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Chapter 1650 Experimental field

Chapter 1650 Experimental Field (1 / 2)

2419 words

1 day ago

Farming is a tradition engraved in the bones of descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties.

Jin Feng once read the news in his previous life, saying that some overseas Chinese who immigrated overseas bought large villas and had large gardens, but instead of growing flowers, they used them to grow vegetables.

The same goes for many people who come to the city from rural areas. Although they live in buildings, they like to find a place to have a small vegetable garden. If they can't find a small vegetable garden, they simply get a few foam boxes on the balcony and grow onions and garlic.


Nowadays, almost all the villagers in Xihewan work in factories, and the wages are enough for them to live, but everyone still maintains the habit of farming.

This is true even for Jin Feng's family. Guan Xiaorou and Runniang have also planted several thin fields at home.

Some fields are relatively high, and after the river water is diverted, it cannot be put directly into the fields. You also need to use buckets and other things to get the water into the fields.

Even so, it is much better than carrying water to water the fields before, and the villagers are very satisfied.

At least the canal reaches the edge of the field, and a bucket is tied with a rope. Two people can use the bucket to move the water from the canal to the field like a swing. It is many times faster than carrying water before!

But Jin Feng was not satisfied.

He felt that it was too slow to get water with buckets, so he designed a waterwheel.

The appearance of a waterwheel is similar to that of a windmill, except that it is driven not by wind but by water flow.

When the water flows through the waterwheel, it will drive the waterwheel to rotate. The bamboo tube on the waterwheel can lift the water to a high place, pour it into the bucket, and then flow along the bamboo tube into the paddy field.

However, the water flow in the canal is relatively slow, and the water wheel rotates very slowly, so Jin Feng added the function of stepping on the water to collect water.

This method of collecting water is still backward, but it is faster than using a bucket.

"Brother Feng, I'm not trying to flatter you, but the water wheel you built is so useful!"

Lao Tan gave Jin Feng a thumbs up.

"As long as it's easy to use," Jin Feng asked, "Where's Mr. Wei?"

In the past two days, he walked around the village several times and went to the infirmary twice. However, he never saw Wei Wuya once. Every time he went there, Zhou Jin would bring several military doctors to the clinic, and Wei Wuya also became a doctor.

He left the shopkeeper behind and spent all day in the experimental field. He would only go back if he encountered a difficult and complicated disease that Zhou Jin and the others couldn't solve.

"Mr. Wei, you were here just now, why are you missing?"

Old Tan looked around and saw no figure of Wei Wuya, so he put his hands in front of his mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Old Wei!"

"What are you doing?"

Jin Feng heard Wei Wuya's voice coming from the right front.

A few seconds later, Jin Feng saw someone standing up in the rice field dozens of meters away.

Who is it if it’s not Wei Wuya?

By this time, the seedlings had grown very tall. Wei Wuya was squatting in the rice field just now, but Jin Feng didn't see him.

After Wei Wuya stood up, he also saw Jin Feng, shook off the water on his hand, and walked over.

We haven't seen each other for a few months. Wei Wuya has obviously been tanned a lot, but he is more energetic than before and walks with ease.

I used to be more particular about my clothes, and my coarse clothes were always clean.

But at this time, Wei Wuya was barefoot, his trouser legs rolled up above his knees, and the hem of his robe was stuffed into the waistband of his trousers, covered in mud.

"When did you come back, sir?" Wei Wuya wiped his hands on his clothes and asked.

Chapter 1650 Experimental Field (2 / 2)

2419 words

1 day ago

"Mr. Wei, you won't live here too, right?" Jin Feng asked with a black line on his face.

Although there was no deliberate publicity, his return was big news in the village. Children who had just learned to speak knew that Jin Feng was back, but Wei Wuya didn't know.

"The rice will bloom in the next few days, so I have to stay here and observe."

Wei Wuya asked: "By the way, sir, I just have something I want to discuss with you."

"Say," Jin Feng also became serious.

"The rice flowers will bloom in the next few days. There has been no wind recently. If there is no wind when they bloom, artificial pollination will be needed. With dozens of acres of rice fields, Lao Tian and I, plus our family members, may not be able to make it in time. I want to find

You need some manpower." Wei Wuya said.

Rice pollination generally relies on wind as a medium and does not require manual intervention. However, Wei Wuya's experimental field is for cultivating hybrid rice and producing seeds, so artificial pollination is required.

This is also the most important step in cultivating hybrid rice.

The flowering period of rice flowers is short, and the experimental field covers dozens of acres. It is indeed too late to just rely on Wei Wuya and Lao Tian.

Jin Feng has always attached great importance to agriculture, and has high expectations for hybrid rice.

He nodded without hesitation and said, "Just tell me how many manpower you need, and I will even stop the factory and find people for you!"

"That's not a big deal," Wei Wuya said with a smile: "Old Tan and I did the math, and it's enough to have about twenty or thirty people come to help!"

He also knew that the village was short of manpower and was too embarrassed to ask for more.

"Okay, I'll tell Feifei when I go back. When you need someone, just arrange for someone to find her one day in advance." Jin Feng replied.

"Okay," Wei Wuya was not polite and agreed immediately: "With the help of the girl from Tietuanshan, I will feel relieved!"

Although more than half of the first batch of female workers in Iron Can Mountain have now become female soldiers, Iron Can Mountain is still synonymous with loyalty. Ideological education is carried out every day on the mountain, and the atmosphere is also the best.

Speaking of hybrid rice, it can be considered a confidential project. Wei Wuya originally wanted to ask Tietuanshan for help, but he and Jin Feng came up with the idea.

"Mr. Wei, why do these pieces of rice look different?" Jin Feng asked, pointing to the rice fields.

There are five or six rice fields in front of us, but the heights of the seedlings are quite different, and the colors are also a little different.

"The varieties are different, and of course they look different."

Wei Wuya pointed to the rice fields and introduced to Jin Feng: "The two fields here are the original rice seeds of Sichuan and Sichuan, the three fields over there are different rice seeds obtained from Jiangnan, and the large field further away is all from the expedition.

The team brought back Zhancheng rice from Jiaozhou last year.

Didn't the teacher say that Champa rice has a high yield and an early maturity period? So I planted some and planned to make more seeds.

If this year’s output is really high, we can start preliminary promotion in Jinchuan County next year!”

Food is the most important thing for the people. People will cause trouble if they don't have enough to eat. It's useless to say anything else.

Keeping people fed is Jin Feng's biggest job now and his greatest expectation.

It was for this reason that Wei Wuya was asked to cultivate fine seeds, and it was also for this reason that he sent the Taiping across the ocean to find new continents.

These two tasks required a lot of time, and the success rate was somewhat low, so Jin Feng vigorously developed fishing and kelp picking in the East China Sea.

Several projects are being carried out simultaneously, and even if one of them fails, other projects can continue to advance.

Jin Feng can be said to have tried his best for this.

This chapter has been completed!
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