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Chapter 1679 The Sky Is Falling

Knowing that Jin Feng, Ninth Princess and Tang Xiaobei were all paying attention to kelp, Yuan Caiwei and many workers from the chamber of commerce stayed up all night, weighing and loading the kelp into trucks, and transported it to the county government and various towns' chambers of commerce and supply and marketing cooperatives.

The headquarters of the Jinchuan County Chamber of Commerce is at the northwest corner of the busiest cross street.

When the Chamber of Commerce was first established, it mainly sold soap and made money from brothels and wealthy people.

Now that Jinchuan has become Jin Feng's base camp, the business model of the Chamber of Commerce has also changed.

Following the model of the shopping mall in his previous life, Jin Feng demolished the original two sets of wooden shops and built a seven-story building with a concrete and steel frame.

The five floors below are the department store, which sells everything from hardware and farm tools to vegetables and meat, as well as various daily necessities.

The sixth floor is the staff office area, and the seventh floor is the staff dormitory.

In Jin Feng's previous life, a four-story building was nothing, but in Dakang, this was the tallest building.

When it was first built, it attracted countless people to watch.

Later, it became a landmark in Jinchuan County and the pride of Jinchuan people.

Many people in villages and towns who come to the county government for business must visit the department store of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce, otherwise their trip to the county government will be in vain.

When people in the county government have something to do, they will come to the square in front of the department store to hang out.

Early that morning, many people discovered a large sign erected at the door of the department store.

There were two carriages parked behind the sign. There were piles of black things stacked on the carriages, which looked like rags.

Several chamber of commerce guys were setting up a table next to the carriage, and then unloading the "rags" from the carriage onto the table.

There are no refrigerators in Dakang now, so it is troublesome to store vegetables, fruits and meat. In order to prevent these goods from spoiling, department stores usually put some goods that are about to spoil at the door and do some promotional activities.

As soon as the people saw the chamber of commerce clerk lifting the table, they knew that the promotion was about to begin.

Many people who were just passing by saw this situation and gathered around.

Because of the products on sale, the prices will drop a lot.

Although the lives of the people in Jinchuan County are much better than before because of Jin Feng, they are all people who have lived a hard life after all, and product promotions are a good opportunity for them to pick up the slack.

As for whether the goods are fresh, it is completely out of their consideration.

Don't say it's just not fresh. Many people used to have guests at home to buy some meat. If the guests didn't finish it, they were reluctant to eat it, and they were reluctant to add salt to marinate it. It might become smelly if left alone.

But no one is willing to throw it away. Not to mention the smell, even if it is infested with insects, they can still eat it.

Therefore, every time a department store holds a sale, many people will rush to grab it.

If you're slow, you won't be able to grab it.

It's just that in the past, the promotions were basically vegetables, fruits and meats, but this time it was a kind of goods that people had never seen before.

"Old Zhang, what did they put on the table?"

"I haven't seen it either. It looks like rags."

Two common people whispered.

When an old man standing next to them heard this, he slapped his thigh suddenly and said loudly:

"My daughter works in Jinchuan Textile Factory. She said that the factory has been studying dyeing cloth recently, but because the formula has not been figured out yet, some cloths are often dyed and damaged. Do you think these are damaged cloths that are put out and sold at a low price?

For us?"

Some people around him turned their heads when they heard his words.

When the textile factory was first established and large-scale recruitment was launched, the girls who applied for jobs were basically from villages and towns, and very few urbanites from the county government went there.

Later, word spread about the welfare benefits in the factory, and many city residents regretted it.

Unfortunately, all the factories under Jin Feng were almost full of workers at that time, and they couldn't get in even if they wanted to.

So when they heard that the old man's daughter worked in a textile factory, many people around her looked at her with envy.

The old man also raised his eyebrows proudly.

An old man who was familiar with him couldn't stand it and curled his lips and said: "Old Yangtou, stop showing off, don't you just have a daughter who works in a textile factory? Do you need to talk about it every day?"

The daughter of Lao Yangtou's family was injured when she was a child, and she walked with a slight limp when she grew up. Like Guan Xiaorou, she participated in several bride-grooming parties but never got married. She was a well-known loser in the surrounding area. She spun threads and helped people wash clothes at home.

Clothes for a living.

Later, her brother married his sister-in-law. He didn't like her and made everything difficult for her. He often didn't give her a meal for a day or two.

The girl was so hungry that she couldn't stand it anymore, so she went to the countryside to seek refuge with her aunt. By chance, she learned that a textile factory was recruiting workers, so she signed up with the mentality of giving it a try.

She is an experienced spinner and can spin quickly, so she was successfully selected.

After entering the factory, due to his outstanding performance, he was quickly promoted to squad leader, considered a small leader, and his salary was also improved accordingly.

The girl would follow the Chamber of Commerce's motorcade back to visit her parents every month, and most of the wages she earned were given to her parents.

Those neighbors who had not married her before all regretted it.

It's a pity that the girl has already hooked up with an escort, and they have no chance.

The old man who made the sour remarks was Lao Yangtou's neighbor. He had a son at home. When Lao Yangtou came to propose marriage many times, he was rejected and was ridiculed a lot.

Now that the girl has become more successful, Lao Yang's waist becomes stiff even when he goes out.

Hearing the slanderous words made by his old enemy, he immediately became unhappy: "Old Xutou, I am willing to show off, can you take care of it? If you have the ability, let your son go too and see if the textile factory wants him?"

Why, I just said a few words and I got jealous? I’m not afraid to tell you, my daughter was promoted to squad leader last month and manages dozens of people. Now she has participated in the factory’s literacy class and can already recognize several people.

There are already a hundred characters. When she recognizes a thousand characters, she can take the test for workshop director!

I'm not afraid of making fun of you if I say it, my daughter even taught me a lot of words!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an exclamation of exclamation from all around.

The status of the factories under Jin Feng's command is the same as that of the large state-owned factories in the previous life. Being able to work there is enough to make your family proud.

In the eyes of the people, the workshop director is an unattainable official.

Regardless of whether the daughter of the old Yang family can pass the exam, just having the qualification to take the exam is already great for ordinary people.

Old Xu's face turned red when he was slapped by Old Yang, but he couldn't refute.

Who made his son participate in the escort assessment several times in a row, only to be rejected?

In desperation, he could only point to the sign and change the subject: "If you are capable, can you tell me what is written on this sign?"

Now it was Lao Yangtou's turn to be dumbfounded.

It's true that his girl can recognize hundreds of characters, but he doesn't recognize any of them.

When I said I could read and write just now, I was just bragging.

But you must never admit it in front of your old enemy, otherwise wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Just as he was thinking of a solution, the chamber of commerce clerk rang the gong.

This chapter has been completed!
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