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Chapter 1693 Did she remember wrong

In troubled times, human lives are like insignificant things, so Jin Feng cannot accept sacrifices.

In each of the several large-scale battles he experienced, there were countless casualties.

What makes Jin Feng sad is that these two bodyguards died at the hands of a group of beasts.

"Husband, don't worry, these two warriors will not die in vain!"

The Ninth Princess stepped forward and took Jin Feng's arm, and said coldly: "I will definitely find out the masterminds behind the scenes and avenge them!"

Jin Feng said nothing and nodded silently.

Da Qiang has not appeared until now, so he went on a capture mission without asking.

As for the specific plan, Jin Feng didn't want to ask.

The Ninth Princess recently established a think tank, which is much more professional than Jin Feng in formulating this kind of plan.

After counting the number of people, the escorts placed the stretcher under the shade of a tree, and then began to clean up the wreckage after the explosion of the hot air balloon.

All the parts that could be taken away were packed and taken away, and the parts that could not be taken away were also gathered together and burned.

After the escorts finished cleaning the battlefield, a squad of escort cavalry came over on horseback.

When they saw the fighting here, they rushed over for reinforcements as soon as possible.

Now that the hot air balloons have almost been blown up, the airship has no guards and will definitely no longer be able to ride on it. The battalion commander in charge of the on-site command is worried about how the Ninth Princess and Jin Feng will get back, so the cavalry team arrives.

Therefore, the horses of the cavalry squad were commandeered by the battalion commander.

"Your Majesty, sir, please mount your horse," the battalion commander said.

"No need, let the war horses carry the brothers' bones and supplies. We can just walk back." Jin Feng looked down at the Ninth Princess's shoes and asked, "Can you walk?"

"Don't worry, I'm not that squeamish." Ninth Princess replied.

Martial arts, riding and archery are something that royal children must learn from childhood, and the Ninth Princess is good at riding, archery and martial arts.

Jin Feng has also practiced, but when he competed with the Ninth Princess, he was pushed to the ground and rubbed by the Ninth Princess almost every time.

Jin Feng believed that with the Ninth Princess's physical ability, it would not be a problem to walk back to the dock, but the battalion commander did not know this.

"Your Majesty, it's more than twenty miles from here to the dock." The battalion commander said, "Your Majesty, sir, you'd better ride a horse."

Tie Zhui didn't wait for Jin Feng to speak, and stepped forward to glare at the battalion commander: "Sir, just walk back if you say you can. Just obey the order!"

Tie Hammer is the captain of Jin Feng's personal guard. In order to facilitate him to mobilize his troops when he encounters danger, Tie Hammer's military rank is second only to Zhang Liang, and he belongs to the first echelon like Tieniu Liu Tie and others.

The battalion commander saw Tie Hui glare and immediately understood.

No one else can do it. Jin Feng and Jiu Gong would be too conspicuous if they were mainly riding horses.

If an assassin plants a cold arrow on the roadside, it will be impossible to guard against it.

After thinking about this, the battalion commander suddenly broke into a cold sweat and hurried back to make arrangements.

After the hot air balloon explodes, the parts that can still be used after falling to the ground are basically made of iron and are very heavy. Now they can be placed on the war horse.

After arranging these things, the bodyguards escorted Jin Feng and Ninth Princess in the middle of the team and walked towards the official road.

Although the refugees on the official road did not recognize the flags and uniforms of the escorts, such a group of people were not easy to mess with at first sight, and they all ducked to the roadside.

The group walked for more than an hour and finally rushed back to Yuxi Town.

Before entering the town, I saw Zheng Chiyuan running towards me with the navy soldiers.

Many navy soldiers were only wearing a pair of shorts, and they looked like they had just gotten off the ship.

Seeing Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess, Zheng Chiyuan quickly jumped off his horse, knelt down on one knee in front of Jin Feng and said, "Your Majesty, I am late to help you, please forgive me!"

The ninth princess's plan was not told to Jin Feng, let alone anyone else.

But a man sent by Tang Xiaobei to inquire about the situation of the refugees saw the fighting and immediately ran back on horseback to inform Tang Xiaobei.

Tang Xiaobei immediately went to find Jin Feng after hearing the news, but found that Jin Feng was missing.

After asking around, Tang Xiaobei found out that Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess had left in an airship.

What's terrible is that the escort at the airport said that Jin Feng and Ninth Princess's airships were heading west.

Tang Xiaobei was frightened when he heard this, and immediately went to find Daqiang, hoping that Daqiang would rescue Jin Feng, but he found that Daqiang was not in the escort camp.

She had no choice but to ask Guan Xiaorou to notify Zuo Feifei and Hong Taoping, while she immediately went to the dock to find Zheng Chiyuan.

Zheng Chiyuan was shocked when he heard the news and immediately beat the drum.

Many navy soldiers were busy working or resting on the ship. When they heard the sound of drums, they hurried to the shore.

There were not enough ferries, so many navy soldiers jumped directly from the boats and swam to the shore.

After gathering all the soldiers he could, Zheng Chiyuan immediately took them out.

As a result, as soon as he left the town, he met Jin Feng who had returned.

"Get up," the Ninth Princess raised her hand slightly: "This is a secret mission and has nothing to do with the Navy!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Zheng Chiyuan stood up.

The stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

Although the Ninth Princess did not praise him directly, Zheng Chiyuan understood what the Ninth Princess meant.

This incident had nothing to do with the navy, but he immediately mobilized manpower to rescue the ship as soon as he got the news, which can be said to be sincere.

The Ninth Princess must be very satisfied with what he did, otherwise she would not have explained the second half of the sentence.

Zheng Chiyuan has always been in charge of the navy. Although he is far away from the emperor and lives a leisurely life, he is also far away from the court and has no access to the political core. He may be replaced by the emperor's cronies at any time.

Through this period of contact, Zheng Chiyuan and Jin Feng have become very close. If he can leave a favorable impression on the Ninth Princess, his official career will basically be stable.

Zheng Chiyuan said hello to Jin Feng again, and returned with the navy soldiers with satisfaction.

Just as Zheng Chiyuan left, Guan Xiaorou, Tang Xiaobei and Zuo Feifei came again.

They also brought their own personal guards, as well as guards from the Chamber of Commerce and the drying yard.

Seeing that both Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were fine, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Guan Xiaorou, who had always been gentle and gentle, was furious at this moment. She punched Jin Feng in the chest twice, and then her eyes turned red: "Master, didn't you promise me that you will never take risks again? Why did you do this again?"


"I didn't take any risks. Isn't this a good time to come back?"

Jin Feng smiled and rubbed Guan Xiaorou's hair: "Stop crying!"

Tang Xiaobei and Zuo Feifei were much calmer. Seeing that Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were fine, they quickly asked the guards from the Chamber of Commerce and the drying yard to go back.

There are too many refugees in the town now, and the chamber of commerce and the drying yard have accumulated a large amount of supplies, so they must have enough security forces.

After the guards left, Tang Xiaobei frowned and asked, "Mr. Sir, why are you going so hard to do this?"

"This is not the place to talk. Let's talk about it when we go back."

Jin Feng waved his hand and took the lead towards the dock.

This chapter has been completed!
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