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Chapter 1640 suitable for sailors

Chapter 1550 Thousand Ships Race (1 / 2)

2356 words

1 month ago

With the joint efforts of hundreds of workers, the two whales were processed overnight.

The skin, flesh, fat, internal organs and other edible parts were all dismantled. At sunrise the next morning, only two huge skeletons were left on the beach.

A dock workshop not far from the skeleton was vacated and was used specifically to boil essential oils and marinate whale meat and other catches.

There was too much whale meat and catch, and the marinating process could only be completed by experienced fishermen, so even if Qing Mulan recruited a lot of refugees in advance, the manpower was still not enough.

Qing Mulan saw that the fish meat was starting to show signs of deterioration and rot, so she had to run to the drying yard to ask Zuo Feifei for help.

The drying yard uses a three-shift working model, with each shift working eight hours, so that more refugees can be hired and the livelihood problems of more refugees can be solved.

Zuo Feifei also knew that the job of pickling the catch could not wait. After weighing the balance, she changed the three shifts into two shifts and allocated a group of workers to help pickle the catch.

Even so, the pickling process lasted two days before it was finished.

It was summer now, and within two days, a lot of fish meat began to rot, and a strong fishy smell wafted throughout Yuxi Town.

No matter fishermen, refugees or escorts, everyone couldn't help but frown when they smelled this smell.

For people who have been hungry, this fishy smell is nothing. It is not that everyone cannot bear it.

What they are worried about is the rotten fish meat.

"Sir, this is not the way to go."

Qing Mulan was the first one who couldn't help but find Jin Feng: "This is the harvest of the first fishing team in one day. When other fishing teams are dispatched later, the catches brought back will be much more than this time. We will deal with it basically."

No way! Is there anything you can do?"

"For the current plan, the best way I can think of is the human sea tactic." Jin Feng said helplessly: "I have asked General Zheng to arrange for people to clean up Anjia'ao, and the catch will be sent directly there in the future.


Anjia'ao is a small mountain valley seven miles north of No. 3 Dockyard. It was named because the An family originally gathered there.

More than ten years ago, a group of pirates raided Anjia'ao, and the An family was almost wiped out. The surviving An family members did not dare to live there and moved away one after another.

No one from the An clan dared to live there, let alone others, so Anjiaao was abandoned and became a famous ghost village in the nearby area, with various versions of bizarre stories often spread.

In fact, Anjia'ao is a small natural port with three sides high and one low, which is very suitable for fishermen to live. Both Jin Feng and Zheng Chiyuan once fell in love with this place, but they gave up in the end.

Because the sea water outside Anjia'ao is too shallow, not to mention large ships such as Zhenyuan No. 2, even small battleships of the Navy cannot enter.

However, the fishing team is all small fishing boats, and it is very convenient to enter and exit.

Moreover, Anjia'ao is seven miles away from Yuxi Town and is still in the north. There are strong south winds in summer, so the smell will not drift over.

Although everyone can tolerate the fishy smell, no one wants to smell it even if they can't.

Qing Mulan also followed Jin Feng to inspect Anjia'ao. He nodded when he heard this, but then he frowned again.

"Anjia'ao is indeed a good place, but the sea water is too shallow. What will happen if we catch whales in the future? How to transport the pickled fish out is also a problem."

Chapter 1550 Thousand Ships Race (2 / 2)

2356 words

1 month ago

The sea surface hundreds of meters outside Anjia'ao is very shallow, which means that if we catch whales in the future, or Zhenyuan No. 2 and No. 3 come to transport cargo, we can only stop at the sea surface a few hundred meters away.

This is too inconvenient.

"Whales are not caught every day. As for the pickled catch, we will use fishing boats to transport it for now. When we have enough manpower, I will have people build a trestle and a water platform, and then we will process it directly on the platform.

Just whale and loading and unloading the catch." Jin Feng said.

"It's good that you have a plan, sir," Qing Mulan nodded and asked for instructions: "Then shall I ask someone to recruit people?"

"Okay!" Jin Feng nodded, agreeing to Qing Mulan's request.

After the two separated, Qing Mulan first went to Anjia'ao for an on-site inspection and confirmed that it was indeed very suitable to be used as a salted fish factory, so he began to arrange recruitment work.

The civil strife in the Central Plains has become increasingly serious. In some counties that are not as big as Jinchuan, several forces are fighting with each other, and almost everywhere has become a mess.

The common people have become the biggest victims. Not only are they unable to farm their land with peace of mind, they are also always in danger of being captured by various forces and used as cannon fodder.

In the past, the capture of young men was limited to men. However, as the scale of female escorts has become larger and larger, and their influence has become stronger, the Central Plains region has also begun to capture young women.

Later, they discovered that strong women could not only be used as cannon fodder, but could also vent their anger at night, so the behavior of arresting strong women became more and more common and more and more crazy.

In order to protect themselves, some women had to rise up and take up arms to fight with all parties.

In short, almost the entire Central Plains is in dire straits, and it is too easy for Qing Mulan to recruit people.

In order to prevent the influx of refugees into the East China Sea and causing the situation in the East China Sea to get out of control, after the Ninth Princess killed the Yuwen family, she sent people to block several official roads between the East China Sea and the Central Plains, and did not allow the refugees to send messages back to call their friends.

Slowly, all the refugees who knew the news arrived, and the number of refugees in the East China Sea was brought under control.

Qing Mulan now only needs to go to the west side of the blockade and shout that he will have food to work in the East China Sea, and countless refugees will immediately flock to him.

However, Qing Mulan didn't dare to go too far. He always controlled the blockade and notified each township.

Arrange for refugees in one township and then notify the next township.

As for Jiangnan, the situation is similar. Many people secretly climb onto wooden rafts at night and go down the river to the East China Sea to find a way to survive.

Most of these people were previously assigned to Zuo Feifei's kelp drying ground, but knowing that Qing Mulan was short of people, Zuo Feifei stopped competing with her and sent almost all of them to the salted fish factory.

There is strength in numbers. Thanks to the efforts of countless refugees, Anjia'ao, which had been dormant for more than ten years, soon became lively again, changing almost every day.

Back when the An family was at its most prosperous, it had never been so lively.

Qing Mulan was busy working at the salted fish factory in Anjia'ao, and did not relax from work at the dock.

Fortunately, the workers at the shipyard are already very skilled and cherish this hard-won job. Qing Mulan hardly needs to worry too much. The output of the entire shipyard has been continuously increasing.

Now, the number of fishing boats moored on the sea outside No. 3 Dockyard is approaching thousands.

Although each fishing boat is not very big, when thousands of fishing boats gather together, they are still so densely packed that one cannot see the end.

This chapter has been completed!
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