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Chapter 1521 Catch fish with bare hands

The water canal was inspected on the way here, Dujiangyan was also inspected, and what should be explained was told to Wei Datong.

Early the next morning, Jin Feng took Tang Xiaobei, Runniang and others onto the big boat and sailed down the Jinma River.

"I'm used to riding on steamboats, but it feels too slow to take this kind of boat again."

Tang Xiaobei stood on the deck, looking at the green mountains on both sides and sighed.

When she travels by water now, she usually takes Zhenyuan No. 2.

However, the Zhenyuan No. 2 has been busy adjusting grains recently, and since they were traveling down the river from Dujiangyan to Xichuan, Jin Feng did not ask the Zhenyuan No. 2 to pick them up, but took the wooden boat arranged by Wei Datong to travel.

Although the speed of the wooden boat is not slow, it is still a bit behind Zhenyuan 2.

As the saying goes, the poor exchange time for money, and the rich exchange money for time.

As there were more and more things to deal with, Tang Xiaobei valued time more and more.

"We are not in a hurry, so why are we in a hurry?" Jin Feng said: "Zhenyuan No. 2 has been very busy recently. If we come to pick us up, we will delay the delivery of a lot of food."

"Ms. sir, when will you get a few more steamships out?"

Tang Xiaobei said: "Not to mention transporting grain, the Zhenyuan No. 2 ship is not enough for my side alone."

As the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce and Supply and Marketing Cooperatives have more and more outlets, business is getting better and better, and supplies are being deployed more and more frequently.

The most important task of Zhenyuan No. 2 is to travel between Jinchuan and various places in Sichuan and Sichuan to help the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce transport supplies.

If there is a military operation or emergency mission and Zhenyuan No. 2 is transferred away, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce will have to rely on caravans and horse-drawn carriages for transportation.

Although thanks to the work-for-relief program, the official roads in Sichuan and Shu were much more developed than before, the transportation speed of horse-drawn carriages was not as fast as Zhenyuan No. 2.

Recently, Zhenyuan No. 2 has not been able to take care of the Chamber of Commerce at all because it has to go to Jiangnan to adjust grains, and the Chamber of Commerce's material supply has also immediately encountered problems.

Supply and marketing cooperatives in some places are already out of stock.

"When I came out this time, in addition to seeing Dujiangyan, I also went to the Donghai Shipyard."

Jin Feng said: "I will set off when I meet Mr. Wanqing in Xichuan."

Qing Xinyao stood by Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess from the beginning to the end. The Ninth Princess was able to ascend the throne in Sichuan and Sichuan so smoothly, and Sichuan and Sichuan were able to maintain its current stability. Qing Xinyao was indispensable.

Jin Feng came to Xichuan, and he couldn't explain why he didn't see Qing Xinyao.

"Ms. sir, do you have to go to the East China Sea?"

Like Guan Xiaorou, when Tang Xiaobei heard that Jin Feng was going to the East China Sea, his first reaction was to object.

The last time she and Jin Feng were together, they almost died in the East China Sea. Even now, sometimes Tang Xiaobei would still dream about that scene and be frightened awake in the middle of the night.

"Shipbuilding involves too many related technologies, so I can't do it if I don't go."

Jin Feng knew that Tang Xiaobei was worried about him, so he rubbed her hair and comforted: "Don't worry, Iron Hammer and the others have arranged a detailed security strategy this time and made several backup plans. Wuyang also sent people in advance

Go to the East China Sea and set up control, nothing will happen!"

"No matter how good the strategy is, there will be loopholes. You still have to be careful and careful!" Tang Xiaobei reminded.

However, she also knew that Jin Feng really had to go to the shipyard in person to build the ship, so she stopped trying to persuade her after reminding her several times.

Dujiangyan is not far from Xichuan. Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei were chatting on the deck and arrived soon.

"Ms. sir, is that bridge in front of you the one you demolished in the first place?"

Tang Xiaobei asked, pointing to Dunzi not far away.

When Danzhu led people to surround Xichuan City, Jin Feng and Ninth Princess led people to rescue them.

In order to disturb the enemy's military morale and cut off their retreat, Jin Feng sent people to demolish the bridge over the Jinma River.

When Danzhu sent people to rescue him, Jin Feng asked Wei Datong to dig a dam for a reservoir upstream, causing the water level of the Jinma River to rise instantly. Thousands of the enemy's soldiers were drowned without wasting a single soldier.


Later, Jin Feng was worried that enemies from the plateau would sneak into Xichuan through the bridge, so he never repaired the stone bridge.

"Yes, this is where Wuyang, Liangge and I landed."

Jin Feng pointed to a relatively flat area: "Going eastward from here is Mao'er Mountain, where Meng Tianhai and Chen Fengzhi were surrounded by Danzhu.

Walking a little further, you can see a valley where Lord Wei burst the embankment and drowned thousands of enemies at once!

If not for this, we may not have been able to take Mao'er Mountain so smoothly, and the subsequent Battle of Damanpo Slope may not have been so smooth either."

At that time, there were thousands of enemies besieging Mao'er Mountain, but Jin Feng and Ninth Princess only led more than a thousand people.

Moreover, the escorts at that time were not as capable as they are now, so Jin Feng could only find a way to separate the enemies and kill some of them first.

If thousands of people had not drowned here, the subsequent attack on Mao'er Mountain would indeed not have been so smooth.

Even if we win, the casualties will be much greater.

At that time, Jin Feng had just arrived and had no prestige at all. It was through the Battle of Maoershan that Meng Tianhai and Chen Fengzhi saw the power of the bodyguards and Jin Feng's ability to command operations, so they obeyed Jin Feng's advice and laid the foundation for the future.

The victory of the Battle of Damangpo laid the foundation...

Wei Datong came out of the cabin, happened to hear Jin Feng's words, and said with a smile: "In that battle, it was all about sir using his troops like a god, I was just cooperating with him!"

"Without Mr. Wei, how would I know where to dig the embankment?" Jin Feng said with a smile: "Sir Wei, I give you a piece of advice. Don't be modest when you make contributions in the future, otherwise the credit may be lost!


"Remember!" Wei Datong smiled and nodded.

The ship continued to move forward, and after going around a cliff, Tang Xiaobei saw the valley that Jin Feng had just mentioned.

But what surprised Tang Xiaobei was that the valley was full of people.

The valley was shady and the distance was still a bit far, so I couldn't see clearly. I could only see many people wearing armor and looking murderous.

Thinking of what Jin Feng had just said, Tang Xiaobei thought it was the Tibetan soldiers who had been drowned. When he learned that Jin Feng and Wei Datong had killed them, they came out to avenge them.

Tang Xiaobei subconsciously wanted to move closer to Jin Feng, but he heard Qing Mulan on the other side of the deck waving to the shore and shouting: "Brother!"

Hearing Qing Mulan shout this, Tang Xiaobei squinted his eyes and took a closer look, only to find that the big flag in the valley looked familiar.

Take out the telescope and take a closer look. Isn’t it the banner of Qing Xinyao?

The telescope moves down the flagpole. Who is the person standing under the flagpole if not Qing Xinyao?

Standing next to Qing Xinyao were Zhou Youda and a group of squires.

"It seems that Mr. Qing still attaches great importance to our husband. He came directly here to greet him."

Tang Xiaobei put down the telescope: "It looks like they have been waiting here for a long time."

This chapter has been completed!
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