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Chapter 1374: Husband and wife talk at night (7)

"Wuyang, I told you, the power of the masses is endless!"

Jin Feng said: "What we can't do, we can ask the masses to help!"

"Please help the public?"

The Ninth Princess repeated Jin Feng's words, and then suddenly realized: "My husband is going to call on the people to build a school?"

"Yes," Jin Feng nodded: "Actually, building a school is not that difficult. Just find a few larger rooms from the old houses of landlords and gentry and renovate them a little. I believe the local people will be willing to help!" 8 One Chinese website

It is the common goal of almost all people in Yan and Huang to have a successful child. However, private schools in the past were too expensive. Not to mention children from poor families, even rich peasants may not be able to afford to study.

When Jin Feng was able to recruit so many escorts and female workers in a short period of time, the school had a lot to do with it.

There is no money to study in the school, which is very attractive to the common people.

Many people come to Xihewan to apply for jobs. The first reason is to make a living, and the second reason is so that their children can study.

Universal education benefits the people, and they are also the happiest.

The current difficulty in popularizing education lies in the reconstruction of schools in the two surrounding counties. If Jin Feng asked Chen Wenyuan to publish a message in Jinchuan Daily and let the people renovate the schools themselves, I believe the people would be very happy.

In this way, not only can a lot of labor costs be saved, but the reconstruction speed can also be accelerated a lot!

"My husband still has a way!" Ninth Princess smiled and hugged Jin Feng: "I had a headache for a long time because of this matter, and you solved it as soon as you came back!"

Jin Feng scratched the tip of the Ninth Princess's nose, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

In fact, this method is very simple. With Ninth Princess's IQ, she probably should have thought of it, but she didn't say that she deliberately left the favor to Jin Feng so that the people of the two surrounding counties and Fang Ling would be grateful to Jin Feng.

This is the great thing about Princess Ninth. She always knows her purpose and knows when to be decisive and when to play dumb.

"Husband, why don't we just stop building the palace?" asked the Ninth Princess.

"You've said so. If you don't want to cover it, just don't cover it yet." Jin Feng nodded.

Since the feudal lords established themselves as kings, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce has been suppressed everywhere, and the black knives, glass and soap that used to make a lot of money can no longer be sold at high prices.

The economic situation in Sichuan and Sichuan is indeed not optimistic.

Even if you save money on building a palace, it is still a huge expense.

Since the Ninth Princess took the initiative to request that the money be used to popularize education, Jin Feng could no longer object.

"Husband, what are you going to do next?" Ninth Princess asked: "Are you going to attack Jiangnan?"

At this time, the kings of Xiang, Chu, and Wu in Jiangnan were all killed by the special operations team. It was a good time to seize Jiangnan.

The weather in Jiangnan is mild and suitable for grain growth, and it has always been one of the main grain producing areas in Dakang.

In addition, it is relatively far from the capital, and the phenomenon of feudal kings and powerful people embezzling people's land is extremely serious.

Over the years, Jiangnan has produced many big landowners, and their family savings and grain reserves are extremely considerable.

If they are killed, the current predicament of Sichuan and Shu can be greatly alleviated.

But Jin Feng shook his head and rejected the Ninth Princess's proposal: "Although the war between Yuguan City and Xizhou was won, Dongman and Dangxiang are still there. They have suffered disasters in the past two years and may jump over the wall at any time.

The Eastern Barbarians can only go south through Yuguan City. Yuguan City is guarded by Brother Tiezi, so there is no big problem, so we should focus on guarding against Party items."

"What do you mean, husband, to kill Dangxiang?" The Ninth Princess couldn't help but sit up straight.

"Dangxiang is thousands of miles away, with Qin and Jin in between. How can it be so easy to destroy?"

Jin Feng said: "What I mean is to recover the Qin and Jin lands first, and take the initiative in the north into our own hands, and then consider the Dangxiang and Eastern Barbarians, as well as the recovery of Jiangnan."

"We have recovered half of Qin's territory, and we have a very good mass base. Now that you have killed Chen Liangfeng and Chen Anjie, Qin's territory is in chaos, and it should not be difficult to recover."

The Ninth Princess analyzed in a low voice: "Chen Yongze is more troublesome, a tough nut to crack!"

"The harder it is to chew, the sooner it should be chewed off. He has already colluded with the Eastern Barbarians. If we wait for him to collude with the Dangxiang people, it will be more trouble than now. Maybe Tieniu and the others will die in Weizhou City!

Jin Feng said coldly.

Weizhou City and Sichuan are hundreds of miles apart and are a standard enclave.

The King of Jin does not need to do anything else. As long as he blocks the supply of food and grass in Weizhou, it will be enough for Iron Bull to drink a pot.

In fact, King Jin has already done this.

Previously, the bodyguards and Zhenyuan troops from Qin were transferred to Xizhou by Jin Feng, and the supply of food and grass to Weizhou City was cut off.

Fortunately, when Tieniu sent people to arrest King Jin some time ago, he also sent people to attack a county in King Jin's territory and robbed the county's soldiers of food and grass.

There are not many escorts in Weizhou City, and this batch of food and grass is enough for them to last for a while.

But if the King of Jin really colludes with Dang Xiang and besieges Weizhou City from the south to the north, Tieniu and the others will be in a dangerous situation.

"My husband is right. Relatively speaking, the north is more important. As for the south of the Yangtze River, we can indeed let it go first." The ninth princess nodded and said.

"We don't need to be in a hurry to regain Jiangnan, but we can't give up completely." Jin Feng reminded: "The work of deterrence must be continued. Those who are found to be oppressing the people must be suppressed with thunderous means!"

"Don't worry, husband, I have already told you to keep an eye on Jiangnan. Once a bandit bully is discovered, the special operations team will immediately go and behead him!"

The Ninth Princess replied: "In addition to the special operations team, I also distributed leaflets calling on the people in Jiangnan to come to Sichuan and Sichuan to study, and go back to organize the people to take the initiative to fight against the landlords and gentry before we regain Jiangnan."

"Well done, here, give me a reward!" Upon hearing this, Jin Feng hugged the Ninth Princess and kissed her.

"Don't kiss indiscriminately!" Princess Ninth pushed Jin Feng angrily, but Jin Feng smoothly pulled her into his arms, and the two fell down together.

Jin Feng played with the big girl's bottle and said, "What I just said is external, we can't relax internally either."

"Internally?" Ninth Princess asked: "Husband, are you talking about the factory?"

"Not only factories, but also agriculture and water conservancy." Jin Feng said: "The weather in the past two years has been a bit abnormal. We must reserve more food and actively build water conservancy projects. In case of floods or droughts, we will not

As for watching the weather and eating... By the way, where is the progress of the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project?"

The Dujiangyan Irrigation Project is related to the entire Sichuan-Sichuan Basin. Jin Feng has always attached great importance to it, but he has been fighting in the past and really can't think about it.

"Wei Datong came to a memorial some time ago. It seems that the progress of Dujiangyan is good, but I don't know water conservancy, and I can't understand some of them. There are no relevant talents in the village, so I put it aside for the time being."

When the Ninth Princess said this, she shouted loudly: "Zhu'er, come in for a moment!"

This chapter has been completed!
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