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Chapter 1571 Witness

"Not even 10%?"

The fishermen in the audience were stunned.

So why does Jin Feng do so many things?

"Yes, you won't pay even 10%!"

Zheng Chiyuan said: "You should have heard in the Jinchuan Daily that the Imperial Master repeatedly advised His Majesty, saying that we people are water and Your Majesty is the boat, and warned His Majesty that water can carry a boat but also capsize it.

The Imperial Preceptor is different from other dignitaries. He was also a common man two years ago. He knows the suffering of our common people. Therefore, the Imperial Preceptor is really thinking about us common people. Haven't you felt it all the time?

Apart from anything else, don’t you know whether taxes have increased or decreased since the Imperial Master took over our place?”

After hearing this, the fishermen fell silent again.

In the past, there were many kinds of exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes in the local area. You had to pay taxes when you went to the sea to fish, you had to pay taxes when you came back from the dock, you had to pay taxes when you sold fish, and you had to pay taxes even for repairing boats and fishing nets.

But since the escort took charge of the county government, all kinds of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes have been cancelled. Everyone only needs to pay the fish tax at the fish shop when selling fish.

If you can't catch fish or sell the fish elsewhere, you don't even have to pay the fishery tax.

Of course, it is illegal to secretly sell fish in other places, but Da Qiang also knows that fishermen are in trouble, so he tells the bodyguard and the local government to turn a blind eye for the time being until the fishermen have passed the difficult period.

If the pirates hadn't suddenly made too much noise, the fishermen's lives would have been much easier than before.

Thinking of this, many fishermen became embarrassed and asked: "General Zheng, the National Master established the Marine Management Department not to collect taxes, but for what purpose?"

"Didn't I just say it twice?" Zheng Chiyuan said: "The Marine Management Department serves us fishermen. It is the National Teacher who wants to find a way for us fishermen to live for a long time!"

"What way?" a fisherman asked.

"First of all, sir, I will set up a breeding and planting department under the Marine Management Department to teach everyone how to grow kelp in the sea, so that you can continuously produce kelp just like growing crops!"

Zheng Chiyuan said: "And the kelp plantation is not too far from the coast. Those aunts and sisters-in-law who cannot go to the sea can go to the plantation to grow kelp and feed the family!"

"This is good, this is good!"

Many fishermen immediately applauded.

Many people in the Central Plains envy the fishermen who can go out to sea to fish. With just one boat and one net, they can feed their family without even needing seeds.

But they don't know that fishermen rely on luck when fishing. Sometimes they are exhausted after working all day but can't catch a single fish.

It would be even worse if the fishing nets were damaged again.

Therefore, many fishermen envy the people in the Central Plains who can farm, because in the eyes of many fishermen, farming means burying seeds in the soil, and then getting them back many times in a few months. This is better than fishing, which relies on luck.

Too reliable.

Unfortunately, a lot of the land in Yuxi Town is too close to the ocean and is saline-alkali land, which cannot grow food at all. Even if it is planted reluctantly, the final harvest may not even have enough seeds.

Now, they can also grow kelp in the sea.

Especially the women and girls who could not go to sea were extremely excited.

They all heard from Jinchuan Daily that women and girls in Sichuan and Sichuan can also work and earn money to support their families. Unfortunately, there is no kudzu, no textile mills and other factories in the East China Sea. They can only envy them.

If kelp can be grown on the beach in the future, they can make the same money as the girls in Sichuan and Sichuan.

"Everyone, don't rush to be happy, there is something ugly that needs to be said before!"

Zheng Chiyuan said: "As I said before, the East China Sea is also the territory of Dakang and should be under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. Therefore, if you want to plant kelp, you must go to the Marine Management Department to apply for contracting sea fields and pay the contracting fee!

Of course, the Department of Marine Management will not charge everyone’s contracting fees in vain. The National Guard will train a professional marine team to instruct everyone on how to plant kelp. Our Navy will also set up a fleet to station near the sea fields to protect the sea fields.


Moreover, the Imperial Master has explained that in view of everyone’s current difficult situation, the contracting fees for the first season can be paid when the kelp is harvested!”

Jin Feng originally thought that the fishermen would reject the contracting fee, but he didn't expect that just after Zheng Chiyuan finished speaking, there was a burst of applause.

"Mr. Zheng, you should collect the contracting fee. Otherwise, everyone will come to occupy Haitian. Wouldn't it be chaos?"

"Master Zheng, where is the Marine Management Department and how do I sign up?"

Some fishermen couldn't hold themselves back and started asking about the contracting process.

"Don't be impatient, please wait until I finish speaking!"

Zheng Chiyuan waved his hand and continued: "The Department of Marine Management will not only set up a planting and breeding department, but also set up a fishing team. If you have a fishing boat at home, you can sign up!

The main task of the fishing team is to go to Maolang Island to pick kelp and transport it back by boat. When the kelp on Maolang Island is picked, the National Master will send a speedboat to protect the fishing team and go fishing in the open sea during the fishing season!"

“I have a fishing boat at home, I’ll sign up!”

"I'll sign up too!"

Immediately under the platform, a large number of people raised their arms, wanting to sign up for the fishing team.

Although kelp cultivation is attractive, it takes a long time to manage and wait for the kelp to grow. Moreover, there is no precedent for this kind of thing before, and the fishermen are not convinced.

No matter what Jin Feng says now, if the planting fails by then, can they still go to Jin Feng to argue?

Almost all of the people present were fishermen. In their minds, if they could make a living by fishing, it would be more reliable.

A new round of fishing season is coming. For fishermen, the fishing season is their harvest period. Unfortunately, the location where the fishing season passes is far from the coast and there is the threat of pirates, so they dare not go there.

Now Zheng Chiyuan promised that the escort, speedboat and navy would protect them when they went to the open sea, and many fishermen couldn't help but be moved.

"The Marine Management Department is still under preparation. We will notify everyone when it is established. You can go back and consider whether you want to contract sea fields and whether you want to join the fishing team!"

Zheng Chiyuan said: "And the Imperial Master also said that before the establishment of the Department of Marine Management, porridge would be given here every morning and evening, and it would all be the same fish fillet porridge as today, so everyone would not go hungry!


"Long live the Imperial Preceptor!"

"Long live the Imperial Preceptor!"

The fishermen under the stage immediately cheered, and many people excitedly kowtowed in Jin Feng's direction.

"Sir, serving fish fillet porridge every day is too extravagant, isn't it?"

Hong Taoping took a step forward and whispered.

Today's fish fillet porridge is not only delicious, but also very thick. One bowl can equal the previous three bowls.

This means that more ingredients are needed to make soup than before.

He was a little worried that Jin Feng would not be able to fulfill his promise and that the prestige he had finally built up would collapse.

This chapter has been completed!
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