Feng's house. At that time, everyone in the village believed that Tang Dongdong would be Jin Feng's first concubine. However, the two of them had been avoiding the issue and waited until the Ninth Princess granted a marriage to establish their relationship.

Guan Xiaorou originally thought that after being granted marriage, the two of them would be able to be together naturally.

For example, Zuo Feifei consciously lived with Jin Feng when she arrived at Brass Valley.

Who would have thought that after Tang Dongdong came to Zhuangdonggou, she did not live in a small courtyard, but in the mine where the female soldiers were. The reason was that it was her first time to lead soldiers out, and she had to eat and live with the female soldiers in order to be the best.

Get familiar with military affairs quickly.

This reason is reasonable and reasonable. Even if Guan Xiaorou is unhappy, she can't go to the female soldier camp and force Tang Dongdong out, right?

Originally, he wanted to get Tang Dongdong and Jin Feng into a carriage on the way back, but Tang Dongdong refused again.

Guan Xiaorou knew that Tang Dongdong and Jin Feng had relapsed into their old habits, and she felt quite helpless.

He lowered the curtain and said angrily: "Anyway, Wuyang has already given the marriage, let's see how long you can hold off!"

Dangxiang, outside Wangcheng.

A team braved the wind and snow to arrive at the South City Gate.

Li Lingrui was wrapped in a shabby sheepskin jacket and walked in the middle of the team.

The Sixth Prince Dangxiang, who was high-spirited at first, was now reduced to nothing but skin and bones from hunger. He was wrapped in a shabby sheepskin jacket and every step he took was extremely difficult.

Although it is already February, Dangxiang is still covered with snow, and sometimes you can walk for days without seeing a single person.

When they just left Zhuangzigou, they were able to find a secret stronghold set up by Dang Xiang and obtain some supplies. They also found two war horses at the second stronghold to carry supplies.

However, the snow on the grassland was so heavy that at a glance, there were vast snowfields all around. Even those who had lived on the grassland since childhood were lost and could no longer find a supply point.

The weather was too cold, and the horses had no clothes. After walking for a few days, they were frozen to death.

They could only carry supplies on their backs and walk back on two legs.

When they escaped from Zhuzhuanggou, there were still more than thirty of them, but during the more than a month of trekking in the wind and snow, more than a dozen of them froze to death and starved to death.

Although Dangxiang Royal City is not closed, there is heavy snow all over the fields, and no one usually enters or exits the royal city.

The soldiers guarding the city saw them from afar, but they did not have telescopes and did not recognize that it was their sixth prince who had returned from the southern expedition.

Li Lingrui's brother, the emperor, already knew the news of the defeat at Brass Gou, but he did not dare to disclose it to the outside world.

The Southern Expedition was launched because of Dang Xiang's overwhelming power. If the people knew that the Southern Expedition failed, the already unstable public sentiment would probably dissipate immediately.

So Li Lingrui suppressed the news and sent a eunuch to wait at the south city gate. Once Li Lingrui or other southern expeditionary troops were found to have returned, they would not be allowed to come into contact with the people in the city and would be picked up directly in a carriage.

But the eunuch waited at the south city gate day after day, and Li Lingrui never came back, so the eunuch relaxed.

He arranged for the soldiers guarding the city to watch for him, while he ran to the urn tower to warm himself by the fire.

When he learned that someone was coming from the south, the eunuch ran out quickly.

At this time, Li Lingrui and the others were not far from the city gate. The eunuch squinted his eyes and saw who it was that was not Li Lingrui.

The eunuch quickly called a carriage and picked up Li Lingrui and others.

However, the eunuch came out too late, and some of the city guards still recognized Li Lingrui.

"Old Wei, I seemed to have seen the Sixth Prince just now?"

"How is it possible? The Sixth Prince led the Southern Expedition to Dakang. Are you mistaken?"

"When the Sixth Prince was training at Zuolangwei, I lived in the same tent with him for several months. How could I admit my mistake?"

"I saw it too!"

"No way. Didn't the Sixth Prince go to the south for the expedition? How come only so many of them came back? Are they still in such a miserable state?"

"The Southern Expedition will not fail, right?"

"I heard that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the Southern Expedition. Even if it fails, it's impossible for only these few people to come back, right?"

"Old Wei, isn't your brother working as an errand in the palace? Ask around!"

This chapter has been completed!
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