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Chapter 1704 Difficult to choose

Such a big fish naturally has a lot of strength, so it's extremely painful when its tail hits the waist.

Shui Wa was rubbing her waist and kicking the big fish to vent her anger: "Let you hit me! Let you hit me!"

"Okay, okay, stop fighting!"

Grandpa Turtle grabbed Shui Bao, then broke off a branch from the nearby wood and inserted it into the fish's head along the gills.

The big fish that was originally kicked by the water baby stopped struggling immediately.

Shuiba jumped to the back of the raft and untied a kitchen knife from the largest log.

Because the iron smelting industry was backward, before Jin Feng came to this world, the price of ironware in Dakang was very expensive.

This kitchen knife was passed down to Grandpa Turtle by his master. It has been used for decades, and a small part of the blade has been worn away. If it had been in a previous life, it would have been thrown away long ago.

But instead of throwing it away, Grandpa Turtle and Water Baby kept it extremely carefully.

Grandpa Turtle would take it with him every time he went out, and when putting it out, he would tie the kitchen knife tightly to the trunk of the largest tree.

If there is any danger when releasing the raft, or if the raft is washed away, Grandpa Turtle can still find the kitchen knife as long as he is not dead.

The reason for being so careful is that this kitchen knife is the most valuable possession of the two men. If it is lost, the two men will have no tools to cut open the fish.

Shui Wa held the kitchen knife and came to the big fish, squatted down and prepared to cut open the fish.

But this was the first time he saw such a big fish, and he didn't know where to start.

Grandpa Turtle smiled and took the kitchen knife, and while handling the big fish skillfully, he said: "This fish is too big, we can't finish it. I'll give you Uncle Huzi a few pieces later, and I'll teach you how to dry the salt when I get back."

, and then we marinate the leftovers."

Even if the head and bones of this big fish are removed, it weighs at least seventy or eighty kilograms. Let alone the two men, even if they give some to the arrangers with whom they are close, they will not be able to finish it in a short time.

The weather is hot now. If you don't marinate it, it might go bad in a day or two.

Children of Shui Wa's age were curious, so while helping, she asked: "Grandpa Turtle, I heard from Uncle Hu Zi that salt is made from sea water. Is it true?"

"It's true," Grandpa Turtle pointed to the beach on the left and said, "Have you seen the beach over there? It's used for drying salt. It used to be very lively here, but now the National Master has made it better and more beautiful.

Cheap salt, no need to come to Donghai to buy salt, this place seems to be in decline."

"Grandpa Turtle, do we also have seas in Sichuan and Shu?" Shui Wa asked again.

"I only know that there are mountains everywhere in Sichuan and Sichuan, but I have never heard of any sea." Grandpa Turtle replied with a smile.

"Didn't you just say that salt is made from sea water? If there is no sea in Sichuan and Sichuan, where did the Imperial Master get the salt from sea water?" Shui Wa asked again.

Although Grandpa Turtle is a leading figure in the emissions circle, he doesn’t know much about other aspects, and he has never even heard of mineral salt.

However, Grandpa Turtle did not pretend to understand, but said with a smile: "How do I know this? If I knew, I would go and dry the salt myself."

"Then when I see the Imperial Master, let's ask him together." Shui Wa said, "When I find out, come back and tell Grandpa Turtle."

"Okay!" Grandpa Turtle smiled and nodded, sighing slightly in his heart.

He and Shui Wa were both low-status discharge workers. To them, the county magistrate was a high-ranking figure, not to mention Jin Feng?

Grandpa Turtle thought it would be good if Shui Wa could see Jin Feng from a distance once, but wanting to ask questions at close range was tantamount to wishful thinking.

But looking at Shui Wa's expectant eyes, Grandpa Turtle couldn't bear to tell him the truth.

Who didn’t have some wonderful expectations when they were young? They will be sober when they grow up.

Grandpa Turtle also grew up by the water. He ate more fish than regular food, and his fish-cutting skills were not to mention.

While talking to Shui Wa, the big fish in his hand has been divided into large and small strips of meat, just like the pork sold by the butcher in the market, except that the fresh fish meat is much more translucent than the pork.

It is inconvenient to carry wood and make a fire on the boat. When some fishermen go to sea, to save trouble, they will cut certain fish into thin slices and eat them directly.

At this time, there was only a complete fish skeleton and a huge fish head left on the raft.

There is still some meat on the fish skeleton, which, like the fish head, is a good ingredient for making soup, but the clay pots the two of them have are too small to stew such large fish bones and heads.

Shui Wa took the kitchen knife from Grandpa Turtle's hand and was about to smash the fish's head, but Grandpa Turtle held him back.

"Just take out the fish brain and shave off the meat on the fish bones. Keep the head and skeleton."

"Why do you keep this thing?" Shui Wa asked in confusion.

"Such a big sea fish is a fresh commodity in Sichuan. There is a Yuanwai Lang in Lianghe Township who likes to buy big fish bones and hang them at home as ornaments. A few years ago we brought back a fish skeleton from the East China Sea. It was not as big as this. It was

He bought it for five hundred coins!"

Grandpa Turtle rubbed Shui Baby's head: "Our fish skeleton is so big, we will definitely be able to sell it for a good price, and then I will buy you pork to eat!"

Freshwater fish are generally not big in size. Three to five kilograms is considered a big fish. This big fish weighs at least dozens of kilograms, which is very rare among freshwater fish.

Rare things are valuable. This kind of fish is not rare at the seaside, but it is a rare commodity in Sichuan and Sichuan. One pound of sea fish meat can be exchanged for at least several pounds of wild boar meat.

"A bunch of inedible broken bones can be sold for money. I really don't know what rich people think."

Shui Wa kept talking, but her hands didn't stop. She started digging out the fish's brains according to the method taught by Grandpa Turtle.

No one can dive like a water baby, not even on the ground, let alone hunt.

The two of us basically lived on fish every day, and freshwater fish had a strong fishy smell and no seasonings. We didn't even have oil, salt, or an iron pot, so we had to stew it in clay pots.

Eating too much of any good food makes you sick. Shui Wa now feels like vomiting just thinking about the smell of fish stew.

Pork can be squeezed for oil and tastes more fragrant. Sometimes Shui Wa gets so greedy that she takes the fish she catches to the town to trade for wild boar.

However, they were too far away from the town. They had to walk along the mountain road for a long time. When they arrived at the town, the fish were thirsty and could not be sold at a high price. It took several kilograms of fish to exchange for one kilogram of wild boar meat.

The most important thing is that there are bandits on the mountain road. Once, Shui Wa was almost stopped by the bandits. He jumped into a pond in time and swam to the other side of the pond to escape. After that incident, Grandpa Turtle would not let Shui Wa

Went to town for wild boar meat.

When Shui Wa thinks about the taste of pork, her mouth is watering.

After the two of them had finished handling the big fish, Shui Wa selected the two largest pieces and prepared to go to the raft behind to give them to Uncle Hu Zi who had been taking care of them.

Just as they were skewering the fish and meat with straw ropes, the two men suddenly saw an airship going around the building and heading towards the raft.

This chapter has been completed!
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