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Chapter 296 Rescue Brother Feng!

The matter was so important that Tang Dongdong and the village chief had to act carefully.

I chatted with four female workers for more than ten minutes before letting them leave.

Then both of their expressions became solemn.

I have just asked all the questions that need to be asked, and everything is consistent with what the hunter said.

The female worker also confirmed that Tang Fei's father was killed by bandits, and Tang Fei had always hated bandits.

The old village chief has lived for most of his life. Although he has not seen much of the world, he still knows the mountain people very well.

The possibility of someone like Tang Fei conspiring with bandits to murder Jin Feng is extremely slim.

Han Feng and Jin Feng didn't have any big hatred, and they couldn't commit the crime of defrauding Xihewan with their own lives.

He is in Xihewan now. Once the village chief and others discover that Han Feng is a liar, they will kill him immediately.

"It seems that Brother Feng really encountered bandits."

The village chief squinted his eyes and said, "Tie Zi, fire the resounding arrow!"


Liu Tie had already prepared the sounding arrow, and with the permission of the village chief, he raised his hand and pulled the trigger.

The sharp whistling sound spread throughout the silent mountain village.

The female soldiers, veterans and all the villagers who were not asleep all walked out of the house and stood in the yard.

After waiting for a minute, Liu Tie fired the second sounding arrow.

Xihewan, which was quiet just now, suddenly became noisy.

"No, it's the sound of arrows fired from sir's house!"

"Third brother, get up quickly, brother Feng is firing arrows over there!"

"Brother Feng won't fire arrows at night for no reason. Last time, Miss Xiao Bei was kidnapped. This time it will definitely be a big deal!"

"Hurry up!"

All veterans and female soldiers immediately rushed to Jin Feng's house with weapons in hand.

Following them were villagers one by one.

Soon, the open space in front of Jin Feng was filled with people.

The injured, including Tie Hui, Dazhuang, Monkey and other injured people who were recovering at home, also came with crutches.

Everyone looked at the wooden platform next to them, waiting for Jin Feng to announce what had happened.

But it was not Jin Feng who took the stage, but the old village chief and Tang Dongdong.

"Village chief, where is brother Feng?"

a villager asked.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

The village chief knocked the gong, waited until the crowd quieted down, and said, "We just received news that Brother Feng was robbed and killed by bandits on his way back from the county government..."

I didn’t even say the rest of the words, and everything went crazy under the table.

"What did the village chief say? Brother Feng was robbed and killed by bandits?!"

"Oh my God, what should I do?"

"When Brother Feng was going to suppress the bandits, I felt it was inappropriate. Now it's okay. I was retaliated by the bandits!"

"Shut your stinky mouth. Was it Brother Feng who provoked the bandits? It was the bandits who robbed our convoy first and broke Huzi's legs. Brother Feng had to take action, okay?"

"That's right, the bandits are all unfamiliar wolves. Unless we stay in Xihewan forever, they will keep looking for trouble! Fight early and save worry!"

"Oh, I'm also worried about Brother Feng. He said something wrong. Please let me go!"

"You still know that what you said was wrong, so it's not bad at all!"

"Ignore him, let's quickly help him think of a way to save brother Feng."

"There are still bandits who dare to stop Brother Feng? Which bandit on the hilltop is so bold?"

"Village chief, where are the bandits? How many are there?"

"Village chief, have you sent someone to rescue Brother Feng?"

All people in Xihewan know that only with Jinfeng can they live a good life. Without Jinfeng, Xihewan is just a piece of fat meat that can be chewed by anyone, and will be torn into pieces by bandits and gentry.

The villagers were fearful at first, and then became anxious and angry.

Everyone shouted that they were going to rescue Jin Feng.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The village chief knocked the gong hard several times, and the villagers finally calmed down.

"What are you arguing about?"

The village chief shouted: "There are three groups of bandits who robbed and killed Brother Feng, totaling more than 100 people. When Brother Feng left in the morning, he told me to ask Da Liu to replace Miss Mu Lan, so Brother Feng is now with me

With only ten male soldiers, and at most ten female soldiers as bodyguards of Miss Mu Lan, they would definitely not be able to defeat more than a hundred bandits.

Therefore, we must rescue Brother Feng!"

"Yes, rescue brother Feng!"

The villagers immediately echoed the sentiment.

"It is necessary to rescue Brother Feng. Now everyone listens to my arrangements!"

The village chief shouted: "Is Mancang here?"


Mancang limped to the front.

"Go to the iron smelting workshop immediately, open the arsenal, and prepare to provide weapons for everyone!" the village chief said.


Mancang agreed and shouted loudly: "Everyone in the smelting workshop, follow me!"

Seven or eight female slaves who were learning blacksmithing with him walked out of the team and followed Mancang towards the smelting workshop.

"Has the hammer come yet?" the village chief shouted again.


Iron Hammer quickly raised his hand and agreed.

"How is your injury?" the village chief asked.

"Nothing happened at all!"

Iron Hammer threw away his crutch and quickly ran to the stage.

Although he was still limping a little while running, Tie Hammer's expression did not change at all.

"Okay, you are Brother Feng's personal guard captain, and you are also the best equestrian in Xihewan. You will immediately pick forty masters from the village, bring five heavy crossbows, and rescue Brother Feng as quickly as possible.

No matter what, we must save Brother Feng!"

The village chief said coldly.

The war horses sent back by Qinghuai this time were sent to more than half of Guangyuan as soon as they arrived at Xihewan.

Currently, there are a total of forty-eight war horses in the Xihewan stable, forty-one hammers and five heavy crossbows, so forty-six are needed.

In other words, the village chief only left two war horses for emergency use, and the others were given to the hammer.


Iron Hammer agreed, turned around and ran towards the phalanx of veterans and female soldiers.

At this time, except for the places where people had to be guarded, all the other veterans and female soldiers arrived.

But there are only forty-three people in total.

Iron Hammer didn't bother to choose, so he just removed the three female soldiers at the end and ran to the stable with the rest.

"Liu Tie!"

The village chief shouted again, and Liu Tie immediately ran under the stage.

"You organize the village guards and the tiger hunting team, go to Mancang and get ten heavy crossbows and three portable catapults, pull them on carts, and set off immediately!"

"People from the escort team and the Tiger Squad will follow me to the warehouse to pull the pallet truck and prepare to load the goods!"

Liu Tie shouted, and immediately a group of men stood up.

Basically, they are all the men in Xihewan Village.

After these people left, there were only a group of women, a few female soldiers, Da Zhuang, and a few wounded monkeys left on the field.

"Liu Yu!"

The village chief called out his daughter again.


Xiaoyu stepped forward with excitement on her face and stood in the audience with her head held high.

"You immediately organize the women in the village and evacuate everyone in the village to the canteen of the textile factory. Everyone will stay in the canteen until Brother Feng comes back!"

Most of the veterans and female soldiers went to the escort agency in Guangyuan. The remaining people not only had to block the three major bandits, but also formed a bandit suppression team to encircle and suppress the smaller bandits. There were not many people left in the village.

Now the veterans and female soldiers guarding the village were taken away by Iron Hammer, and almost all the men were taken away by Liu Tie.

All the village could count on were a few wounded men and women, and it was impossible to defend the entire village.

The best way is to gather people together for management.

This chapter has been completed!
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