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Chapter 1543

Seeing Jin Feng, Hong Taoping waved away the others and quickly came up to meet him.

"Sir, why are you up so early?"

When Jin Feng stayed at the dock for a few days, Hong Taoping knew that Jin Feng often worked late into the night and would sleep until noon the next day.

It's only half morning, and Jin Feng has already arrived at the dock.

"I got up early today and came to the dock to have a look."

Jin Feng did not mention Zheng Chiyuan and asked: "How is the progress?"

"Sir, don't mention it. I was angry just now because of this!" Hong Taoping said: "Last night when the No. 3 beam was being lifted, it hit a pillar and was a little deformed. I don't know how much longer the construction period will be extended!"

After leaving Jin Feng's study yesterday, Hong Taoping's mind was filled with the building production line and armored ships. He looked at the drawings in front of the oil lamp until early in the morning and went to bed, and got up again at dawn.

After having some breakfast, I went to the dock. I originally wanted to speed up the progress of Zhenyuan No. 3, but when I arrived at the dock, I heard that because of the overnight work last night, when the gantry crane was lifting a section of beam, it hit the dock column because of the darkness.

, one of the corners was deformed by the impact.

There is no large-scale steel factory here at the dock, and the steel components for Zhenyuan No. 3 are all made at the steel factory in Jinchuan and shipped here.

If a component is damaged now, even if someone is sent to notify Jinchuan immediately, the steel plant will immediately stop other work, work overtime to rush production, and then have Zhenyuan No. 2 deliver it as soon as possible, it will still take a month at the earliest.

If there are any mistakes in the middle, it will take even longer.

Jin Feng now wanted to drive out the building ships and armored ships immediately. Hearing the news, he couldn't help but frown.

But instead of asking about the beam immediately, he asked the worker: "Is anyone injured?"

The No. 3 beam is a large beam, weighing several tons. A casual touch can break a person's bones and tendons.

"Fortunately, my husband has already given instructions. The shipyard has always attached great importance to safety training, and no one was injured."

Hong Taoping replied.

"As long as no one gets hurt!"

Jin Feng nodded and walked quickly to the ladder.

Tie Zhui and Hong Taoping quickly followed.

A group of people climbed up the ladder to Zhenyuan No. 3 and arrived at the No. 3 beam.

At this time, the No. 3 beam had been lowered and was lying across the deck.

The No. 3 beam was made of I-shaped steel. From a distance, Jin Feng saw that one of the corners had been hit and crimped.

If there had been gas welding and electric welding in the previous life, there would have been a possibility of remediation, but Jin Feng has not even made a generator now, let alone electric welding.

The worker who controlled the gantry crane knew that he was at fault. When he saw Jin Feng approaching, he took the initiative to admit his mistake and said, "Sir, I accidentally broke the beam. Please punish me!"

"Punishment?" Jin Feng looked at Hong Taoping with some confusion.

Nowadays, the situation in Jiangnan is severe, and the voyage is imminent. The beam was hit, which directly affected the completion progress of Zhenyuan No. 3, thereby delaying the production of building ships and iron-clad ships, and the losses caused were incalculable.

Hong Taoping was so angry that he jumped up and down.

According to normal circumstances, the penalty decision for this worker should have been made long ago.

Could it be that Hong Taoping's punishment was too severe and the worker was dissatisfied and came to Jin Feng specifically for support?

Seeing Jin Feng's eyes full of questions, Hong Taoping explained in a low voice: "Sir, this brother is from Jinchuan. We are still studying his punishment."

When Jin Feng heard this, he frowned slightly.

In fact, he heard some rumors before coming here, saying that Donghai Shipyard is now divided into two factions.

One group consists of locally recruited boatmen and crew, headed by Hong Taoping and the Hong family's original team, and the other group consists of escorts and workers from Sichuan and Sichuan, headed by Da Qiang and a warehouse full of disciples.

The worker in front of me, Jin Feng, knew him well. When the iron smelting workshop was established, he was among the second batch recruited, and he was considered an old man in the iron smelting workshop. Otherwise, he would not have been given such an important task of controlling the gantry crane.

If Hong Taoping dealt with him rashly, it would probably arouse the resentment of the Jinchuan faction workers, so although he was angry, Hong Taoping did not make an immediate decision on punishment, but wanted to discuss it with Daqiang.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. As the territory becomes larger and larger, and there are more and more people under his command, there is no way to avoid this situation, and Jin Feng is also mentally prepared.

In fact, it is the same not only in shipyards, but also in other places, including some factories in Sichuan and Sichuan.

For example, in the factories in Xichuan, local workers in Xichuan and workers sent by Jin Feng also have factions.

Everyone will be close to the people in their hometown. When something happens, the fellow villagers will stick together. Jin Feng can understand. As long as they don't cause trouble with each other, Jin Feng doesn't want to worry about it.

However, Zhenyuan No. 3 was so important, and the worker's mistake was so clear. Hong Taoping, as the person in charge of the shipyard, did not impose any punishment, which made Jin Feng aware of the signs of factional struggle.

Thinking of this, Jin Feng said with a cold face: "Get Daqiang and Black Cat over here!"

"Yes!" Iron Hammer agreed and arranged for his bodyguard to find the person.

Daqiang is the person in charge of the escort, and Black Cat is the disciple of Mancang. He is also the most skilled and senior among the workers from Jinchuan. Almost all the workers from Jinchuan look up to him.

Daqiang had been paying attention to Jin Feng's movements. When he learned that he was coming to the dock, he led people to guard outside the dock. When he learned that Jin Feng was looking for him, he quickly rushed over.

The Black Cat itself was on the Zhenyuan No. 3, arriving faster than Daqiang.

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

Daqiang was a soldier, he had an upright personality, and he didn't know what happened just now. When he saw Jin Feng, he asked directly.

Jin Feng ignored him and looked at Hong Taoping: "Find a place to talk."

"I built a room here to store some things. It's a bit messy but fairly quiet. If you don't mind, sir, you can go there."

Hong Taoping pointed to a corner of the dock.

Jin Feng looked over and found that there was indeed a small room in the northwest corner of the dock.

"Let's go," Jin Feng nodded and took the lead towards the stairs.

Arriving at the door of the cabin, Hong Taoping ran a few steps quickly, took out the key from his sleeve, and opened the door.

The cabin is not big, only about thirty square meters.

But unlike the rest room Jin Feng saw on the Internet that the female leader used public funds to furnish, this cabin was filled with shelves containing various tools and parts, as well as ship models.

In the corner of the hut, there is a desk filled with drawings.

There is a shelf next to the desk with two candlesticks. The candlesticks are dripping with wax, indicating that Hong Taoping often works here at night.

"Sir, it's a bit messy here, please be patient!"

Hong Taoping hurriedly gathered the drawings on the table together, then wiped the only chair a few times, and made an inviting gesture towards Jin Feng: "Sir, please sit down first, I will send someone to bring a pot of tea!"


"No, I'm not here to drink tea!"

Jin Feng waved his hand with a cold face: "Let's get down to business!"

This chapter has been completed!
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