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Chapter 1662 Tears of God

Chapter 1662 Tears of God (1 / 2)

2347 words

2 minutes ago

"He just jumped?"

Nathan was startled and hurried to the railing to take a look.

The airship was not very far from Xihewan, so it was at a relatively low altitude. The escort opened the parachute within a few seconds of jumping off.

When Nathan ran over to take a look, the parachute opened just in time.

From a distance, the parachute does not seem to be very big, but in fact the area of ​​the parachute is not small.

There was a "swish", like a huge sheet spread in front of Nathan, which frightened him so much that he couldn't help but take a step back.

Seeing the calm expressions of Li Didi and others, Nathan immediately realized that he had lost his composure.

He coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, then returned to the railing, imitating Li Didi, holding on to the railing and looking down.

By this time, the escort had already landed several tens of meters further, and the parachute didn't look as big as before.

"So this is a parachute!"

Nathan was shocked when he looked at the slowly falling parachute, and then turned to look at Li Didi: "Master Li, can you sell some of your parachutes to us together with the hot air balloon?"

"Why do you think of buying this again?" Li Didi asked.

Before Nathan came to Sichuan, he only wanted to buy some hot air balloons to deal with the Goshawk tribe.

But after arriving in Sichuan, he saw airships, speedboats, heavy crossbows and grenades.

When you see something, you want to buy it, just like a bear breaking a stick.

"It would be great if we bought a hot air balloon and used it with a parachute!" Nathan explained: "Our king must be very interested in this!"

Li Didi glanced at Nathan sideways and didn't believe him at all.

He has been to the Black Tiger Tribe and knows the situation of the Black Tiger Tribe.

The Black Tiger tribe actually has a large territory, but there are not many tribesmen, and it has been exploited by the Gada tribe before, so there is not much money left.

Neither the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe nor Nathan are the kind of people who are extravagant and lustful. The tribe members have problems eating. How could they want to buy a parachute just because they are interested?

However, Li Didi did not expose Nathan, but said casually: "I'm sorry, it doesn't matter whether the parachute is sold or not. I have to ask the National Preceptor for instructions."

"Understood, understood!" Nathan nodded slightly, and then kept staring at the parachute. He didn't raise his head until he saw the escort landing.

At this time, the airship was not far from the village, and the situation in the village could be roughly seen with the naked eye.

Nathan looked at the white road that surrounded the entire village like a long snake under his feet, and asked in surprise: "Is that road a cement road?"

"Yes," Li Didi nodded.

Xichuan was the former center of Sichuan and Shu, and Jin Feng had always attached great importance to it. As airships and hot air balloons traveled between the two places more and more frequently, an airport was built in Xichuan.

Although Xichuan Airport is not as big as Xihewan Airport, the ground inside the airport is also paved with cement.

When Nathan saw the cement floor and cement houses for the first time in Xichuan, he thought they were made of stone just like Princess Lu Jie. He also sighed like Princess Lu Jie that people in Dakang could find such large intact stones.


Later I found out that it was made of a special material.

Although it is not a stone, it is as strong as a stone after solidification.

In Nathan's opinion, this kind of material must be very precious. He already felt that it was a waste of money to build the airport in Xichuan, but he did not expect that it would be used to pave roads in Xihewan.

What a waste!

Chapter 1662 Tears of God (2 / 2)

2347 words

2 minutes ago

Li Didi looked at Nathan's expression and felt secretly happy.

He had also seen the disappointment on Nathan's face just now, and he must have thought that Xihewan was a small village hidden in the mountains, and perhaps he hid there to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

Because the Black Tiger Tribe is now being beaten by the Goshawk Tribe and is hiding everywhere.

Now after seeing the airship formation, parachutes and cement ring road, Nathan's view has obviously changed.

Thinking of this, Li Didi admired Jin Feng even more.

It turned out that my husband was not only a great fighter, but also had such an accurate grasp of people's hearts. He had already guessed what Nathan was thinking, and sent people in advance to make the smoke in the factory so big, and sent an airship formation for parachute training.

Doing so much should be to frighten the messengers from the plateau.

In fact, this suggestion was put forward by the Ninth Princess and has little to do with Jin Feng.

But Li Didi didn't know that, so he gave the credit to Jin Feng.

Thinking of this, Li Didi felt that Jin Feng's good intentions could not be wasted. He patted Nathan on the arm and pointed to Changshegou where the cement factory is located: "Did you see those gray sheds?"

"I see it," Nathan nodded.

"That's the cement factory. Cement is made in those sheds."

Li Didi explained and then asked: "Do you know how much cement those sheds can produce every day?"

"I don't know," Nathan shook his head: "How many can we produce?"

In fact, Li Didi didn't know what the cement plant's daily output was, but that didn't stop him from bragging.

“The cement the cement factory can produce every day can pile up a hill, and a thousand war horses can’t pull it all!”

Li Didi replied calmly.

"That's amazing!" Nathan exclaimed.

I don’t know if he really believed it or if he was cooperating with Li Didi’s bragging.

Then Nathan pointed to the factory next to the cement factory and asked, "What are those sheds for?"

The location of the cement factory is Changshegou, which is regarded as the industrial zone of Xihewan.

Not only is there a cement factory, but there are also more than a dozen other factories, large and small.

Li Didi mentioned the cement factory just now, just to attract Nathan's attention.

Now his goal is achieved!

So Li Didi coughed lightly and pretended not to care and said: "Nothing, just some coal refineries, ironworks, woodworking factories and so on. By the way, do you remember the water jade I gave you? It's in the factory here.


"Water jade was actually made here?" Nathan was in awe when he heard this!

When Li Didi first arrived at the Black Tiger Tribe, he once gave the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe a glass bead the size of a pigeon egg.

Glass beads are no longer a rare thing in Sichuan and Sichuan, but people on the plateau have never seen them.

Just like the dignitaries in the capital who saw Shui Yuzhu for the first time, the leader of the Black Tiger Tribe was stunned at that time.

He had never seen such pure and transparent jade, and he praised the water jade beads as the tears of the gods.

Can Li Didi be accepted by the Black Tiger Tribe?

This chapter has been completed!
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