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Chapter 377

"If you fall into the water wearing such heavy armor, no one can swim!"

A squad leader shouted to the passenger ship: "You have to take off your armor and smash the ship. Each person holds two big pieces of wood!"

The soldiers escorting the Ninth Princess this time were all carefully selected from the Royal Guards, so they had such good discipline.

The armor he is equipped with is also the best and can be said to be invulnerable.

However, one drawback of this kind of armor is that it is too heavy, with each set weighing dozens of kilograms.

Qin Ming and three others got on the boat, but the lifeboat sank a lot.

The best way to transport the salt mines to Shuanghump is by water, so the escorts responsible for protecting the salt mines were all chosen by Zhang Liang to understand water skills.

The squad leader was a fisherman. He was able to swim upstream and back on the Jialing River when he was less than ten years old. His water skills were very good.

But even he didn't have the confidence to survive on the turbulent Jialing River wearing a suit of armor weighing dozens of kilograms.

Not to mention the guards who don't understand water.

So the best way now is to take off the armor as the squad leader said, and then look for something that can float, maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

For a real warrior, armor is as important as a sword. Most of these guards were sailing on a ship for the first time, so they had no idea of ​​this.

Such a group of elites were lost on the Jialing River, and the Ninth Princess's heart was bleeding.

It was only the calmness that she had cultivated over a long period of time that made the Ninth Princess understand that the shipwreck was inevitable, and that the lifeboat was already packed with people, almost reaching its capacity limit, and it was impossible to accommodate everyone.

All she could do was try to preserve the most important parts of it.

But now after listening to the words of the squad leader, I think it is a feasible method. The ninth princess did not care about her manners and turned to Qin Ming and shouted: "Captain Qin, listen to this warrior!"

Qin Ming also came to his senses and shouted to the boat: "Everyone listened to the order, took off their armor, dismantled the boat, and tied their arms to the wooden boards! Brothers who survived, meet at Jinchuan Ferry!"


The guards immediately began to take action.

"Save us!"

Without the help of guards to stop them, the crew slaves rushed to the edge of the deck one after another. One brave crew member jumped directly onto the lifeboat.

But at this time, the lifeboat had already distanced itself from the passenger ship. The crew did not jump on it and fell into the river with a splash.

The squad leader sighed and asked someone to untie the rope tied to the passenger ship.

Jin Feng said that the lifeboat can carry up to eight people. At this time, there are already nine people on board, and the boat may capsize at any time if there are more people on board.

Even if the squad leader couldn't bear it, there was nothing he could do.

The people he wanted to save were already on board the ship, and he also warned those who could.

The lifeboat drifted too fast. When they arrived, the squad leader threw a rope to the passenger ship and asked the guards to tie the lifeboat to the railing of the passenger ship.

When the rope was untied, the lifeboat immediately drifted down the river.

"Third brother, fifth child, step aside."

At this time, the river was too big and too fast. There were only two oars on the lifeboat, so it was impossible to row back to the cargo ship against the current.

The best way is to control the lifeboat to move aside, and then wait for the cargo ship to pass by before they move in.

Behind them, the water surface was not far from the deck of the passenger ship.

The deck was in a mess. The guards had all taken off their armor and were busy dismantling the ship to get wood.

The guards who had already obtained the wood also helped each other tie the wood to each other's arms.

Some of the crew slaves were panicking, some were imitating the guards, and some were robbing valuable items on the ship.

Soon, the river water overflowed the deck and sank even faster.

The guards, crew and slaves on the deck were swept away by the river one after another.

Those who are prepared are better off, but those who are not prepared are quickly swept away by the waves.

Qin Ming and several guards all gritted their teeth, and even the usually calm Ninth Princess turned a little pale at this time.

Jiang Shui doesn't care whether you are a princess or a slave. If she hadn't happened to meet someone from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, I'm afraid she would have become a black spot in the river at this time.

Everyone on the lifeboat was focused on the passenger ship that was slowly sinking behind them. No one noticed that on the shore behind them, a group of masked men were staring at them.

This group of people is the same group of water bandits who escaped before.

Except for the two leaders, the remaining dozen water bandits were frantically chopping down trees.

The Jialing River turns a slight bend in front. Although the bend is not large, the current is very fast.

The water bandits were still afraid that their boats would not be able to carry them, so just like the squad leader, they chose to dock.

As a result, not long after they landed, they saw the lifeboat floating down.

When the lifeboat was still five or six feet away from the shore, the masked man in the lead flashed a sinister look in his eyes and shouted coldly: "Let go!"


The water bandits carried five or six large trees and threw them into the Jialing River.

The big tree rolled and drifted down in the rushing river.

"Squad leader, look ahead!"

An escort discovered the big tree and roared loudly.

"Quick, get out of the way!"

The squad leader jumped to the stern of the lifeboat, picked up a spare oar, and started paddling frantically.

Unfortunately, the current on the river side is stronger than in the middle, making it difficult to control the boat to turn quickly.

The squad leader grew up on a boat and quickly judged that it would be difficult for them to avoid the impact of the big tree, and immediately shouted: "There is no way to avoid it!"

Throw away the oar, take out a pig urine bubble from the side of the lifeboat, and hand it to the Ninth Princess: "Your Highness, quickly tie the pig urine bubble to your arm!"

"Bold, Your Highness is a rich man, how can you use such filthy things?!"

Qin'er blocked the squad leader with a look of disgust.

"I have brushed it several times with my own hands. It can be eaten after being boiled. Why is it so dirty?"

The squad leader asked, squinting his neck.

Qin'er wanted to say something else, but Princess Ninth took the initiative to take the pig urine bubble.

"Your Highness..."

"Qin'er, it's time now. There's no need to pay so much attention. You should tie it up quickly!"

Princess Ninth handed the pig urine bubble to Pearl and then raised her arm.

Pearl quickly started to tie the pig urine bubble to the Ninth Princess's arm.

"Captain Qin, take off your armor quickly!"

The first squad leader tied a pig urine bag on his arm and reminded: "Your armor is too heavy and the pig urine bag cannot be carried!"


Qin Ming agreed, but realizing that it was too late to tie the belt, he directly raised the sword and cut the belt.

Fortunately, there were enough pig urine soaks prepared on the lifeboat, and everyone tied one up, and in the end there was still one left.

The squad leader asked Pearl to tie the last one to Princess Ninth's arm, then took off a coil of rope and tied it to her waist.

On the other boat, the best escort also tied the rope to his waist like the squad leader.

After doing this, the big tree was already several feet away.

"Everyone squat down and help the boat!"

The squad leader reminded him and squatted down first, grabbing the side of the boat tightly with both hands.

As soon as Princess Ninth and several maids squatted down, a big tree bumped into them.

The lifeboat was knocked around and spinning in the water. Before the first squad leader could take measures, the second tree came again.

This time the lifeboat was knocked over and everyone fell into the water!

This chapter has been completed!
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