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Chapter 1684 committed suicide

"I told you sir, the kelp was very popular and it was sold out within two days of being shipped back."

The captain replied: "After everyone ate it, they all said it was very delicious. Many people wanted to buy it later but couldn't. Miss Caiwei said that even if there are ten more ships, there will be no worries about not being able to sell them."

"Have you ever heard of anyone feeling uncomfortable after eating kelp?" Jin Feng asked again.

Although he knew that kelp was edible, the kelp he ate in his previous life was basically selected and cultivated by many generations of fishermen.

The kelp harvested now is all wild.

Many common foods in previous lives were not suitable for consumption when they were first discovered.

For example, when potatoes were first discovered, eating them would cause diarrhea or even poisoning. It took thousands of years of selection by Native Americans to develop potato varieties suitable for consumption.

Kelp is also a brand new food to this world. Although Jin Feng has eaten it before, he is not sure that it is not poisonous at all.

Because some foods are only toxic to some people.

The purpose of transporting the kelp back to Jinchuan was to test whether anyone had any adverse reactions after eating it.

"Do you feel uncomfortable after eating it?" The captain thought for a while, frowned and replied, "I haven't heard of it."

"That's good, that's good!" Jin Feng finally felt relieved when he heard the captain say this.

When sending the sea food back, he asked Tang Xiaobei to write a letter to Yuan Caiwei, telling Yuan Caiwei that if he learned that someone had an adverse reaction, someone should tell him.

Now since the captain doesn't know, it means no one was poisoned, and it also means that the kelp is edible.

"By the way, have all the kelp been sold out?" Jin Feng asked again: "Are the first-class and second-class products also sold out?"

"All sold out," the captain replied with a smile: "I heard from Miss Caiwei that the first-class and second-class products are the first to be sold out."

This answer stunned Jin Feng for a moment, and then he figured it out.

More than 70% of the young people in the county have found jobs in Jin Feng's factories and have stable and high incomes.

When people have money, they will spend it.

Those who have not gone to the factory can also do other businesses as long as they are not lazy.

Because of these reasons, Jinchuan is considered the richest county in Sichuan, Sichuan and even Dakang, and the purchasing power of the people has also increased.

Two ships of kelp are indeed nothing to Jinchuan County.

After the captain left, Jin Feng immediately went to find Tang Xiaobei and Zuo Feifei.

Both of them contributed a lot to the smooth transportation of kelp back to Sichuan. Jin Feng immediately wanted to share the good news with them.

I found the two of them in the drying yard and found that they were looking at something together, head to head.

Jin Feng went up to take a look and saw that the two of them were looking at the account books.

"Ms. sir, you're here!"

Tang Xiaobei proudly raised his account book: "I said that dividing kelp into four grades will definitely make money. Now believe it!"

Jin Feng's original intention of picking kelp was just to cope with the possible food crisis, and he did not think about making money. It was Tang Xiaobei who proposed grading kelp.

Jin Feng was still skeptical at the time, thinking how could someone spend 500 yuan to buy a pound of kelp?

Now the facts prove that Tang Xiaobei is right.

Not only was the first-class product sold out, it was also the first among the four grades to be sold out!

"Believe it or not, my Xiaobei is the most powerful!"

Jin Feng rubbed Tang Xiaobei's head as a sign of praise.

"Sister Xiaobei is indeed amazing. She actually made more than 6,000 taels of silver from two ships of kelp!"

Zuo Feifei also sighed: "Sister Xiaobei, how about I ask the drying yard to load all the first-class products to Zhenyuan No. 2? Let's take advantage of the current limelight and make another profit."

"No!" Tang Xiaobei rejected Zuo Feifei's proposal without hesitation: "My husband once said that things are more valuable when they are rare, and once there are too many of them, they are worthless.

Everyone is willing to rush to buy first-class products precisely because the quantity is scarce. If we ship a shipment back at once, the first-class products will become unsaleable immediately!"

"It makes sense," Zuo Feifei nodded suddenly: "Then I will have people assemble the goods as before."

"No way," Tang Xiaobei shook his head again: "This ship needs to carry more second-class and third-class products. As for the fourth-class products, there is no need to carry so many. It will be stocked in the warehouse and sent back to Jiangnan and the Central Plains.


Hearing this, Jin Feng couldn't help but look at Tang Xiaobei with approval.

Zuo Feifei was a little confused at first, but she is also a smart person, and then she figured it out.

Everyone has a desire to compare. When the people of Jinchuan earn money, they begin to pursue pursuits in life. If they eat fourth-class food, they may be laughed at by their neighbors.

And the people in Jiangnan and the Central Plains don't even have enough to eat. As long as they have a stutter, how can they care about the quality of kelp?

Therefore, the cheaper the kelp sent to Jiangnan and Central Plains, the better.

Tang Xiaobei has finally understood human nature.

At the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce's station on the East China Sea, many items have been sold out. With the arrival of Zhenyuan No. 2, the Chamber of Commerce's goods have finally been replenished.

But what Jin Feng didn't expect was that after just one day of replenishment, many products were sold out.

In particular, daily tools such as cloth and kitchen knives have always been very expensive in the East China Sea. Now the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce provides cheap supplies with better quality than before, and they are very popular among fishermen in the East China Sea.

In the past, fishermen had no money and could only watch. Now they have made money by picking and drying kelp, and they are now rushing to buy it.

This situation lasted for more than half a month before it finally ended.

Jin Feng originally thought that after this storm, the business of the Chamber of Commerce's station would fall into a low period, but he found that as more and more refugees were recruited in the picking and drying grounds, the business of the Chamber of Commerce's station was not as popular as it was some time ago.

, but has maintained an upward trend.

Even the business of other merchants in Yuxi Town is much better than before.

After the people who fled from the Central Plains and Jiangnan made money here, they immediately sent messages to their relatives or fellow villagers, asking them to apply for jobs.

The previously unremarkable Yuxi Town has completely changed in less than a month since Jin Feng arrived.

From the deserted appearance before, it suddenly became extremely lively, with an endless stream of pedestrians on the street.

Although many people still have sallow faces, are extremely thin, and their clothes are full of patches and holes, almost all of them have faces full of hope.

There are no bandits here, nor are there all kinds of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes with clever excuses. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can find a job in the drying field or picking field and support your family.

Hong Taoping, a native of Yuxi, has the most obvious feelings about this change.

He has been busy building ships in the dock for more than half a month. After coming out of the dock, he was stunned by the changes in the outside world.

Is this still the place where he grew up?

This chapter has been completed!
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