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Chapter 163 Windfall

Many female soldiers were frightened at this time. When they saw a strange team appear, they all raised their crossbows and aimed at each other without Qing Mulan's orders.

Even Qing Mulan drew his sword.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, we are one of our own!"

Jin Feng shouted quickly.

The Jiuligou bandits were not far from the official road and had been making trouble for many years, so they must have accumulated some wealth.

After killing the bandits who came to Xihewan for a sneak attack, Jin Feng didn't find many valuable things from the big boss. Jin Feng was anxious to go to Yegoupo to support the female soldiers and Zheng Fang, so he sent Zhang Liang and his men to Jiuligou to ransack the house.

He should have returned from searching his house now.

The female soldiers had just experienced brutal hand-to-hand combat, and their nerves were still tense. It would be funny if one of them accidentally shot one of their own.

"Everyone put down the crossbows."

Qing Mulan also recognized that the person coming was Zhang Liang, and she put away her sword in embarrassment.

"Brother Liang, is everything going well?" Jin Feng approached and asked.

Tonight we have to divide our troops into many places, and there is really not enough manpower. Jin Feng can only send a few veterans to Zhang Liang, and the rest are men from the village. If there are too many bandits left to look after Jiuligou, Zhang Liang will

It's dangerous.

"It went very smoothly. There were only six bandits left on the mountain to guard the door. They were still sleeping soundly when we reached the door." Zhang Liang replied with a smile.

"As long as it goes well." Jin Feng asked, "How was the harvest?"

"I guess you can't believe it."

Zhang Liang took out a wad of silver notes from his arms and handed them to Jin Feng.

Jin Feng took the banknotes and looked at them. The banknotes with the lowest face value were all one hundred taels, and there were three of them with face values ​​of one thousand taels.

"This is almost as much as the savings of the Iron Can Mountain bandits, and the boss even complained to me that he had no money!"

Before sending Zhang Liang to Jiuligou, he naturally asked the leader of the Jiuligou bandits where the money was hidden.

At that time, the first boss kept saying that all the money was spent, and the second boss used it to build armor.

Even if I gave in later, I would still say this.

There were indeed some bandits wearing armor, and together they were worth a lot of money. Jin Feng believed them and had no expectations for this house raid.

Who knew Zhang Liang would bring such a big surprise.

"This was not found from the residence of the first master, but from the house of the second master."

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "We are lucky. Five of the six bandits left to guard the door are the confidants of the second master. In order to survive, they told me that the second master once robbed a big salt merchant and extorted thousands of dollars."

Two silver coins, but he didn't tell the boss and kept the money secretly.

We took people with us to dig up the entire yard of the second master’s house, and finally even demolished the wall before we found the money.”

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Jin Feng looked at the men behind Zhang Liang. Many of them had dirt on their bodies and heads, which was obviously soiled when the house was demolished.

He took out a few hundred taels from the banknote and gave it to Zhang Liang: "Take this money and share it with everyone. It can be regarded as everyone's hard work."

"Brother Feng, we are all from the same village, so it's hard work to be ignored!"

"I have been blackmailed by bandits all my life. This is the first time I have robbed a bandit. It is so relieved. No matter how hard it is, it is worth it!"

"Next time this happens again, brother Liang, remember to call me!"

"Brother Feng, take the money back. Brother Liang has already given us a lot of money. If we want more, we won't be satisfied!"

"Yes, otherwise we will be embarrassed to go there next time."

The men all laughed heartily.

"Xiao Feng, according to the old rules, I only kept the second boss's banknotes, and everyone else was divided among them."

Zhang Liang leaned into Jin Feng's ear and said: "Although there are not as many as Iron Can Mountain, everyone can still get a few taels of silver, and everyone is very satisfied."

"That's good."

Jin Feng nodded.

This time in the resistance against the bandits, although the men helped, the main force was still the hammers and the veterans who stayed behind.

For the men, the harvest tonight is more than what a family usually earns in a year. They are indeed very satisfied.

But Jin Feng did not take back the banknotes. Instead, he took out a few more and stuffed them into Zhang Liang's hand.

"This time the bandits came to the village thanks to the help of the villagers. I will use the money to buy some cloth and other things, and then go to Iron Can Mountain to bring back a few carts of grain. The family will send some there, and don't forget the lonely elderly people."

"Okay!" Zhang Liang accepted the banknote: "I'll go back to have something to eat and go to the county government later."

"I've been busy all night, let's go tomorrow."

"It's okay. Buy the things as soon as possible. Let's make new clothes for the children as soon as possible."

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "Anyway, there is a carriage now. I can sleep on the carriage on the road."

"That's hard work."

Jin Feng patted Zhang Liang on the shoulder.

In the past two days, he had to be constantly on guard against bandits. Jin Feng had not slept well, and he had not slept well all night yesterday. After returning home, he ate something and fell asleep. He slept until mid-afternoon when he was awakened by the movement outside.

Seeing Guan Xiaorou sitting on the edge of the bed picking up the soles of her shoes, she asked, "Xiaorou, what's going on outside? Why is it so noisy?"

"Master, wake up!"

Guan Xiaorou brought a bowl of water and handed it over: "Brother Liang is back. He brought back a lot of food and cloth. He is sharing it with everyone in the textile factory square."

They have now moved to a courtyard house. There is only one wall between them and the textile factory. People from the whole village gather together, so it is strange that there is no noise.

Since he couldn't sleep anymore, Jin Feng got up and got out of bed: "Then I'll go take a look too."

Before entering the textile factory, a mother-in-law and a five- or six-year-old baby walked towards me.

The mother-in-law was carrying half a bag of grain on her back, and the bare-bottomed baby was holding a roll of coarse cloth.

Seeing Jin Feng, the mother-in-law immediately put the grain on the ground, bowed to Jin Feng, and said to the child:

"Niu baby, hurry up and kowtow to your benefactor!"

The children in the village were also obedient. Grandma asked her to kowtow. Without saying a word, she knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Jin Feng.

"Aunt Seven, what are you doing?"

Jin Feng quickly helped the old man up, and then the child.

Aunt Seven's two sons died on the battlefield. The two daughters-in-law took their granddaughters to pick mushrooms in the mountains the year before last and encountered mountain wolves. Now only Aunt Seven and a grandson are left.

After the child died, Aunt Seven cried every day and her eyes were broken from crying. She had no way to go to the textile factory to earn money. The child was also young, and the family was about to fall apart.

This half bag of grain can be said to have saved the lives of the grandfather and grandson.

"Niu baby, you have to remember that Brother Feng is a great benefactor to our family. When you grow up, you must repay your kindness, remember?"

Aunt Seven took the child and said.

"Grandma, I remember."

The child nodded heavily: "I am five years old this year. I can work in the textile factory next year. I will work hard by then. The factory will take care of the food, and I will take it back to eat with grandma."

There are several families in the village who are in a situation like Aunt Qi's.

Jin Feng couldn't bear to see his children starving to death, so he agreed to let the six-year-old children come to the textile factory to help sort the yarn balls, provide three meals a day, and give them a few copper coins at the end of the month.

What kind of work can children do at what age? They often make a mess of the ball of thread. After they leave, Tang Dongdong has to find someone else to do it.

But even so, Jin Feng did not drive them away.

This chapter has been completed!
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