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Chapter 1578

According to the original plan, it might take a day and midnight to get to Maolang Island.

Jin Feng and the others were lucky enough to catch the west wind on the day of departure.

The fishing boat hoisted its sails and was much faster than planned. In addition, it set off early in the morning. In the evening, the outline of an island was seen through the telescope.

"Sir, that island is Maolang Island."

Zheng Chiyuan pointed to the island group and said: "In the middle of that circle of islands, there is a bay. Pirates hide in the middle of the bay. When the tide is high, waves will emerge from the canyon between the islands, so it is called Maolang Island.

Because the canyon leading in and out of the bay is too narrow and there are many reefs, our navy's large ships cannot enter. When small ships enter, they are easily attacked by pirates from above, so this place has always been a pirate den.

Fortunately, sir, I finally got rid of this cancer!"

Jin Feng took out his telescope and asked, "How far is it from Maolang Island?"

"It should be more than thirty miles away," Zheng Chiyuan said.

"It's really a waste of time," Jin Feng lamented, and then asked: "Where is the kelp distributed?"

"There are a lot of kelps around Maolang Island, but they are mainly distributed in the northwest of Maolang Island."

Zheng Chiyuan pointed forward and said: "If I remember correctly, if you go five or six miles further, you should be able to see bound feet... and you can see kelp!"

"Five or six miles?" Jin Feng thought for a moment, turned around and said, "Hammer, prepare a hot air balloon, I want to go up and have a look!"

It was actually a bit unsafe in the sky at this time, but since Jin Feng had given the order in public, Iron Hammer would be disobeying the order if he did not prepare.

Tie Zhui thought for a moment and nodded towards the back.

In order to cope with possible accidents and dangers, hot air balloons and pilots were prepared on the speedboat in advance.

Now the pilots are very familiar with hot air balloons. Ten minutes later, a smaller version of the hot air balloon took off carrying Jin Feng and Iron Hammer Zheng Chiyuan.

In order to prevent the hot air balloon from floating away, the escort tied a rope under the hanging basket and dragged the hot air balloon.

This was Zheng Chiyuan's first time riding a hot air balloon. Like most people, when the hot air balloon took off, the navy commander involuntarily grasped the railing in front of him.

Jin Feng did not look at Zheng Chiyuan, but looked at the sea to the east.

When the hot air balloon rose to more than ten meters, he saw that the sea surface in the distance turned black, and there seemed to be countless black cloths under the sea surface, swaying with the flow of the waves.

Pick up the telescope and take a closer look. Those "black cloths" are kelp.

As the hot air balloon rises higher and higher, the area of ​​​​the black sea surface becomes larger and larger, and Jin Feng becomes more and more excited!

Zheng Chiyuan didn't lie. There are really a lot of kelp on Maolang Island, and you can't even see the edge at a glance!

As if he had seen the most beautiful scenery, Jin Feng looked at the dark sea and was reluctant to put down his telescope!

At this moment, Jin Feng could not wait to return to the dock immediately and write a letter to tell the Ninth Princess that the people in Jiangnan were saved!

The people of the Central Plains are saved!

After confirming the area of ​​kelp, Jin Feng's goal of going to sea this time was more than half completed.

By the time the hot air balloon was pulled back to the deck, the speedboat had already sailed into the black sea. Jin Feng lay on the railing of the speedboat and looked down. The water below was densely covered with kelp.

Jin Feng had one fished out and covered a quarter of the speedboat's deck.

This was the first time Jin Feng had seen such a big kelp.

Not only is it big, this piece of kelp is also very thick, and the quality is much better than the kelp that the navy fished at the beach before.

Just this piece of kelp and two bowls of rice are enough to stew a large pot of porridge!

Such a large area of ​​​​sea is completely covered with kelp, which is enough for many people... Just thinking about it makes Jin Feng excited!

At this time, there was no pollution in the sea water, and it looked extremely clear. As he got closer, Jin Feng realized that this sea water was not very deep.

"No wonder they say the ocean is an inexhaustible treasure. There is indeed a treasure here!"

Jin Feng looked down at the sea and murmured to himself.

In fact, the seabed is the same as the ground, with large plains and high mountains.

The so-called islands are the tops of underwater mountains.

The place in front of us should be a plateau in the sea.

This kind of terrain is most suitable for kelp growth.

In Jin Feng's excited mood, the speedboat slowly sailed into Maolang Island.

As Zheng Chiyuan said, Maolang Island is an island group composed of more than a dozen large and small islands. The waterways between the peaks are not very wide, and there are many reefs below. It is very difficult for a large ship to enter.

The bottom of the boat could not be corrected and it would hit a rock.

At this time, all the islands on Maolang Island were burned to a black finish, and there was a burning smell in the air. If you look carefully, you can see many burnt corpses.

If he had just come to this world, Jin Feng would definitely not be used to seeing this kind of scene, but now he has experienced several wars, seen more cruel scenes, and smelled more unpleasant smells. At this time, he even frowned.

Not even a wrinkle.

This is not only true for Jin Feng, but also for other people on the speedboat, including Run Niang.

Although the smell can be tolerated, no one wants to smell it if they can avoid it.

The escorts who stayed behind set up several tents on the island upwind for temporary rest.

Now that Jin Feng has arrived, these tents have naturally been requisitioned.

As for the fishermen, Zheng Chiyuan did not let them enter Maolang Island, but let them stay outside the bay and live on the boat.

The fishermen knew what they were going to do before they came, so early the next morning, as soon as Jin Feng got up, he saw all the fishing boats on the sea already starting to work.

The fishermen use hooks and ropes to pull the kelp onto the fishing boat and spread it out one by one on the deck.

This process is not complicated, and the fishermen are already very skilled without Jin Feng’s guidance.

Jin Feng has confirmed the distribution and quantity of kelp, and the fishermen have also learned how to salvage it. Jin Feng's goals for this trip have been completed.

So after having breakfast, Jin Feng started his return journey.

There was no need to wait for the fishing boat when we went back. The speed of the speedboat went straight up and we were back at the dock before noon.

Tang Xiaobei has been very worried since Jin Feng went to sea. He didn't sleep in today and came to the dock early in the morning to wait.

Seeing the speedboat returning, with Jin Feng, Runniang and others standing intact on the deck of the second speedboat, Tang Xiaobei's heart finally fell to the ground and he happily ran to the docking location.

As soon as Jin Feng landed, she ran up and took his arm and asked, "Mr. sir, how is it? Is it going well?"

"It went well, it went very well!"

Jin Feng said excitedly: "Xiaobei, do you know how much kelp there is on Maolang Island?"

"How much?" Tang Xiaobei asked curiously.

Since taking up a high position, Jin Feng has become more and more stable. Tang Xiaobei has not seen Jin Feng so excited for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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