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Chapter 1530 Survivor

Jin Feng picked up the telescope, pointed it at the shore, and found a girl waving frantically towards Zhenyuan No. 2.

This girl looked familiar, but Jin Feng couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

However, Jin Feng had originally planned to save people. Now that the other party knew him, Jin Feng no longer hesitated and turned to the company commander and said: "Send a speedboat over to save people!"

"Sir, do you know them?" the company commander asked worriedly.

Jiangnan is in chaos. If he rescues people and something happens to Jin Feng, he will be the sinner of the entire Sichuan and Shu.

"It looks familiar," Jin Feng nodded, seeing the company commander's worry, and said, "Rescue people first, then let them stay on the speedboat first, and then let them come up after their identities are confirmed!"

"Okay!" The company commander was relieved.

As long as you don't let the other party get on the ship and come into contact with Jin Feng, then there won't be a big problem.

The situation on the shore was getting more and more critical. Since he had decided to save people, the company commander did not dare to delay. He saluted Jin Feng and ran out.

Soon, two speedboats rushed out.

Overhead, an airship slowly turned around.

On the speedboat, the escort took out a grenade and threw it into the water.


With a violent explosion, a ball of spray burst out from the river.

The fighting on the riverside also stopped.

"Listen to the bandits on the shore, please stop, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

The escort squad leader on the speedboat shouted with a tin trumpet.

"Master Jun, we are not bandits, we are common people!"

A burly man walked out from the shore and shouted towards the speedboat: "Masters of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, didn't you encourage us to fight against the local tyrants to divide the land? Why are you stopping us now?"

"Squad leader, we are not rich, and we don't have any land!"

The girl who just shouted quickly shouted: "I used to be the shopkeeper of the Chamber of Commerce. After I reunited with my family, I started a cloth business. The cloth we bought was all imported from Jinchuan. Both my husband and Mrs. Xiaobei knew me.


We are all honest businessmen, we never make money without conscience, and we spend a lot of money every month to buy food and make porridge!"

At this point, the girl pointed angrily at the besieging crowd on the shore and cursed: "You are a bunch of white-eyed wolves, who has never drank the porridge from my porridge shed, and now you are chasing us? Have your consciences been eaten by dogs?"

Many people in the crowd lowered their heads after being scolded.

The burly man who took the lead saw that the situation was not good and quickly said: "Nonsense, the landlords are not human beings, and you cloth merchants are not good people. What you earn is the hard-earned money of our people. The colder the weather, the more your cloths will sell."

Gui means that he sincerely wants to force us poor people to death!"

"That's another cloth merchant. When did our Yue's Cloth Company raise prices randomly?" the girl argued.

When the burly man heard this, he had nothing to say.

The escort on the speedboat has been operating in the Jiangnan area recently, and he is quite familiar with the situation in Jiangnan. Hearing this, he probably understood what was going on, and shouted: "I don't care if you want to divide the land among the rich, but this girl

They are dealers from our Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce. Get out of here, otherwise you will be treated as bandits!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the escorts on the deck of the speedboat immediately turned their heavy crossbows and catapults.

The other bodyguards also raised their crossbows!

At any time, only when you speak loudly with your fists will someone listen.

If someone else comes to break up the fight, you may even get involved.

However, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau had a good reputation. When the pursuers saw that the escorts had set up heavy crossbows and catapults, and the airship flew above their heads, they were frightened and turned around and ran away.

Recently, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has been suppressing bandits everywhere in Jiangnan.

In order to achieve the purpose of deterrence, the attacks were extremely ruthless, and basically all the bandits who were suppressed were left alone.

If it weren't for the intimidation of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, Jiangnan would probably be even more chaotic.

However, escorts mainly operate along the Yangtze River. In areas too far away from the Yangtze River, escorts do not dare to go too deep.

As soon as the pursuers ran away, the group of people being chased finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground one by one, gasping for air.

In order to escape for their lives, they ran for more than ten miles without stopping for a moment, and they were exhausted.

Someone had been chasing behind them just now, and they didn't dare to stop no matter how tired they were. Now that the thieves had retreated, they all felt trembling all over and couldn't stand.

The girl who just called for help did not sit down, but saluted the escort who was about to get up: "Thank you squad leader for saving your life. I wonder what you call squad leader?"

"You can just call me Lao Shi." The escort squad leader replied.

Squad leader is the name that recruits in the escort division give to senior veterans. Just now, the squad leader of the escort division heard the girl call her that, so he believed what she said.

"Monitor Shi!" The girl saluted again to the monitor: "My little sister's name is Yue Yunpeng, you can just call me Xiaoyue!"

"Miss Xiaoyue, what are your plans next?" the escort squad leader asked: "Will you come with us, or leave on your own!"

"We'll go with you, monitor!" Xiaoyue replied without hesitation: "We originally planned to go to Sichuan and Sichuan to join Mrs. Xiaobei, but before we were ready, the door to our house was broken into by thieves."

Just kidding, the thief has just left, so he must not have gone far. If the escort leaves, he will probably come back again.

"Come with us, then get on the boat first." The escort squad leader said: "Miss Yue, since you are one of our own, you should know the rules. You have to be searched when you get on our boat!"

Although he already believed in Miss Xiao Yue's identity, he still had to go through the necessary procedures.

If he makes a mistake and lets the thieves board the ship, he will harm the whole ship.

"I know, let's cooperate!" Xiaoyue quickly raised his hands, and at the same time turned to his family and said: "Quick, raise your hands, brother An, put all your weapons on the ground!"

The squad leader of the bodyguard confirmed that everyone in the Yue family had thrown away their weapons obediently, raised his hands in the air, and nodded toward the back.

Two bodyguards, a man and a woman, jumped ashore and searched the bodies of the in-laws' family members.

The escorts on the ship did not dare to be careless and never put away their hand crossbows.

If anyone on the shore makes any move, they will kill them without hesitation.

Fortunately, the other party did not behave abnormally. He cooperated very well and allowed the bodyguard to search him. Then, at the request of the bodyguard, he boarded the speedboat.

When they arrived on the speedboat, the escort squad leader did not let them enter the cabin, but let them crowd on the deck.

"Just hold on, we'll let you down when we get to the next pier. Then you can follow the caravan to Jinchuan!" said the escort squad leader.

They were going to the East China Sea, and it was only convenient to save the Yue family, but it was impossible to take them with them all the time.

Taking them to a safe place along the way is already an act of kindness and justice.

"Thank you, Captain Shi!" Miss Xiaoyue said, "Then can I go to the ship to meet Mr. and Mrs. Xiaobei and thank them in person?"


This chapter has been completed!
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