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Chapter 368 The General Attack on Mount Wulang

Although Jin Feng handed over the command to Zhang Liang, Jin Feng also participated in the formulation of the strategic plan and knew that Zhang Liang had a plan to attack.

However, Qing Mulan was trapped in Wulang Mountain before, and Zhang Liang was afraid of forcing the bandits to Wulang Mountain, which would be detrimental to Qing Mulan, so he did not activate this plan.

Instead, they used a deception method, using elite bodyguards to attract the attention of the bandits in the south, and then asked the hunters to take Captain Xiao to secretly infiltrate Chencang from behind and break through the east side of Wulang Mountain in one fell swoop.

Now that Qing Mulan has been rescued, Zhang Liang doesn't have to worry anymore.

Sure enough, not long after Da Liu left, the rapid beating of war drums sounded from the camp in the distance.

The next second, hundreds of burning jars flew out from the hidden mountain forest and smashed into the area where the bandits were relatively densely packed.

Although Mr. Feng had already warned that there were not many bandits gathered together and not many bandits died in this round of attacks, Jin Feng added some smoke-making tools to the kerosene thrown this time. For a moment, Wu Lang

The mountain was filled with flames, and thick smoke rose into the sky, blocking out the sun.

Many bandits were choked to the point of coughing, tears streaming down their faces, and they could not even see clearly their companions a few meters away.

On the east side of Wulang Mountain, Lieutenant Xiao confirmed that all the Changxin troops had withdrawn. He gave up guarding the mountain path and handed the prisoners to the custody of the Changxin troops. He led his men from the mountainside to the south to gather at the bandit leader's house.

The place.

But they all covered their mouths and noses with wet towels.

This not only allows you to distinguish yourself from the bandits in the thick smoke, but also effectively prevents you from being choked.

At the same time, the remaining soldiers from the camp at the foot of the mountain, led by Deputy Xiao Duwei, wrapped themselves in wet towels and rushed towards Wulang Mountain.

Zhang Liang also agreed to the same conditions. If you kill or capture a bandit, you will be rewarded with a piece of soap. You can also choose the scent.

There are also different rewards for killing or capturing bandits' chief boss, second boss or other small bosses.

So now, in the eyes of the soldiers, the people running back and forth at the foot of Wulang Mountain and the mountainside are not bandits, but handfuls of silver.

When they charged, they were extremely brave, running faster than the other, for fear that if they ran slower, the bandits would be killed by others.

Human potential is unlimited. When the soldiers were stimulated by Zhang Liang's high bounty and became fearless of life and death, the overall momentum was completely different from before.

This is morale, a very mysterious but real thing.

When two armies are fighting, with the same number of people and equipment, if one side has high morale and is full of confidence in victory, while the other side is in low mood, then the winning side will always be the side with high morale.

This is why Zhang Liang tried so hard to stimulate the soldiers.

The situation of the bandits is exactly the opposite of that of the soldiers.

Although the flames burning everywhere did not cause much damage to the bandits, they seriously affected their sight.

The bandits could no longer see clearly what was going on down the mountain, but they could hear the soldiers shouting to kill them everywhere.

The soldiers from Jiangdong led by Xiang Yu were so brave and good at fighting, but when they were surrounded and besieged, their morale was still seriously affected by the sounds of being besieged from all sides, which led to the overlord and Yu Ji both committing suicide on the river bank.

The overlord's Jiangdong soldiers were like this, let alone a group of bandits.

Although they knew that the government soldiers were not as numerous as our own, many bandits were still so frightened that their legs trembled and they completely lost the courage to fight.

When the soldiers rushed to the foot of the mountain, the kerosene had almost burned out, but the thick smoke was still drifting up the mountain.

The soldiers brandished their weapons and rushed towards the bandits who were about to be blinded by the thick smoke.

Even faster than the soldiers were the bodyguards and others who had been confronting the bandits and attracting their attention.

Following Da Zhuang's order, the bodyguards all wrapped themselves in wet towels that had been prepared long ago, and then divided into three groups to form three small formations.

This time they no longer guarded their backs, they completely took the shape of arrows, and like arrows, they quickly and sharply plunged into the group of bandits.

Each small formation is like a meat grinder, frantically harvesting the bandits wherever it passes.

For a time, the entire Wulang Mountain was filled with screams and shouts of killing.

On the mountainside, several bandit leaders were completely frightened.

The bandits' defeat was inevitable.

They really couldn't figure out why they were defeated when they clearly had the advantage in numbers, terrain, and equipment.

And it was defeated so simply and completely!

Just when the bandit leaders were puzzled, they suddenly heard shouts of killing behind them.

By the time they came to their senses, Captain Xiao and his men had already rushed behind them.

After a while, the first and second bosses were all captured alive by Captain Xiao.

Captain Xiao was so happy that he couldn't even close his mouth.

These big bosses are all about money.

The bandits were originally a ragtag group, and now that they had no one to command them, they soon began to flee.

Once someone takes the lead, others will immediately follow.

Soon, the rout began to spread, and the bandits fled crazily to the west and north of Wulang Mountain.

This is the best time to kill the enemy, so the soldiers will naturally not let it go and stay behind.

Zhang Liang has made so many preparations, how could he not take this into consideration?

The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau also has a branch in Qingshan County. At this time, the escorts and more than 400 soldiers from Qingshan County were already waiting for the bandits to flee.

When the bandits escaped not far away, the three mountain roads for escape were all blocked by heavy crossbows and catapults.

The fighting lasted until evening.

At this time, Wulang Mountain was blackened by thick smoke below the mountainside, and the bodies of bandits could be seen everywhere.

The captured bandits were lined up along the mountain road, with no end in sight.

There are so many bandits, it's definitely not possible to rely on bodyguards to escort them.

Zhang Liang had no choice but to go to Captain Xiao to discuss the matter.

"Captain Xiao, I want to trouble my brothers from the army and send them all to Heishuigou."

"Brother Zhang Liang, if you say you're in trouble, you'll go out. This matter will be taken care of by your brother!"

Captain Xiao patted his chest and said.

This time the soldiers gained a lot and their morale was greatly improved.

If there is another battle, Guangyuan soldiers will definitely be able to pull out the troops and fight a tough battle.

The most important thing is that an anti-bandit operation of this scale has never happened on Xichuan Road, let alone Guangyuan.

This is a great achievement, and the county governor will definitely report it to the court.

Dakang has been suffering from bandits for a long time. If something like this happens, the court will definitely reward it.

When the time comes, it will be difficult for Lieutenant Xiao not to be promoted.

Therefore, Lieutenant Xiao was extremely grateful to Jin Feng and Zhang Liang, and naturally he would not refuse to escort the prisoners.

It was already dark at this time, and the army would certainly not be able to move out. Captain Xiao had no choice but to arrange for his soldiers to camp on the spot to guard the prisoners.

Qingshan County Chronicle records that in the autumn of the 23rd year of Dakang Yong'an, the first bandit suppression team of Xihewan was trapped in Wulang Mountain. Baron Jin Feng of Qingshui, Xiao Dayuan, the military commander of Guangyuan County, led one hundred escorts of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, and two thousand escorts of Guangyuan County.

The government soldiers suppressed bandits in Wulang Mountain. They killed more than 1,300 enemies and captured more than 3,200 bandits. Since then, there have been no more bandits in Qingshan County. The people are all grateful and countless people have enshrined the longevity monument of Baron Qingshui in their homes.

This chapter has been completed!
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