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Chapter 1636 Blocking Yuxi Town

Chapter 1546 The Man Who Killed God (1 / 2)

2336 words

1 month ago

Ever since Hong Er and his clan elders had trouble last time, Tang Xiaobei didn't have a good impression of these old men from Donghai.

In fact, she had arrived just now, but the workers on site were all from the shipyard, and Qing Mulan and Mancang were responsible for the shipyard. Tang Xiaobei intervened rashly, which was a bit against the rules, so he remained silent.

But now Qing Mulan is a little shaken by what Mr. Hong said, and she can't do it if she doesn't speak.

Now that the weather was getting hot, it had been almost a day since the whale was killed. If it was left overnight and scratched tomorrow, it might start to rot, so Tang Xiaobei had no choice but to stand up.

After all, Mr. Hong was old and didn't go out much. He looked Tang Xiaobei up and down for a while and found that he didn't recognize her, so he turned around and asked, "Who is she? She speaks in such a loud voice? She actually wants to bear the punishment of God for everyone?"


Tang Xiaobei often goes to the porridge shed with Jin Feng recently to check on the porridge distribution. Mr. Hong doesn't know Tang Xiaobei, but the fishermen behind him do.

A fisherman hurriedly came to Mr. Hong and whispered: "Old man, she is the wife of the Imperial Master and the head of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce. The porridge shacks outside our town were all set up by Mrs. Xiaobei!"

"So she is Mrs. Xiaobei!" Mr. Hong's sparse white eyebrows jumped when he heard this.

The Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce has been giving porridge to the East China Sea, and with the promotion of Jinchuan Daily and the song and dance troupe, Tang Xiaobei's popularity in the East China Sea is now second only to Jin Feng and Hong Taoping.

No matter how ignorant Mr. Hong is, he has heard of Tang Xiaobei's name.

"Mrs. Xiaobei, on behalf of the folks in Yuxi Town and the victims of the disasters across the East China Sea, I would like to thank my wife and the Imperial Master for their great kindness!"

Mr. Hong bowed respectfully to Tang Xiaobei.

But Tang Xiaobei didn't listen to him at all. He glanced sideways at Mr. Hong and said coldly: "Is this how you thank us?"

Hearing this, Mr. Hong frowned slightly, but considering Tang Xiaobei's identity and favor to Donghai, Mr. Hong finally suppressed his anger and said patiently: "Mrs. Xiaobei, Hai? You really can't eat it, otherwise it will

It will bring disaster!"

"It's just two big fish, what kind of disaster can it cause?" Tang Xiaobei said angrily: "What disaster can be greater than starving to death?"

"Mrs. Xiaobei, haven't we built so many fishing boats? We have caught enough fish!"

Mr. Hong pointed to the hill-like catch in the distance and said: "With so much catch, people in Yuxi Town and several factories can eat it freely without eating it all. Why bother to offend Grandpa Poseidon again?


"Your folks in Yuxi Town have enough to eat, but what about the people in other places? Do you know what life is like for the people in Jiangnan and the Central Plains now?"

Tang Xiaobei became even more angry when he heard this: "Do you know where the food for the porridge came from before the dock was built? Let me tell you, it was all shipped from the south of the Yangtze River!

There are also wood for building docks and fishing boats. Do you know where it comes from? It was His Majesty who gave the death order to Lord Qing of Xichuan and asked him to mobilize tens of thousands of people to chop them down with axes in the deep mountains and old forests.

, and then lifted it out of the ravine bit by bit, and then sent it to the East China Sea at the risk of being hit and drowned!

You are full now, but the people who fed you are still hungry. Without them, what would I use to give you porridge, and what would your husband use to build you a ship?

Do you know why your husband asked you to build boats? To fish to feed the people who brought food to you! But it turned out that you caught big fish, but you were not willing to give it to them!"

Mr. Hong was speechless by Tang Xiaobei, and many of the fishermen around him lowered their heads.

Chapter 1546 The Man Who Killed God (2 / 2)

2336 words

1 month ago

This is the difference in status, vision, and thinking.

Mr. Hong only focused on one-third of an acre of Yuxi Town, while Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei had to consider the entire Da Kang.

But the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce brought boatloads of food over, and many fishermen saw it.

But no fishermen had ever asked where the food came from. It wasn't until Tang Xiaobei talked about it that they knew it was originally shipped from the south of the Yangtze River.

Because it has been releasing emissions recently, many people in Jiangnan have noticed it.

Some people who couldn't survive even climbed onto the rafts and followed the rafts all the way to the East China Sea.

From the narratives of these people, the fishermen knew that life in the south of the Yangtze River was also very difficult, but they still transported food to let them eat first, and cut down trees to build boats for them.

"Mrs. Xiaobei, we can go fishing to repay our benefactors in Jiangnan, but Grandpa Poseidon really can't eat it, otherwise he will be punished by God!"

Mr. Hong kept repeating this sentence over and over again, but his attitude remained firm: "I do it for the sake of the Imperial Master and you..."

"Shut up!" Tang Xiaobei's patience was successfully worn out by Mr. Hong: "If you continue to confuse people with your monstrous words, be careful I will pull out your tongue!"

Mr. Hong looked at Tang Xiaobei's cold eyes and suddenly felt his tongue numb.

Seeing that Mr. Hong did not dare to speak anymore, Tang Xiaobei turned around and faced the fishermen and said loudly: "There is no one in the whole world who is more knowledgeable and knowledgeable than my husband. He said that this is a big fish called a whale. It is not

What Poseidon!

Other fish are a life, this kind of fish is also a life! If you eat other fish, one fish can only save one person or a family, but if you eat this kind of fish, one can save an entire town!

In that case, why don’t we eat this fish?”

Many fishermen nodded slightly.

Yes, the big fish is life, and the small fish is life too.

We have to kill anyway. Killing one big fish can kill so many small fish, so why not kill the big fish?

Tang Xiaobei saw the fisherman's move and continued: "Do you know why the Imperial Master asked everyone to kill this kind of fish? Not only for eating meat, but also because this kind of fish is big and eats a lot. You can eat several in one meal."

Thousands of pounds of other fish and shrimps, so they usually chase the fish.

If we don't kill it, the fish will be eaten less and less by them, and we won't be able to catch anything!"

"The folks in Jiangnan are hungry, so they give you food in the hope that you can catch fish and send it back to them. Now people in Jiangnan are starving to death every day. I don't know if this fish is sent to Jiangnan.

How many people can be saved!"

Tang Xiaobei said: "So, don't say that these two fish are not Poseidon, even if they are really Poseidon, for the sake of the people of Jiangnan, I am willing to be the person to kill the gods!"

At this point, Tang Xiaobei looked up at the dark sky and shouted loudly: "God, listen, Hai? It was me, Tang Xiaobei, who gave way to death. If you have any punishment, just point at me."

Tang Xiaobei's coming has nothing to do with anyone else!"

Hearing Tang Xiaobei say this, the surroundings suddenly became silent!

This chapter has been completed!
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