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Chapter 342 Another maid

"The inscription on the fifth Star-Severing Blade is - Just die for the country on the battlefield, why return wrapped in horse leather!"

Luo Lan said: "Old rules, you gentlemen can bid!"

"You only have to die for your country on the battlefield, why should you return your body wrapped in horse leather?"

The young men in the audience either recited silently in their hearts or repeated them softly, recalling this sentence.

After all, it is a new sword, and the engraving also conveys a tragic atmosphere, which suits the young masters' wishes. Moreover, the last auction made many young masters feel suffocated, so the bidding atmosphere in the fifth round was also very active.

, the price continued to rise until it finally stopped at 2,100 taels.

It is impossible for each black knife to be sold for a high price of 5,000 taels. In Luo Lan's heart, as long as it is not less than 1,500 taels, it is completely acceptable to Jin Feng.

The engraving on the fifth black knife is not as brilliant as the first and fourth, but if it can be sold at this price, it's okay.

"Master Zhang bids two thousand one hundred taels, does anyone else want to increase the price?" Luo Lan asked loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone shouted: "Three thousand taels!"

"The maid is not here again, is she?"

"The voice does not sound like a man's. Hey, you were right. Which lady is this maid from?"

"It's not the maid of any young lady. I'm sure that this person must be the sitter of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce! Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? Just now a maid came, and here comes another one!"

"I think so too. The guy who pretends to be mysterious is probably also a shill. When he saw that he was not satisfied with the price of the black knife, he raised the price himself!"

"That shouldn't be the case. Brother Liu, look at Miss Luo Lan, she seems to be surprised too."

On the stage, Luo Lan looked at the maid walking slowly towards him, with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh, this maid is good. No matter in terms of bearing or courage, she is much stronger than that maid just now. Her face and figure are also good. Look at that one with a small waist, tsk tsk, she must be very soft."

A young man commented in a frivolous tone.

The young man next to him also showed a lewd smile.

When they noticed that the maid was looking at them, instead of feeling ashamed, the two of them raised their eyebrows at the maid.

"Do you want to die?" Mr. Qi scolded with a dark face: "She is the personal maid of Her Royal Highness the Ninth Princess!"


The two young men almost jumped up in fright!

Personal maids are often the most trusted and intimate people of their masters. Teasing the Ninth Princess' personal maid is almost the same as teasing the Ninth Princess.

Not to mention that the Ninth Princess is the emperor's most beloved daughter, the Ninth Princess alone is not easy to mess with.

Other princesses are either dignified and gentle, unruly and domineering, or extravagant.

But the Ninth Princess was famous for her intelligence and calmness, and she often accompanied Chen Ji in sorting out memorials.

Chen Ji didn't like government affairs, and sometimes he got really annoyed, so he simply handed all the memorials to the Ninth Princess.

Some cabinet ministers even rumored that many simple memorials were approved by the Ninth Princess, and those that required the emperor's personal decision and seal were approved by Chen Ji himself.

Chen Ji has lamented more than once that it would be great if the Ninth Princess were a boy, she would be able to help him share a lot of his worries.

But if the Ninth Princess was really a man, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to let the Ninth Princess stay by his side every day to help him handle government affairs.

After all, royal battles have always been cruel.

"It's over!"

The two young men were sweating on their faces, and they wanted to slap themselves in the face.

If Princess Ninth wanted to deal with them, it would be useless for their father to come forward.

But the maid ignored them, just glanced at them and continued to walk towards the stage.

"Miss Qin'er, why are you here?" Luo Lan asked with a smile.

"Why, can't I come to the auction on behalf of the princess?" Qin'er asked.

"Of course, we are open for business and everyone is welcome."

"Then Miss Luo Lan, please continue." Qin'er just stood casually in the audience.

Luo Lan then remembered that he was still hosting the auction.

He smiled at Qin'er and then asked: "Miss Qin'er bids three thousand taels, will anyone continue to increase the price?"

Although many young masters are very satisfied with this black knife, who would dare to snatch it knowing that the Ninth Princess has taken action?

A group of young men shook their heads.

The fifth black knife fell into Qin'er's hands naturally.

"The princess said she only has so much money."

Qin'er took out a few banknotes and stuffed them into Iron Hammer, then turned around and left with the black knife in her arms.

Luo Lan looked at her back with a wry smile.

Qin'er's words were a bit confusing, but Luo Lan understood them.

The black knife given to the Ninth Princess before was priced at eight hundred taels a piece, but now the value of the black knife is obviously much more than eight hundred taels. The Ninth Princess deliberately sent Qin'er to buy the knife. She probably didn't want Luo Lan to think that she was taking advantage of it.

Jin Feng is cheap.

The Ninth Princess's fiefdom is also a county, but it is far less big than Jinchuan, and the annual taxes are not much, so she doesn't have much money in hand.

After buying a black knife last time, I only had more than three thousand taels of silver left. This time I spent almost all of it to buy a black knife.

When Qin'er passed by the two young masters holding the knife box, she glanced at them coldly, then waved her long sleeves gently, and there were two crisp slaps.

The left sides of the two young men's faces swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

But there was a hint of relaxation in their eyes.

Qin'er started beating them, which meant that this matter was over.

Although it was humiliating to be slapped by a maid in public, it was nothing compared to the anger of the Ninth Princess.

Besides, being slapped in the face by the Ninth Princess's personal maid is not too embarrassing.

Qin'er didn't say a word to the two young masters from beginning to end, and didn't even stop walking.

But just when she was about to walk out of the small courtyard, Qin'er suddenly stopped and looked at the mysterious young man who had bid five thousand taels twice before.

Then, holding the knife box in her arms, Yingying bowed: "I have seen His Highness King Jin!"

"You little maid, I've covered my face, so just pretend you didn't see me. Why do you have to salute?"

The young man sighed helplessly: "How can I continue to participate in the auction if you are like this?"

"Please ask King Jin to atone for your sins." Qin'er was also helpless.

The rules of the royal family are the strictest. If she is really like those young masters and doesn't know Prince Jin, then forget it.

She obviously knew her but didn't show courtesy when she saw her. Even if the King of Jin didn't pursue her, the eunuch in charge of the palace would punish her if he found out.

"Prince Jin? Which Prince Jin?"

"Are you stupid? We in Dakang only have one King Jin!"

"You mean, His Majesty the late Emperor's youngest prince, the one who holds the fiefdom of Jinzhou?"

"Who else could it be but him?"

"Didn't you hear that the vassal prince cannot return to the capital without any reason?"

"Isn't there someone in Jin who rebelled? They were probably recalled to the capital by His Majesty."

All the young men were startled, and then they all looked astonished.

No wonder this young man spent so much money and they didn't even know him.

It turned out to be King Jin.

[The author has something to say]

I wrote a chapter and a half this afternoon. I was a little dissatisfied, so I changed it, and then it got messed up. I haven’t updated it until now... Don’t worry, everyone, even if I stay up all night tonight, Beichuan will write three more chapters.

Come out and let everyone watch it together tomorrow morning. By then the plot in Beijing should be over.

This chapter has been completed!
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