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Chapter 208

A slave and a bitch is better than an animal.

Before Jin Feng redeemed Tang Xiaobei's body, Tang Xiaobei was the private property of Chunfeng Tower, and the madam had the right to beat and scold him at will, even if he was beaten to death, no one would care.

As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. Chunfeng Tower spent a lot of resources and efforts on cultivating Tang Xiaobei. Jin Feng was very worried that the madam would abuse Tang Xiaobei in a fit of rage.

By the light of the lantern, he stared at Tang Xiaobei's yard, his mind running rapidly, thinking about what he should do if the madam took action.

Fortunately, Tang Xiaobei's yard was quiet all the time, and no crying was heard.

The madam waited for almost an hour before coming out. Tang Xiaobei followed behind and took the madam to the door.

Judging from the way she walked, she shouldn't be injured.

"It seems that the madam is quite restrained."

The stone in Jin Feng's heart finally fell to the ground.

After closing the courtyard door, Tang Xiaobei turned around and took a deep look at the window where Jin Feng was, then squatted slightly and saluted.

Apparently she understood Jin Feng's concerns.

Tie Hui kept staring at the window until midnight, making sure that the madam had gone back to rest before going to bed.

Early the next morning, as soon as Jin Feng got up, the madam came over with his maid.

"Are you getting used to living here, sir?"

"Very good." Jin Feng asked, "How is Miss Xiaobei?"

"For my good advice, sir, it's just that I was infected with wind evil. I just came back last night and I'll be fine."

The madam smiled and said: "We are going to the river when we get off the float. Should you, sir, come with us or go by yourself?"

"Let's get together."

Before redeeming himself, Jin Feng planned to guard Tang Xiaobei.

"Then I'll arrange the carriage."

The madam agreed and was about to leave when her personal maid ran over anxiously.

"Mom, it's not good."

"Where have all the etiquette I usually taught you gone? It's so unbecoming to act in such a hurry, sir, I'll make you laugh!"

The madam scolded, and then asked: "What's wrong?"

"Back to mom, the county government sent a messenger just now to say that since Sister Xiaobei is ill, she does not need to participate in the Oiran Competition. We will wait until her body recovers."

The maid answered tremblingly.

"Where's the bad guy?"

When the Madam heard this, she no longer cared about etiquette, turned around and ran out with her fat body: "Quickly ask Lao Liang to prepare a hundred taels of silver and send it over!"

"Mom, Mr. Chai left after speaking at the door."

The maid said quickly.

"How could this happen?" The madam stamped her feet anxiously: "Let Lao Liang prepare his horse, I'm going to find Mr. Liu."

After saying that, he ran out, forgetting about Jin Feng.

Jin Feng happened to be free and went back to sit down again.

More than half an hour passed, but the madam still hadn't come back.

The Chunfeng Tower float set off without Tang Xiaobei.

Tang Xiaobei didn't go, and naturally Jin Feng didn't go either.

The girls all went to the river, and the Chunfeng Tower seemed deserted. It was not until the evening when the float returned that the Chunfeng Tower became lively again.

But underneath the lively appearance, there was a strong sense of uneasiness, and all the girls were cautious, fearing to offend the madam who was about to go berserk.

"Sir, I found out."

Tie Shui walked to the window: "As you guessed, after last night, Miss Xiaobei's reputation as a night charm has completely spread. The young masters who used to pay money and queue up now come to the madam to refund their money."

"The world is so cold," Jin Feng sighed, and then said, "But we should be able to go back soon."

According to his plan, it was estimated that it would take some time to redeem Tang Xiaobei, but the government banned Tang Xiaobei from participating, which greatly shortened this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the voice of the madam appear at the door.

"I'm not at home today. I've neglected you, sir. I hope you can forgive me!"

As soon as the madam came in, she apologized to Jin Feng.

"It's okay. Miss Xiaobei suffered such an unreasonable disaster, and I'm not in the mood to eat or drink."

Jin Feng was too lazy to chat with the madam and simply brought the topic to Tang Xiaobei: "By the way, Mom Zhou, why didn't Miss Xiaobei go to the competition today?"

"Someone was gossiping behind his back, saying that Xiaobei is some kind of damn night demon, and it all reached the ears of the county governor. The county governor listened to the villain's slander and refused to let Xiaobei participate."

The old bustard said angrily: "Isn't this an act of desecrating someone's innocence?"

"What should we do?"

Jin Feng asked anxiously.

"After such a commotion, Xiaobei is completely ruined."

The madam wiped away her tears and said, "Xiao Bei is my most beloved daughter. Now I just want to find a good family for her to marry."

Jin Feng pretended not to understand and sighed: "What a pity."

Seeing that Jin Feng didn't respond, the old bustard could only take the initiative and said: "Sir, didn't Madam fall in love with Xiaobei last time? I can also see that Sir is a good person who deserves to be entrusted. Why don't you redeem Xiaobei's life and take her away?"

This is sad."

"This..." Jin Feng hesitated: "But Miss Xiaobei is...is..."

"Oh, Mr. Jin, if others don't know, how can you not know? Xiaobei is not a night charm at all, she is just infected with wind evil."

The madam wiped her tears again: "Xiao Bei is so infatuated with Mr., if she knew you said this, she would be very sad. Oh, my poor daughter..."

"Mother Zhou, please stop talking." Jin Feng gritted his teeth and asked, "Tell me, how much does it cost to redeem Miss Xiaobei's body?"

"Xiao Bei is my most beloved daughter," the madam emphasized again, and then said: "I won't embarrass you, sir. As long as you have five thousand taels of silver, you can take Xiao Bei back."

"Five thousand taels?!" Jin Feng was shocked: "I...I don't have that much money..."

If the madam wants two or three hundred taels, he will pay this amount, which is regarded as spending money to buy time.

But the madam asked for five thousand taels as soon as he opened his mouth. It was obvious that he was robbing people.

Not to mention that Jin Feng didn't bring so much money when he came out this time. Even if he did, he wouldn't be taken advantage of.

"How much money does the gentleman have?" the madam asked.

When it comes to business, ask for a high price and just pay back the money.

"Let me see."

Jin Feng took out a few silver notes from his arms and counted them: "There are one hundred and forty taels in total. If I hadn't rewarded Miss Xiaobei yesterday, there would have been one hundred more taels."

"More than a hundred taels? That won't work, it's too little."

The old madam shook her head like a rattle: "Not to mention the money I spent to buy Xiaobei, in the past few years just to train her, make her clothes, buy her jewelry, I have spent no less than three thousand taels of silver."

"Mother Zhou, if I redeem my life for Miss Xiaobei, I won't bring any clothes or jewelry with me."

Jin Feng said: "My wife should still have six or seventy taels of silver in her hand. We will only leave some money for travel expenses and try to collect two hundred taels for you. Do you think this will work?"

"No, no, it's too little." The madam still refused.

"Then there's nothing I can do."

Jin Feng knew he could no longer retreat, so he shook his head "regrettably".

This chapter has been completed!
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