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Chapter 1534 Have you seen the national teacher?

"Sir, this is a good idea," Zhang Liang nodded in agreement: "When people go to other places, they become more cautious. Even if they want to do bad things, they will restrain themselves."

In the feudal era, transportation was inconvenient and there were many bandits. The center of many people's life activities was around the village. There were not many opportunities to go to towns. A trip to the county town was considered a long trip, and it would take half a day to get back.

Everyone's social circle, that is, the village, will only know a few people from the neighboring villages at most, but if they are one or two villages away, they may not know each other at all.

Sending people from this town to another town as errands is basically a remote dispatch, which can prevent local people from becoming corrupt for themselves or their families after they gain power.

"Not only do they need to be dispatched to different places, but they also need to be rotated every once in a while. This way we can avoid the disadvantages of official-official protection to the greatest extent."

Jin Feng said: "I will also arrange to open an official school here to train grassroots officials."

"Does the official school teach people how to be officials?" Tang Xiaobei asked curiously.

This was the first time she heard of such a school.

"You can understand it this way." Jin Feng nodded.

He has never thought of using beliefs and interests to test people's hearts, and people's hearts are the least able to withstand temptation.

We are all ordinary people. If we put ourselves in their shoes and think about it, Jin Feng himself became an official and wanted to make his family's life better.

Even if some officials have a high level of consciousness, such as Wei Datong and Tie Shixin, who seek to leave a name in history and are willing to work hard to do practical things for the people and can resist various temptations, their relatives may not have such a high level of consciousness.

Moreover, Jin Feng did not want officials who sincerely serve the people to live in poverty.

Therefore, when dealing with officials, Jin Feng adopts a policy of high salary to support integrity and strict investigation and crackdown.

To put it bluntly, the salary given to officials is very high, enough for them to live a comfortable life, and the supervision and punishment are also very severe.

In the feudal era, most officials were protective of each other. If you commit an offense today, I will let you go. Next time if I commit an offense, you will let me go.

This was the normal state of officialdom in the feudal era.

However, once Jin Feng discovers that officials are corrupt, they will basically all be severely punished.

Since the establishment of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, more than 30 escort officers have been beheaded due to corruption.

This has also caused many people who originally had small thoughts to suppress them.

At present, the official atmosphere in Sichuan and Shu is generally very good, but Jin Feng knows that this situation cannot last long.

So he had long wanted to open an official school to train officials and teach them how to be officials, but he had too many things to do, so he never got around to it.

Now that there are more and more officials under his command, this matter must be put on the agenda. Otherwise, once the officials develop bad habits and a bad officialdom atmosphere is formed, it will be difficult to change it.

"Sir, is it too late to open an official school now?" Zhang Liang asked a little worriedly.

"It's definitely too late, so we have to send him to another place."

Jin Feng said: "The off-site dispatch only needs to last for one or two years, so that the people in Jiangnan can have food to eat, and then we will be able to establish a firm foothold!"

He never thought that he would be able to create a peaceful and prosperous age within one or two years. The only thing Jin Feng wants now is to save the lives of as many people as possible in Jiangnan so that they will not starve to death in these two years.

As long as he gets through the most difficult two years, Jin Feng believes that things will get better and better in the future.

Only when people are alive can they have the possibility to do other things. If people are gone, all the extravagant talk will be in vain.

"Sir, I understand!"

Zhang Liang said: "I will mobilize manpower as soon as possible to form a bandit suppression brigade in each county. First, we will wipe out the famous bandits in this county, and then we will arrange manpower in each county as appropriate to ensure basic order.


As the intimidating power of the falcons disappeared, and the two battles of Yuguancheng and Brass Gou ended, the forces that had previously been eyeing Sichuan and Shu had all stopped, and some manpower could be temporarily mobilized.

"Brother Liang, you are the best at suppressing bandits and leading troops. You can just make arrangements as you see fit."

Jin Feng said: "When I pass by Wudi tomorrow, I will talk to Qinghou and ask him to stay in Jiangnan to cooperate with you for the time being!"

"That's great!" Zhang Liang nodded repeatedly.

The Tielin Army has strict military discipline and strong combat effectiveness. With the help of the Tielin Army, the difficulty of suppressing bandits will be greatly reduced.

"Then Jiangnan will be left to Brother Liang!" Jin Feng stood up and patted Zhang Liang heavily on the shoulder.

Since the establishment of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, Zhang Liang has been in charge of the work of suppressing bandits and has very rich experience.

This is why Jin Feng asked Zhang Liang to take the lead in suppressing bandits.

"Don't worry, sir, I will do my best to live up to your trust!" Zhang Liang stood up and replied.

"I believe it!" Jin Feng smiled and served Zhang Liang a bowl of rice: "Eat, eat!"

Zhang Liang was flattered and took the job.

During the dinner, the two discussed some details about suppressing bandits and dispatching to other places, and the meal ended in the middle of the afternoon.

When Jin Feng saw Zhang Liang off the boat, he found Miss Xiao Yue waiting on the shore. When he saw Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei coming out, he quickly stepped forward and saluted: "Sir, Madam, take care of yourself all the way!"

"Xiao Yueyue, have the family arrangements been made?" Tang Xiaobei asked.

"It has been arranged. When Zhenyuan No. 2 comes back, we will take a boat from here to Jinchuan." Miss Xiaoyue replied.

"What are you going to do when you get to Jinchuan?" Tang Xiaobei asked again.

"I bought a house in Guangyuan last year, which is enough for our family to live in. When I get to Guangyuan, I will open a shop again."

"That's good. I'm relieved since you're prepared!" Tang Xiaobei nodded: "If you have any difficulties, remember to write to me."

"Thank you madam!" Miss Xiaoyue nodded heavily.

Before, she was worried that she would be ostracized when she arrived in Sichuan, but now that Tang Xiaobei said this, her heart was filled with worry.

Jin Feng listened to the conversation between the two and turned to look at Zhang Liang: "Brother Liang, are there many rich people from Jiangnan who want to go to Sichuan and Shu recently?"

"Quite a lot," Zhang Liang said: "Everywhere in Jiangnan is trying to allocate land to local tycoons. Many wealthy people who have no land at home have also been affected. They all want to go to Sichuan and Sichuan to seek refuge. There are some who passed by me recently.

Quite a few, but it's hard to say whether they can reach Sichuan and Sichuan. There are too many bandits and illegal shops on the road now."

"Then what do you think about us selling some ferry tickets?" Jin Feng asked: "Are they willing to buy it?"

"Of course I do. In fact, people have been asking about it every day recently. They want to take the Zhenyuan 2 to Jinchuan. The bids are quite high, but I rejected them."

"Promise them in the future." Jin Feng said: "But don't let them board the Zhenyuan No. 2. I will arrange another ship to take care of the passenger business."

This chapter has been completed!
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