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Chapter 395

"village head!"

Jin Feng shouted to the audience: "When I go to school, I will ask my husband to work overtime at night. In the textile factory, brick kiln, lime kiln and other places, write big characters in white ash, saying that women can hold up half the sky!"


The old village chief nodded in agreement.

"I know many people are not convinced and think that women can hold up half the sky. Now I will tell you why!"

Jin Feng shouted: "If nothing else, let's just say that you get wages every month, but do you know how the wages come from? They are all exchanged for the soap made by female workers and the cloth weaved!

Men, what have you done? Do you know how to make soap? Do you know how to weave? Apart from having the strength to move bricks and build a house, what else do you do?"

Many men looked ashamed when they heard this.

Dakang's feudal ideology of male superiority and female inferiority is too serious and requires strong medicine to be effective.

So Jin Feng began to confuse the concept and continued: "Of course, some men may say, you can fight bandits and deliver goods, can't female soldiers do the same?

Let’s not talk about the single-player combat capability. Amei is right over there. If anyone is not convinced, just go and practice with her.

Besides, in terms of collaborative combat capability, the female soldiers are no worse than the male soldiers now. In the past few escort missions led by female soldiers, they have completed better than the male soldiers.

There are also management, textile factories and soap factories are all run by women, and everything is handled in an orderly manner. Look at the brick kilns, lime kilns, people urinating and defecating everywhere, and fights every day, I don’t even bother to talk about you!

So, stop looking down on women, women can do what men can do, but men may not be able to do what women can do!”

On the stage, Jin Feng's speech continued, but under the stage, the Ninth Princess felt her heart surge.

Even though she is a princess, the Ninth Princess is still overwhelmed by the mountain of male superiority and female inferiority.

If she were a boy, how could she be reduced to marrying her to save the country?

She had known from Qing Mulan's letter that Jin Feng advocated equality between men and women.

After arriving at Xihewan, Princess Ninth felt even deeper.

When visiting the salt factory, Princess Ninth discovered that more than 80% of the managers of the salt factory were women.

This means that the equality between men and women advocated by Jin Feng is not just a casual talk, but is put into action.

On the stage, Jin Feng's speech continued.

"Don't you like to make rules? Now I will also make a rule. From now on, if anyone in the village beats his wife or concubines for no reason, he will not be able to work in any factory in the village again!"

Jin Feng shouted to the audience: "Xiaoyu, come up!"

"Yes!" Xiaoyu quickly stepped onto the wooden platform.

"The Xihewan Women's Brigade will be established tomorrow to be responsible for women's affairs. You will be the captain of the women's brigade, and Dongdong will be the deputy captain!"

Jin Feng said: "Listen, aunts and sisters, from now on if a man in your family beats you for no reason, you can go to the Women's Brigade to file a complaint. As long as it is found to be true, the Women's Brigade will help you make the decision!

In our village, women can still live without their men. If you feel that your life cannot go on anymore, the Women’s Brigade will help you go to the county government and divorce, and you can still go to work to support yourself and your children!”

During the feudal period, it was very common for men to divorce their wives, but it was very rare for women to propose reconciliation.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd in the underground was in an uproar.

No one expected Jin Feng to say such words.

"A woman can still live without a man!"

Under the stage, the Ninth Princess murmured to herself: "If the whole world were like Xihewan, how wonderful it would be if I met Mr. earlier!"

Although the contact time was short, the broadmindedness and magnanimity displayed by Jin Feng in his speech made the Ninth Princess secretly admire him.

Jin Feng's speech today on equality between men and women gave the Ninth Princess a feeling of regret for meeting her too late.

If she had met Jin Feng earlier, she might not have thought about going to Tubo, but would have joined forces with Jin Feng to do something in Dakang.

"Xiaoyu, can you handle this matter well?"

Jin Feng looked at Xiaoyu.

"Yes!" Xiaoyu quickly patted her chest and assured.

She was originally helping Zhang Liang collect intelligence in Qingshan County, but there was not enough manpower. Yesterday she went back to the village to take people with her, preparing to leave early tomorrow morning.

Now she has changed her mind.

Matters outside Jinchuan County were handled by Zhong Ming's group led by Zhang Liang and Han Feng. She was worried, so she went to Qingshan County to help.

It is her responsibility to unite women and establish a women's brigade.

Xiaoyu decided to leave Zhang Liang's affairs to Han Feng's men, and she was specially assigned to handle the affairs of the women's brigade.

"In addition to taking care of the beating of concubines, your women's brigade should also pay attention to whether there are evil daughters-in-law who abuse the elderly and children in the village. Once discovered, work will be stopped to deal with it."

Jin Feng explained again.

"Okay!" Xiaoyu nodded.

"Then it's decided, village chief, are you okay?"

Jin Feng looked at the village chief. When he saw the village chief shaking his head, he waved and said, "It's okay, let's call it a night and go back!"

After saying that, he jumped off the stage.

He found that the Ninth Princess had not left and was smiling at him, so he had to walk over and say hello: "Your Highness hasn't left yet?"

"If I leave, won't I be able to see Mr. such a touching speech?"

Princess Ninth said with a smile.

"It made His Highness laugh."

Jin Feng said helplessly.

This kind of incident rarely happens in the village, but today when the Ninth Princess came over, one happened to her.

Jin Feng was a little worried that the Ninth Princess would be unhappy.

But then I felt relieved. The Ninth Princess was about to go to Tubo. She was unhappy and it had little to do with me.

"Beating concubines is not something that only happens in Xihewan, it happens all over the world."

Ninth Princess said: "But I have only seen one person who is willing to stand up and speak for the woman, Mr."

Jin Feng smiled and did not answer.

"Sir, if you have nothing to do, how about you accompany me for a walk around Xihewan?"

The Ninth Princess intended to improve her relationship with Jin Feng and took the initiative to send out an invitation.

The dignified princess opened her mouth, and naturally Jin Feng couldn't refuse. He slightly turned sideways and made an invitation gesture: "I will accompany you."

The Ninth Princess got off the carriage and entered the village under the leadership of Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei.

The cement fired in cement kilns is not enough to build houses and fortresses, so cement is not used to pave roads now.

However, there was a lot of cinder in the iron smelting workshop every day, so the village chief led people to spread the cinder on the road, so that it would not be muddy.

It was the first time for Princess Ninth to see such a pavement, and she asked Qin'er to pick up a piece of it and show it to her with great interest.

The group first went to see the textile factory.

The textile factory is now on track, with several workshops in full swing but in good order.

Because of Jin Feng's speech just now, the female workers were even more grateful to Jin Feng. Ever since Jin Feng entered the textile factory, the voices of greetings have not stopped.

Many girls who were not yet married looked at Jin Feng with watery eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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