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Chapter 1500 Summary

"Sir, don't be nervous. The bank is currently running well. I will report to Mrs. Xiaobei every month."

Zhu Linglong noticed that something was wrong with Jin Feng's expression, and quickly said: "I'm looking for my husband, mainly because I want to report to him that recently many foreign dignitaries have sent people to the bank to deposit money. Some people suggested that I confiscate it directly, while others suggested that I pretend to be

I don’t know, I’m a little unsure about how to deal with it, and I’d like to ask sir.”

When Jin Feng heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief, then frowned again.

This situation was something he didn't expect.

But it's not difficult to understand.

Nowadays, all areas of Dakang are in chaos. At this time, being rich is not necessarily a good thing, but may be a disaster.

If they don't have enough power to guard their money, those landlords are just big fat pieces of meat, and they may be bitten at any time, or even have their families destroyed.

In this case, it is normal for them to want to transfer their money to the relatively safe Jinchuan Bank.

For example, in Jin Feng's previous life, rich people in some war-torn countries liked to deposit their money in banks in European and American countries.

Jin Feng picked up the tea bowl and took small sips.

Even Zhu Linglong and his daughter, who were not familiar with him, could tell that he was thinking. Everyone stopped talking and drank tea and waited silently.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Jin Feng put down his teacup and asked, "Are there many people like this?"

"I just discovered that not long after this happened, they were doing it more secretly, so they didn't find much for the time being."

Zhu Linglong replied: "I have arranged an investigation team. If sir needs it, we can start the investigation immediately to screen out those abnormal accounts."

"No need," Jin Feng shook his head: "Not only do we not need to investigate, we also need to encourage them!"

"Encourage them?" Zhu Linglong's eyes flashed with confusion, and then he asked tentatively: "Sir, do you want to defraud their money into the bank?"

"This is a normal way of attracting savings. How can I call it a lie?" Jin Feng corrected.

When Zhu Chenshi and Zuo Feifei heard this, their eyes couldn't help but light up.

They understood what Jin Feng meant.

Although the Zhenyuan Escort Agency has strong combat capabilities, it still has too few manpower.

During the attack on the Qin Dynasty, many wealthy landowners buried gold and silver before the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau arrived. Some extreme cases even burned down the granaries and fled with their families.

No matter how powerful the Zhenyuan Escort Agency is, it is impossible to occupy the entire Dakang in a short period of time, so this situation is not uncommon and will be difficult to prevent in the future.

After listening to Zhu Linglong's report just now, Jin Feng suddenly had an idea.

If we can encourage the powerful in other places to save their money in Da Kang, can this kind of loss be reduced?

Sichuan and Shu are currently short of money. If we can get money from the wealthy landowners, it can greatly alleviate Sichuan and Shu's current financial difficulties.

"Sir, now the wealthy families and landowners everywhere regard us as a scourge. Will they be willing to deposit their money in our bank?" Zuo Feifei asked.

"So we should encourage them!" Jin Feng replied.

"Sir, how do you think we should be encouraged?" Zhu Linglong asked.

Jin Feng did not answer, but asked instead: "How do they operate now? How did you find out that something happened?"

"There are two main ways for them to save money. The first is to pretend to be refugees and go to the refugee reception center to apply for a temporary identity card. Then they claim to be businessmen coming to Sichuan and Sichuan to do business and use the temporary identity card to handle deposits."

Zhu Linglong replied: "The second method is to spend money to find a Sichuan and Shu people, use the Sichuan and Shu people's identity cards to apply for deposits, and then they take away the passbook and password.

Many of the bank's clerks were recruited from the local areas and were familiar with the local people. When they found some abnormal deposits, they reported it to them. Then I sent someone to pay attention and discovered this situation.

Judging from the clues we have so far, the depositors from other places are mainly from Jiangnan. Especially after Mr. Wang killed King Wu and King Xiang of Chu, similar abnormal accounts increased significantly.

But I noticed that compared to ordinary people, their deposits are large, but for those powerful and wealthy landowners, they are not very large. They should be stored dispersedly, or they are testing our attitude."

"Then give them a reassurance!"

Jin Feng said: "When you go back, make an announcement at all bank branches. Because there are too many refugees and merchants, the bank has a lot of work to verify their identity. In order to simplify the process, you no longer need to register with your real name to apply for a passbook from now on. You only need to deposit

money, you can get your passbook!

As long as you have your passbook and password, you can go to any bank branch to withdraw money anytime and anywhere!”

"Bearer bankbook?" Zhu Linglong's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this.

In fact, when Jinchuan Bank first issued passbooks, they were also anonymous. However, as the system gradually improved, in order to ensure the security of the accounts and facilitate statistical data, it gradually replaced them with real-name registered passbooks.

In fact, the impact of real names or not is not very big.

On the contrary, as Jin Feng said, the real-name system has greatly increased the bank's workload, so it is normal to cancel it.

Once the real-name system is no longer used, wealthy people from other places will not have to worry about being exposed when they make deposits.

This will undoubtedly increase their enthusiasm to come to Jinchuan Bank to save money.

The vast majority of wealthy landowners are not fools, but cunning old foxes.

They will most likely be skeptical of Jinchuan Bank, but out of caution, they tend not to put their eggs in one basket.

Even if they just give it a try, they may allocate part of their money and deposit it in Jinchuan Bank.

The Dakang class has been solidified for hundreds of years, and most of the wealth in society has been accumulated in the hands of the rich and powerful families and landlords. As long as they part with some money, it will be a huge fortune for Sichuan and Shu.

"Sir, what if they come to withdraw money after depositing it? Do you want to withdraw it for them?" Zhu Linglong asked.

"Of course," Jin Feng said: "The most important thing in doing business is credibility. As long as they have the passbook and password, give it to them, and give it to them along with the interest!"

But Jin Feng didn't finish his words. If he confirmed someone's criminal evidence, Jin Feng would freeze the other person's account.

The money will be confiscated at that time.

Of course, if he did this from the beginning, he would definitely scare away the rich and powerful, so Jin Feng planned to raise it for a while and attract more deposits before talking.

Although Jin Feng didn't say it explicitly, Zhu Linglong also guessed Jin Feng's plan.

After thinking for a while, he realized that he could try it, and nodded and asked: "Sir, have you thought it through? If you have thought it through, I will implement this plan as soon as possible."

"Think clearly," Jin Feng nodded: "Execute it as soon as possible!"

This chapter has been completed!
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