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Chapter 1518 The Power of the Court

Wei Datong had been observing Jin Feng's expression and found that he was not angry because of Tong Ziming's performance, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Old boy, I have told you a long time ago that your husband is the most approachable adult I have ever met. You still don't believe it. Do you believe it now?"

"I believe it, I believe it, Mr. Wei, you are right. My husband is indeed as you said. Not only is he capable, but he is also a down-to-earth and practical person who is dedicated to serving the people!"

Tong Ziming said with emotion: "With a good official like Mr. in the court, our subordinates can really feel at ease when doing things!"

Sincerity is always a must-win.

When people who are not good at flattering flatter them, they are most damaging.

Although Jin Feng was not familiar with Tong Ziming, he could tell from his words and actions just now that he was not a person who was good at flattering others. Since he praised others, he sincerely agreed with them.

Jin Feng is also an ordinary person, so naturally he is not exempt from vulgarity. He feels happy when he hears others sincerely praise him.

He smiled and patted Tong Ziming on the shoulder: "You have done a very good job of fulfilling your duties and being brave enough to report any abnormalities you find!"

"I will definitely continue to work hard in the future!" Tong Ziming nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, sir, I will also urge him!" Wei Datong followed.

"Yes, I believe it!" Jin Feng looked deeply at Wei Datong.

Although he is not good at the intrigues in the officialdom, Jin Feng is not a fool, not to mention that after being with the Ninth Princess for so long, even a piece of wood has been edified.

Jin Feng had already noticed that Wei Datong was so obviously looking towards Tong Ziming.

But what Sichuan and Sichuan lack now are people like Wei Datong and Tong Ziming who are willing to work down-to-earth.

Knowing that people like Tong Ziming needed encouragement the most, Jin Feng not only did not criticize him, but instead followed Wei Datong's wishes, cooperated with him in acting, and encouraged Tong Ziming.

It can be seen from Tong Ziming's excited expression that this bowl of chicken soup is very effective, at least it can keep him in a state of excitement for a long time.

Jin Feng suddenly understood why the leaders in his previous life were so fond of feeding their subordinates chicken soup.

Because there are always passionate people who are willing to believe it.

Anyway, just saying a few words can make your subordinates work better, so why not do it.

However, the difference between Jin Feng and those leaders in his previous life is that many leaders just fill the cake with chicken soup and are unwilling to give benefits, while Jin Feng is still very generous to subordinates who are willing to work.

Tong Ziming's incident was just a small episode, and now Wei Datong was very satisfied with the result. No matter how much he said or did more, it would be too much, so he followed up Jin Feng's words and asked: "Sir, since you also have the same worries, then

You must have thought of a countermeasure, right?"

Jin Feng did not answer immediately, but asked: "Master Wei, do you have any ideas?"

Wei Datong has been dealing with Jinma River for half his life, and has been in charge of water conservancy for the past year. He is considered an expert in this field. Jin Feng wants to hear his opinion first.

"Since you have asked, sir, I will be bold enough to tell you my humble opinion."

Wei Datong was humble at first, and then said: "According to previous years' practice, the embankments along the Jinma River should be built at this time, but sir, you said that the way to control water is to block it rather than to dredge it up. What's more, we now have Dujiangyan, so I

I’m thinking about whether snow water can be introduced into Sichuan and Sichuan, and I also want to ask my husband’s opinion.”

"Isn't this why we built Dujiangyan?" Jin Feng asked rhetorically.

There is no Li Bing in this world, so we waited until Jin Feng came to build Dujiangyan.

The hinterland of Sichuan and Sichuan is a basin, surrounded by mountains and an endless plain in the middle. However, due to lack of water, agriculture has not been able to develop, and only some drought-resistant crops such as mulberry and hemp can be grown.

The main purpose of Jin Feng's construction of Dujiangyan was to divert the flow of Jinma River to the Sichuan-Sichuan Plain to solve this problem.

So Wei Datong's question made him a little puzzled.

"What I don't know, sir, is that although the Dujiangyan side has been completed, many of the canals below are still unfinished," Wei Datong explained.

Jin Feng understood it as soon as he heard it.

The same bucket of water may overflow if poured into a basin, but if the ground is covered with water pipes and the bucket of water is poured into the pipes, there will be no problem.

To solve the flooding problem of the Jinma River and the drought problem in the Sichuan-Sichuan Plain, it is not enough to build Dujiangyan and divert water from the Jinma River to the east side of Yulei Mountain. It also requires many canals to transport the river water to various parts of Sichuan and Sichuan.

"To what extent have the unfinished canals been completed?" Jin Feng asked: "How many have just started to be built, how many are more than half completed, and how many are more than 70%, 80% and 90% completed.

?Under normal circumstances, how many can be completed within one month? How many can be completed within two months?"

Wei Datong had already prepared it. After Jin Feng asked, he quickly took out a stack of manuscript papers from his assistant's package and took out one of them.

"Sir, please see, there are currently 77 canals under construction, seven of which were just started last month. The remaining projects are more than half progressed, and some of them are more than 70% progressed..."

Wei Datong took the manuscript paper and explained it to Jin Feng based on the data on the paper.

Through Wei Datong's explanation, Jin Feng gained an overall understanding of the current water canal construction in Sichuan and Sichuan.

Thanks to the work-for-relief program launched by Jinfeng, the construction of water canals has started the year before last, and a relatively large amount of manpower has been invested. Now many canals are more than half complete, and they are just one step away from finishing, which may be completed in more than a month.


There are a few projects that are about to be completed. If we really meet the deadline, they may be completed in more than half a month.

"One month is not enough," Jin Feng shook his head and said, "The weather is getting warmer day by day, the snow is melting faster and faster, and floods may come at any time. One month is too long."

"Sir, do you have any good ideas?" Wei Datong looked forward to it.

His biggest purpose in inviting Jin Feng over was not to tell Jin Feng the difficulties, but to ask Jin Feng to come up with solutions to the difficulties.

This matter was of great importance, and Jin Feng did not dare to make a decision easily.

So he still did not answer Wei Datong's question, but continued to ask: "How many main canals leading to the Yangtze River have been completed?"

The function of building canals is not only for irrigation, but also for flood drainage.

Further south from Dujiangyan, the Jinma River becomes narrower, so flooding is easy to occur.

If the flood water is diverted through the canal, the pressure caused by the flood can be greatly reduced.

Therefore, when planning the overall water canal, Jin Feng and Wei Datong designed several main canals that can directly lead to the Yangtze River.

These canals can also be said to be the main vein of the entire canal network, and they are also the earliest canals under construction.

This chapter has been completed!
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