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Chapter 387 Wuyang Can't Do It

"Your Highness also thinks for the sake of the entire army and the prosperity of the country. This is also a high righteousness. What crime is he guilty of?"

The people in the sedan chair were carrying people, and Jin Feng also praised the Ninth Princess.

"Wen'er is just a prostitute, how can she deserve Mr.'s lofty praise?" Ninth Princess said modestly.

"So what if there are women? Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. There are many more women than men in a prosperous society. Why can't women care about the country?"

Jin Feng said: "Your Highness has devoted all his energy to the great prosperity of the world over the years, and now he has spent a lot of money to go to a wild land. What is it that is not for the benefit of the people of the world? Such a mind cannot be called high righteousness, so what is high righteousness?"

This is not to flatter the Ninth Princess, but Jin Feng really admires the Ninth Princess.

In such a serious social background where men are favored over women in the great Kang Dynasty, a prostitute can secretly influence the court for many years, and the pressure she endures can be imagined.

As the emperor's favorite princess, she could find a prince's family in the capital to marry, and she would definitely live a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

However, the Ninth Princess did not choose glory and wealth. Instead, she risked her wealth, life and happiness and voluntarily married into Tubo, a harsh and cold land.

Perhaps he did this more for the sake of the royal family, but even so, Jin Feng felt that he was countless times better than those important officials who had their own agendas in the court, and even betrayed their country for glory.

The Ninth Princess had heard countless rumors over the years, but until this moment, she finally felt that she had met a confidant who could understand her.

The corners of his eyes turned slightly red, and he said softly: "Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, so why can't women have anything to do with the country? It would be great if everyone in the world could have the same magnanimity as Mr.

"Wuyang, I have written to you a long time ago and told you that sir never despises women."

Qing Mulan said: "My husband said that women can hold up half the sky. Now in Xihewan, women can not only work, but also manage things. From the director to the team leaders of Xihewan Salt Factory, almost all of them are women. They still do the same."

He manages the factory in an orderly manner, no worse than a man!"

"Oh, then I have to go and see it."

The Ninth Princess put away her emotions and looked at Jin Feng with a smile: "Sir, can I visit the salt factory?"

"Of course!" Jin Feng said with a smile: "But I have already asked people to prepare clothes. Your Highness can wash off the dust first before visiting."

"Then just listen to sir."

Princess Ninth smiled and nodded.

Jin Feng smiled and made an invitation gesture, and took the Ninth Princess up the mountain.

Along the way, whether they were patrolling bodyguards or laborers driving cars, they all took the initiative to say hello to Jin Feng when they saw him.

Everyone had a smile on their face, and Princess Ninth could see that they were not forcing a smile, but were really happy and satisfied with their current life.

When they arrived at the mountain, Jin Feng first asked Qing Mulan to take the Ninth Princess to take a bath and change clothes, and then the group went to the workshop.

Nowadays, the Xihewan refined salt market has been fully opened, and the factories are producing day and night, creating a bustling scene.

"Mu Lan wrote a letter saying that Mr. Wu has the ability to turn decay into something magical. Wuyang didn't believe it before, but now he does!"

Standing in the packaging warehouse, the Ninth Princess sighed: "The poisonous mineral salt goes in from one end and turns into fine white salt when it comes out. It's really amazing! If this method can be spread all over the world, people will no longer have to fight for food.

Salt is worried!"

"If His Highness can guarantee that the price of salt will be brought down, I am willing to dedicate this method to Your Highness."

Jin Feng said: "If your Highness can't do it, then don't mention it again. I don't make salt to make money, but I don't want to give this method to salt merchants and let them prey on the people. I don't want to become like a catapult."

It’s a method used by some people to collude with the enemy!”


The Ninth Princess hesitated.

She did have the idea of ​​asking for a method to make salt before, but she also knew very well that salt was one of the important means for the noble families to make money, and it was extremely difficult to bring down the price of salt.

If she were still in Dakang, she might still be able to find a way to try it, but she would be leaving for Tubo soon and there would be no time at all. The only thing she could do was to get the salt to the army.

"Sorry sir, Wuyang can't do it."

The Ninth Princess said helplessly.

"Your Highness, there is no need to say sorry, this is not your fault."

Jin Feng smiled and shook his head.

In fact, he had already thought about how to refuse the Ninth Princess if she asked for the method of making salt.

Now that the Ninth Princess gave up on her own initiative, Jin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"His Highness said before that he would buy salt for the military. Do you still need it?"

Jin Feng asked: "If necessary, I have to prepare the workshop in advance and increase the production scale."

"Of course we need this. I cannot lower the price of salt in the world, but the purchase of salt by the military has always been financed by the national treasury. I am still confident that I can do it."

The Ninth Princess said confidently: "If anyone blocks it, let him bear the military salt."

After so many years of approving memorials in the Imperial Study Room, the Ninth Princess naturally has her own small team.

This matter has only benefits for the royal family, no harm, and she knows Chen Ji so well that she is sure to facilitate this matter even if she leaves Dakang.

This must also be facilitated.

Because of the high price of salt, many soldiers suffered from hyponatremia syndrome and became weak due to lack of salt.

If this problem can be solved, Dakang's overall military strength will be improved to a higher level.

"Then please give me a count as soon as possible, Your Highness, so that I can make preparations."

Jin Feng said: "And if the journey is long, the freight will need to be calculated separately."

"I will stay in Jinchuan for a while, and the amount will be handed over to sir as soon as possible. As for the shipping cost, we will negotiate further." Ninth Princess replied.

The sunken ship carried a lot of supplies and had to be salvaged.

Moreover, the Ninth Princess also wanted to dig deeper into the matter of the robbery.

"Okay." Jin Feng nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the conversation between Jin Feng and Ninth Princess had come to an end, Da Liu came up and whispered: "Sir, a message came from the cafeteria saying that the food is ready."

"Your Highness, would you like to go get something to eat?"

Jin Feng looked at the Ninth Princess.

The Ninth Princess was worried about the shipwreck and had no appetite.

But the workshop tour had already been completed, and there was nothing wrong with staying here, so he nodded in agreement.

There are two private rooms in the canteen of the salt factory. During the preparation and renovation of the salt factory, Jin Feng often took the management there to have dinner and discuss matters.

At this time, there were more than a dozen dishes placed on the large round table in the private room, all of which were steaming hot.

There are no delicacies from mountains and seas, just ordinary home-cooked dishes.

But Dakang’s current cooking methods are all based on stewing and frying. This is the first time Princess Nine has seen stir-fry dishes.

The green stir-fried vegetables were completely different from those stewed, which immediately aroused her appetite.

"Wuyang, Mr. Jin has made a new iron pot and created a new cooking method. I guarantee that you will like it after eating it once."

Qing Mulan smiled and brought the ninth princess into the private room.

"Oh, then I want to have a good taste."

Princess Ninth shook off other thoughts and replied with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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