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Chapter 1367

The changes in Jinchuan are not only reflected in the dock, but also in other places.

It has been more than two years since Jin Feng came to this world. In these two years, various factories have opened one after another with Xihewan as the center.

Today, more than half of the people in Jinchuan County work in Zhenyuan Escort Bureau or in factories run by Jin Feng.

The remaining work is also related to Jin Feng.

For example, the handling industry and service industry around the terminal.

When Jin Feng opened his first textile factory, people from all over the county flocked to Xihewan, hoping that Jin Feng could hire them to work, but Jin Feng could not hire so many people at that time.

Now as there are more and more factories, many factories have experienced labor shortages and have to send people to the surrounding counties and counties of Guangyuan to recruit workers.

The main purpose of Jin Feng's original work-for-relief program was to combat the cold disaster and to provide the common people with a bite of food through work-for-relief methods.

Now that the cold disaster has passed, the food Jin Feng robbed from the powerful is almost exhausted, and Jinchuan needs labor, the Ninth Princess has stopped most of the work-for-relief projects around Guangyuan.

Once the project was stopped, many people became unemployed again.

Hearing that Jinfeng's factory needed manpower, many people came with their families, but they still couldn't fill the labor gap.

Later, the Zhongming Group and the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce continued to bring people over from Qin, and finally the problem of labor shortage was completely solved.

Nowadays, Jinchuan has become the county with the largest population in Guangyuan and even Sichuan, and it is also the county with the strongest economic strength.

With the support of a huge population, there are more and more factories, and the industry is becoming more and more complete.

When passing by Heishui ditch, Jin Feng saw tall chimneys from a distance, and after going around the foot of the mountain, he saw clusters of factory buildings.

"Heishuigou has developed like this now?" Jin Feng was a little surprised.

This was once the lair of the Heishuigou bandits. After Jin Feng wiped out the bandits, he transformed it into a labor camp and imprisoned the captured bandits here to undergo labor reform.

Later, Mancang told him that the scale of coal mining needed to be expanded, and Jin Feng approved it.

Because he had too many things to do, Jin Feng didn't pay too much attention to it. He didn't expect it to have grown to such a scale.

"The steel plant is developing rapidly and the amount of coal it needs is increasing sharply, so Mancang attaches great importance to Heishuigou. Last year, he spent almost half of the year here to supervise the construction."

Princess Ninth explained: "Husband, you also said that coal is the cornerstone of industrial development, so I have given the greatest support to Mancang's work. I remember what I told you."

"I remembered," Jin Feng nodded slightly: "At that time, Mancang said that he wanted to move the steel plant here. There is an iron smelting workshop under those chimneys, right?"

When Jin Feng first came to this world, blacksmithing still took Mancang and a group of female apprentices to smelt iron ore into pig iron first, and then carry out subsequent processing. The operation mode was still the same as that of a family workshop in the feudal era.

But now there are more than a dozen large and small workshops in Jinchuan Iron and Steel Plant, and assembly line operations have been formed.

There is a special prospecting team to prospect for minerals. If the distance is close, the ore will be transported back. If the distance is far, a furnace will be built locally to perform preliminary processing of the ore locally, and then transport it back to produce various iron products as needed.


Heishuigou is close to the coal mine and closer to the dock than Xihewan, so Mancang built the furnace here.

This chapter has been completed!
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