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Chapter 1665 Natural Body Fragrance

Chapter 1665 Natural Body Fragrance (1 / 2)

2402 words

12 minutes ago

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Gada also made the cruel decision to massacre the city in Sichuan and Sichuan. Their people were made into human skin drums as retribution!"

The Ninth Princess did not sympathize with the Gada tribe at all, but felt that this was retribution from the other party.

This is the case in this era. Jin Feng didn't want to discuss humanitarianism with the Ninth Princess, so he turned to look at Li Didi: "Have you met their leader in the Black Tiger Tribe?"

"I have met many times and had several in-depth exchanges." Li Didi replied.

"Then what do you think of this person?" Jin Feng asked.

In the era of tribes and slaves, the people's servility was very strong. To put it harshly, they were almost like animals. Even if their master put a knife to their neck, they would not dare to resist.

In this context, the words of tribal leaders are more effective than imperial edicts.

Therefore, the style of a tribe also has a lot to do with the personality of the leader.

If the leader is aggressive, the tribe will most likely be aggressive. If the leader is cowardly, the tribe may also be cowardly.

So Jin Feng was very interested in the leader of the Black Tiger tribe.

"What aspect are you referring to, sir?" Li Didi asked.

"You can talk about personality, governance style, etc."

"The leader of the Black Tiger Tribe is called Butuo. He is the son of the previous old leader. He doesn't talk much and he cares about the people of the tribe. However, he is also a bit dull and cowardly. He surrendered as soon as Gada attacked him."

Li Didi replied: "It was the same this time. Just after the Goshawk Tribe fought, he chose to surrender again. However, this time the Goshawk Tribe's requirements were very harsh. The Black Tiger Tribe did not agree, and then they started fighting with the Goshawk Tribe."

"What do you think?" Jin Feng turned to look at the Ninth Princess.

Leave professional matters to professionals.

Ninth Princess is much better than herself at judging people.

"From Mr. Li's description, among the leaders of the plateau tribes, this person is considered to be kind and loving to the people. He also has his own bottom line. If the bottom line is not touched, he will choose to surrender, but if the bottom line is touched, he will resist." Ninth Princess commented.

: "Sounds like a good collaborator, but it's possible that the other party showed it to Mr. Li on purpose."

"It is indeed possible," Li Didi nodded: "I also think that if you want to cooperate, you should observe it for a while or test it a few more times."

"How do you think we should test it?" Jin Feng asked.

"Since sir asked, I will boldly express my thoughts," Li Didi said: "I think we can provide some hot air balloons to the Black Tiger Tribe and let them fight against the Goshawk Tribe and see how they react.

Of course, we can just provide them with the relatively backward hot air balloons eliminated by the flying team. In this way, even if the Black Tiger tribe is half-hearted or betrays, we can still control the situation.

And we can’t give them the hot air balloon for free, we need them to exchange for something more important from the tribe!”

"It makes sense," Jin Feng nodded in agreement: "Then what do you think is more important to the Black Tiger Tribe and what do you think it would be better for them to exchange for?"

"This..." Li Didi did not answer immediately, but subconsciously looked up at the Ninth Princess.

Chapter 1665 Natural Body Fragrance (2 / 2)

2402 words

12 minutes ago

"Speak directly!" The Ninth Princess probably had some guesses, so she said to Li Didi: "No matter what you say today, I will not punish you!"

After hearing what the Ninth Princess said, Li Didi continued to answer: "The villain thinks that the gentleman can propose marriage to Buto and ask him to marry his youngest seventh daughter to the gentleman, and also ask his fourth son and sixth son to marry him in person!"

Hearing this, Jin Feng complained with a black line in his head: "Why did you go to get married again? Is there no other way to maintain the relationship?"

Previously, Princess Ninth and Guan Xiaorou suggested that he marry Princess Lu Jie.

Now that Princess Lu Jie's matter has not yet passed, they asked her to marry the daughter of the leader of the plateau tribe.

Do you really think of your own as a stallion?

No wonder Li Didi didn't dare to say anything just now. It turned out to be because he was afraid that the Ninth Princess would chop him down.

But the Ninth Princess did not look angry at all. Instead, she persuaded: "Husband, do you know that the royal family and the powerful families like marriage? It is because this is the most reliable political relationship, especially when you have children, both parties will

The possibility of conflict will become smaller."

After saying that, the Ninth Princess also looked at Li Didi: "If I guessed correctly, Buto's youngest daughter should be his favorite daughter, right? There are also four sons and six sons, who are also the sons he values ​​the most, right?"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Li Didi replied: "Butuo does like his seventh daughter, fourth son, and sixth son the most. If there are no accidents, the next leader should also be one of these two sons."

Jin Feng's attention just now was on the daughter Li Didi mentioned. Now that the Ninth Princess mentioned the two sons, Jin Feng realized why Li Didi just suggested that the fourth son and the sixth son should come to see her off.

Marrying someone else's daughter doesn't count, but the other person's two favorite sons are also required to be used as hostages.

No wonder Li Didi was able to gain a foothold in the Dangxiang Prime Minister's Office in the first place. His heart was really dark.

However, this is also a necessary condition for being an official.

Especially when dealing with foreigners, if you arrange for an honest person to communicate, it will not only cause personal losses, but may also cause losses to the entire country.

The Ninth Princess once almost went to the plateau to get married, but now Li Didi suggested that the leader of the plateau send her daughter to get married, which suddenly made her feel like she had turned over.

He also became interested in this issue and asked out of curiosity: "Have you ever seen Buto's seventh daughter? What does she look like and what is her personality like?"

"The distinction between men and women is not so strict on the plateau. When Buto entertained us, I once met her little daughter."

Li Didi replied: "This girl is quite beautiful, and unlike most plateau girls, she is very white and has very big eyes, and it is said that she has a natural fragrance, so Buco likes her very much and says she is

The Supreme Goddess descends to earth and will definitely make the Black Tiger tribe live a good life in the future.

As for his personality, I haven’t had any experience with him and don’t know much about him, but according to Nathan, his little niece is very well-behaved and sensible.”

"Are you born with good body odor?" Ninth Princess was a little surprised: "Is it true?"

"Of course it's fake. How could such a person exist?" Jin Feng curled his lips.

"Husband, don't believe it. There are people who are born with their own body fragrance. There was one in Dakang decades ago. He was summoned by the emperor to be raised as a beautiful girl in the palace, and he planned to take her as a concubine when she grows up."

The Ninth Princess said: "It's a pity that the Dangxiang people called before this beautiful girl grew up. In order to appease the Dangxiang people, the emperor accepted the minister's suggestion and gave this beautiful girl to the Dangxiang people. It is said that the Emperor Dangxiang liked it very much.

For this reason, I haven’t been to the south for several years.”

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