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Chapter 1659 Li Didi is back

Chapter 1659 Li Didi is back (1 / 2)

2483 words

1 hour ago

\"Jin Feng looked at the yellowed wooden sign next to him and felt a little emotional.

This is the first camp of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the place where the Jinfeng Free Armed Forces started.

At that time, even Jin Feng did not expect that he would develop so fast.

It can only be said that times make heroes.

If Dangxiang Dongman had not launched a southern expedition, if Tibet had not come to besiege Xichuan, if the fourth prince had not killed his father and usurped the throne, Jin Feng would not have developed so fast.

He was pushed by the situation and had to develop quickly.

Thinking of this, Jin Feng sighed and strode into the camp with his guards.

Next, the junior officers of the Tielin Army were very excited and quickly lined up in formation to salute Jin Feng.

The black-armored veteran who was laughing and joking just now straightened his back and saluted after him.

Whether he is a veteran of the Iron Forest Army or a veteran in black armor, Jin Feng has fought alongside them all.

Jin Feng could recognize more than half of the veterans in the crowd by their names or nicknames.

Jin Feng was also very excited to see his former comrades again.

Although Jin Feng was not good at giving speeches, he still spoke for more than half an hour.

Except for a few casual remarks at the beginning, the rest were all about family matters.

The veterans have long been accustomed to pre-war mobilization, but they are very fond of Jin Feng's way of chatting about daily life.

Especially when Jin Feng called out the veteran's name, the veteran who was called was extremely excited.

They really didn't expect that Jin Fenggui, as the national master, would still remember their names.

It wasn't until the escorts who had gone to the back mountain for training came back that Jin Feng ended the conversation and gave the stage to the commander of the escort division standing at the back, asking the commander to issue appointment letters to the junior officers of the Tielin Army.

After receiving the appointment letter, they can take up their posts.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jin Feng led his personal guards to the warehouse in the back mountain not far from the escort camp.

This is the warehouse he built when he first established himself, and was used to store valuable items such as gold, silver, copper coins, and armor.

Now these copper coins and armor are no longer needed here. The warehouse mainly stores gold and some important information, as well as some more precious metals and industrial materials.

Jin Feng came to Houshan today, firstly to say hello and meet the veterans, and secondly to pick up some materials from the warehouse.

As a result, as soon as he reached the door of the warehouse, an escort carrying a message came galloping towards him on horseback.

Without waiting for the bodyguard to come forward to search him, the bodyguard took the initiative and said: "Sir, I just received news that Master Li and the envoy from the Black Tiger Tribe are coming soon. Your Majesty asked me to inform you!"

"So fast?"

Jin Feng subconsciously looked at the treetops above his head: "It turns out the wind direction has changed."

He knew that Li Didi was coming back today, but the wind had been easterly today. Jin Feng thought that Li Didi would not be able to return to Xihe Bay until night or tomorrow, but he didn't know when the wind direction changed.

When the airship was flying, the speed difference between the downwind and the headwind was very large, so Li Didi came back early.

Compared to Li Didi and the situation on the plateau, there is no need to be in such a hurry to obtain materials.

"Lao Yuan, bring the horse over, let's go to the airport!"

Jin Feng put away the warehouse keys while talking.

Chapter 1659 Li Didi is back (2 / 2)

2483 words

1 hour ago

The warehouse is in the back hill to the north of the village, and the airport is in the open space to the south of the village. It takes a long time to walk through the entire village.

The deputy captain of the guard agreed and quickly arranged for someone to go to the guard camp to fetch the horse.

The alleys in the village were narrow, so in order to facilitate the passage of war horses and carriages, Jin Feng built a wider road outside the village, which he nicknamed Xihewan Outer Ring Road.

After the war horses were brought in, a group of people walked along the outer ring road of Xihewan and planned to go straight to the parking lot in the south of the village. However, when passing by the entrance of the village, they were stopped by Zhu'er.

Jin Feng found Zhu'er alone and riding on the roadside, and asked curiously: "Where is Wuyang?"

"Your Majesty is not here," Zhuer saluted Jin Feng and then motioned for Jin Feng to go and talk.

Jin Feng followed Zhu Er to the roadside. Zhu Er came up and whispered: "Sir, Your Majesty asked me to tell you that Master Tie has sent people to greet Master Li and the envoy from the Black Tiger Tribe. You don't have to go.

, just go back to the village and wait for them to come see you!"

"I understand," Jin Feng nodded slightly.

He understood what the ninth princess meant.

If Li Didi came back alone, it would be fine for Jin Feng to go to the airport to greet him. However, if the envoys of the Black Tiger Tribe came together, it would seem a bit too attentive if Jin Feng went all the way to the airport to greet him.

Even if everyone knew that Jin Feng was going to pick up Li Didi, it wouldn't work.

Because in front of the foreign envoys, Jin Feng not only represented himself, but also the national preceptor of Dakang, representing Dakang and the Ninth Princess.

With Jin Feng's status, even if the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe came in person, it would be enough for Tie Shixin to arrange for a Privy Council official to greet him, but he would not be able to invite Jin Feng at all.

This is not a show off by Jin Feng, or how busy he is, but a rule, and the reason why the Ninth Princess sent Pearl to stop Jin Feng.

When Zhuer saw Jin Feng nodding, she sat up straight, cupped her hands and said, "Sir, your Majesty really has something urgent to discuss with you. Please come back with me first, and don't embarrass me!"

The voice he spoke was obviously louder than before.

Jin Feng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this, then took a deep look at Zhu'er and understood why Zhu'er made such a fuss.

After all, he had already run all the way here. If he went back just because the Ninth Princess said a word, he was obviously afraid of his wife or had no independent opinion.

Zhu Er shouted like this, obviously trying to find a step for him.

Jin Feng was not a stubborn person to begin with, and someone else took the initiative to bring him the steps, so he borrowed Poxia's donkey, turned his horse's head, and led Zhuer and the guards towards the village.

When we arrived at the Imperial Study Room, the Ninth Princess was already waiting at the door.

Having been husband and wife for so long, Ninth Princess understands Jin Feng, and Jin Feng also understands Ninth Princess.

Knowing that her intention at waiting at the door was the same as Zhu Er's, to explain to him, Jin Feng waved his hand in advance and asked, "Is everything ready at the airport?"

When the Ninth Princess heard Jin Feng's question, she knew that he didn't care about being called back, so she replied with a smile: "We are ready. I guarantee that the envoys of the Black Tiger Tribe will not dare to look down on us!"

"That's good," Jin Feng nodded slightly, then climbed onto the observation deck next to the Imperial Study Room and raised his telescope.

Although he couldn't go to the airport, he still cared about Li Didi.

Through the telescope, Jin Feng saw three airships floating in the sky in a U-shaped pattern in the west, flying towards the village.

Unfortunately, the airship was still far away from the village. Even with the help of a telescope, Jin Feng could not clearly see the figures on the airship.

In the airship formation, Li Didi also held up a telescope and was looking towards the village.

Next to him was a burly middle-aged man dressed on a plateau.

This person is the envoy sent by the Black Tiger Tribe, and he is looking down below.

A pair of short black eyebrows are tightly knitted together.

This chapter has been completed!
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