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Chapter 166 Spending the night with the corpse

After Jin Feng said that he had completed the decision to establish a military medical team, some female soldiers showed signs of excitement.

After all, not all female soldiers are as eager to fight as Qing Mulan and Xiaoyu. Many of them join the female soldiers because of the pressure of life.

The battle the day before yesterday made many female soldiers feel uncomfortable. Now that there are other options, these female soldiers are tempted.

"I believe you have also seen that soldiers on the battlefield are often chopped to pieces, and even missing arms and legs. Let me put the ugly words up front. If you are afraid of corpses and seeing blood, don't sign up. After all, military doctors often have to deal with corpses.

, the person you are treating may die in the next moment."

After Jin Feng said this, the female soldiers showed hesitation again.

There are too many dead people these days, and sometimes you can see them while walking on the roadside. People don't feel too scared when they see corpses, but after all, this is the feudal era, and superstitions still exist, and no one wants to take the initiative to touch corpses.

"I only give you one morning. After this morning, I won't accept any more registrations."

After Jin Feng finished speaking, he jumped off the high platform and left directly.

After lunch, Qing Mulan and eight girls found Jin Feng.

Jin Feng took a look and saw that among the eight girls, two were from his own village and one was from Guanjia Village. The remaining five were unknown to him.

"If they are willing to join the military medical team, leave it to sir."

Qing Mulan handed over to Jin Feng and went into the kitchen to find Runniang.

"Have you eaten yet?" Jin Feng asked.

"I've eaten." The eight girls nodded at the same time.

"Now that you've eaten, let's go."

Jin Feng took eight girls to the threshing floor at the entrance of the village.

Liu Tie and his escort team built about a dozen small thatched sheds throughout the threshing floor.

The straw shed was very crudely built, without even a roof. It was just a matter of erecting four wooden roots and surrounding it with straw mats.

The area is also very small, only about five square meters each.

Seeing Jin Feng, Liu Tie trotted up to meet him: "Brother Feng, the shed has been set up. Can you see if it's okay?"

"It's only for a few days anyway, as long as it doesn't fall over."

Jin Feng asked casually: "Is the body ready?"

"Thankfully you told me early. The corpses of the bandits on the Wild Dog Slope haven't been buried yet, so I went and pulled over a dozen of them, otherwise it would have been really hard to find them."

Liu Tie casually pulled out a straw mat.

I saw a hideous-looking corpse lying on the ground in a small shed.

A bundle of thatch was thrown next to the body.

"You want to be a military doctor, this is the first test."

Jin Feng pointed to the thatched shed and said to the eight girls: "Everyone has a separate shed. They can't leave except to go to the toilet. They stay with the corpse for a day and a night. Even if you pass!"


Seven of the eight girls' expressions changed.

Those sheds were very small, with corpses occupying almost half of the space. If they wanted to take a rest, they could only lie down next to the corpses.

This is not an ordinary corpse, but a bandit who was killed. Each one of them was chopped to pieces. It looks so scary.

Staying with such a corpse, not to mention a day and a night, just an hour, no, half an hour is a torment.

Only the girl named Zhou Jin standing at the very edge did not show any fear, but instead had some curiosity in her eyes.

"It's still too late for you to regret now. Just go find Qing Mulan and rejoin the female army. Don't wait until midnight when you can't stand it anymore and cry and shout to leave, wasting my time."

Jin Feng said: "I'll go home and drink some water. When I come over, you have to make a decision."

After saying that, Jin Feng left.

When he returned to the threshing floor, the eight girls were still there.

"How are you thinking about it?"

Jin Feng asked with a smile.

"I do!"

Zhou Jin was the first to walk out.

Her father used to be a corpse carrier. He had seen a lot of corpses since he was a child, and his rejection of corpses was much smaller than that of other girls.

"Very good." Jin Feng nodded: "You can find a shed yourself."

"Can any shed be fine?"


"Then I'll choose this."

Zhou Jin walked directly into the shed opened by Liu Tie, spread the thatch on the ground.

Liu Tie stepped forward and surrounded the straw mat again.

"what about you?"

Jin Feng looked at the remaining seven girls.

"I'll join in, too."

"I'll join in too!"

Jin Feng had already been vaccinated in the morning, so the eight girls were mentally prepared before coming. Now someone took the lead, and the rest of them chose a thatched shed and walked in.

"Brother Tiezi, please arrange for someone to guard here, don't let them run around, and deliver food to them on time." Jin Feng explained.

"Okay." Liu Tie nodded in agreement.

Jin Feng took the hammer to the high ground next to the threshing floor and looked down.

Among the eight girls, Zhou Jin was the calmest, squatting on the ground and looking at the body curiously.

The remaining seven girls all huddled in the corner, trying to stay away from the corpse.

"If you're so scared now, how can you survive the night?"

Tie Zhui, who was following Jin Feng, said with a smile.

"If you can't survive it, just give up."

Jin Feng stretched out: "Let's go to the smelting workshop and see how the long knife mold is doing?"

These combat knives are bladeless combat knives prepared for actual combat between veterans and female soldiers. There is no need to consider sharpness issues, so Jin Feng uses the simplest casting method to make them.

Make a mold, pour the molten iron into it, and then polish it a little after it solidifies. It's simple and quick.

Nowadays, smelting workshops are basically managed by Mancang. Jin Feng just gave some pointers on key technologies and became a veritable hands-off shopkeeper.

Mancang is also very happy with this.

Not only the smelting workshop, but also other aspects.

The textile factory was handed over to Tang Dongdong, the veteran to Zhang Liang, the female soldier to Qing Mulan, and the brick kiln and construction site to the two village chiefs.

Unless there are special circumstances, Jin Feng will basically not interfere.

Zhang Liang is also learning from Jin Feng in this regard. The veteran team of less than a hundred people was divided into three parts by him.

The more than thirty veterans he initially recruited were handed over to his comrade Tieniu, who was mainly responsible for daily training and protecting the safety of several factories in Xihewan.

More than 40 veterans from Tiegun Mountain and Maomao Mountain were handed over to Zheng Fang by Zhang Liang.

The rest were Jin Feng's personal guards, who were handed over directly to the captain of the personal guards, Iron Hammer, without Zhang Liang even asking.

Only when Jin Feng needs people, Zhang Liang will gather the veterans. Usually everyone is responsible for their own tasks.

In this way, Zhang Liang is not so tired, and the abilities of Zheng Fang, Tieniu, and Tiechui have also been exercised and used.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to this. For example, after a long time, Zheng Fang, who is alone outside, may have other ideas.

But you don't have to trust people, don't trust people when you employ them. Since you have decided to use Zheng Fang, you should give him enough trust, otherwise Jin Feng will have to do everything himself, and he will be exhausted and unable to grow.

After working hard in the smelting workshop all afternoon, it was already dark when Jin Feng came out of the smelting workshop.

"Master, do you really want those girls to spend the night with the corpses?"

While eating, Guan Xiaorou glanced outside: "It's dark, will they be scared?"

This chapter has been completed!
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