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Chapter 1509: There Really Are Assassins

"Enemy attack!"

"There are falcons due north!"

"Damn it, they still dare to come!"

On the airship, when the pilots saw the falcon, some were anxious and some were angry...

Every time a falcon appears, you must use a hot air balloon or airship to self-destruct to kill the falcon.

Self-destruction not only means that all crew members on the hot air balloon and airship have to parachute, but also means that the airship or hot air balloon is gone.

Because of this combat mode, parachuting has become a key training topic for pilots and crew members. They are not afraid of parachuting, but they are worried about airships and hot air balloons.

From the pilot's point of view, it is really not cost-effective to board an expensive airship for a beast.

However, this is currently the only way to deal with falcons attacking the airship, so no matter how distressed they are, the pilots still adjust their flight formation according to the combat plan made before takeoff.

Just when they were ready to fight, they suddenly saw a group of fireworks bursting into the sky.

The fireworks were launched from the Eagle's airship, which means all airships are required to descend.

"The falcons are almost here, why are you lowering your altitude at this time?"

"Sir and Mr. Wei are probably on the Eagle's airship. Why haven't they parachuted yet?"

"What's the eagle doing?"

On other airships, pilots were confused after seeing the fireworks.

But soldiers have a bounden duty to obey orders. Although Yingying was demoted and no longer their captain, they all knew that Jin Feng was on that airship.

So no matter how doubtful they were, the pilots still followed the order and descended as quickly as possible.

The airship flying in the far north was descending at the slowest speed. After checking the explosive package again, the pilot and other crew members in the gondola also put on their parachutes and were ready to parachute.

Just as the falcon was getting closer and closer to the airship, the pilots suddenly saw the falcon flying in front, with a cloud of blood mist exploding from its body, as if someone had kicked it in the air.

Like feet, it rolled upwards for more than a meter, and then fell straight down.

Then, the pilots heard a faint muffled sound.

"what's the situation?"

"It sounded like a musket."

The pilots and crew looked at me and I looked at you, none of them knew what was going on.

Just when they were in a daze, the second falcon was also hit. Like the first one, it rolled upwards for a meter or two and then fell.

"Squad leader, look down!"

The lookout held a telescope in his hand, pointed down and shouted: "The grassland in the northwest!"

The pilot and other crew members quickly picked up their binoculars and looked at the location pointed by the lookout hand.

I saw a female soldier in camouflage uniform on the edge of the grass to the west, holding a long gun and pointing it at the sky.

"It's sister Ajuan!"

one crew member shouted excitedly.

"Who is Ajuan?" the pilot asked.

"She is a female worker at the Tiequan Mountain Soap Factory. She is now the personal guard of the factory director Zuo. I used to work as an errand in Tiequan Mountain and I met her!"

the crew member said loudly.

While they were chatting, Ajuan fired two more shots, killing two falcons again.

The other falcons finally reacted and no longer bothered to attack the airship. Driven by their survival instinct, they scattered and flew away.

But by now it was too late for them to fly away.

On the ground, Ajuan fired one shot after another, and the last three falcons also landed one after another.

None of the seven falcons sent by the enemy escaped, and all died in Ajuan's hands.

"Does Miss Ajuan have a musket in her hand?"

"It looks like it is, but it should be different from the muskets we have seen before."

"You have to tell me, the muskets in the past couldn't shoot so high, otherwise we wouldn't be so passive before!"

"Not only did he shoot high, he also shot accurately, almost one shot at a time!"

"Haven't you noticed that this kind of gun can be filled very quickly? Miss Ajuan can fill it faster by herself than three people before!"

"Sir, why didn't you take out this musket earlier? We wouldn't have wasted so many hot air balloons!"

"Are you stupid? This must be Mr.'s new musket. If it had existed before, would we have killed so many people in Brass Ditch?"

"I heard that my husband came back from the north and rushed into the laboratory. He must have been working on this gun!"

"Hahaha, sir, I finally made a weapon that can kill falcons. From now on, we can fly boldly in the sky and no longer have to worry about falcons!"

"Mr. Mighty!"

In the sky, many pilots and crew members flushed with excitement.

Since the appearance of the falcon, they have been feeling aggrieved. Even if they later found a way to self-destruct, they were still aggrieved.

Until now, watching the falcons being shot down one by one by Ajuan, the pilots all realized that their days of fear were over!

In the camp a few miles away, Jin Feng also clenched his fists excitedly and put down his telescope.

Wei Datong next to him said with admiration: "Sir, you are really clever!"

The Zhongming Group has known about the existence of the assassination organization for a long time, how could it be that they were not prepared at all?

The so-called Plan No. 7 is to use someone to pretend to be Jin Feng to lure out the killer hiding in the dark.

The two people who got on the Eagle airship just now were not Jin Feng and Wei Datong, but two bodyguards wearing their clothes.

The two escorts were selected by Iron Hammer. They were about the same height, fat and thin as Jin Feng. Putting on Jin Feng's clothes and masks, lurkers a few miles away couldn't tell the difference at all, and they successfully took the bait.

"I don't know if the eagle has discovered the killer's location!"

Jin Feng said softly.

The target of Plan No. 7 is not just a few falcons, but the killer behind the falcons.

However, the assassins of the assassination organization are very careful, and Jin Feng is not sure that he will be able to find them.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the airship where the eagle was separated from the flying team and flew towards the north!

"What's the eagle going to do again?"

"Don't worry, follow me and protect Mr.

The pilots on other airships also noticed something strange about the Eagle and followed the Eagle's airship to the north.

A few miles away on the ground, Mr. Qian and several dead men also saw the falcon being killed.

Contrary to the excitement of the pilots, their moods all sank to the bottom!

"What kind of magic did they use? The falcon was flying well, so why did it suddenly die?"

The lurker muttered to himself with a shocked look on his face.

When shooting a heavy crossbow, you can still see the arrows, but the bullets of the back-loading rifle are too small, and their distance is too far, so it is impossible to see the shadow of the bullet from them.

In their eyes, the falcon is flying well and then suddenly dies.

Isn't this a witchcraft?

Mr. Qian said nothing, but his face was pale.

This chapter has been completed!
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