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Chapter 404 Heaven on Earth

In the next few days, Princess Ninth, accompanied by Qing Mulan and Jin Feng, visited Xihe Bay several times.

I also went to the very dusty cement kiln and lime kiln twice.

"Sister Mu Lan, you always said that Xihewan is good before, but I always didn't believe it. How good can a small mountain village be? Now I know that this place is even better than what you said. It is simply a paradise on earth!"

The Ninth Princess walked out of the lime kiln and took off the mask made of thick cotton cloth: "If Dakang can be like this everywhere, why worry about not being able to prosper?"

The longer she stays in Xihewan, the more the Ninth Princess likes it here.

First is the meal.

Runniang learned a lot of cooking methods from her previous life from Jin Feng, and in the past few days, she has been cooking delicious food for the Ninth Princess in different ways.

Although the ingredients are very simple and not as good as the delicacies in the palace, they are all things that the Ninth Princess has never tasted before.

And here, there is no intrigue, everyone is doing their best to do their job, and the whole village is filled with a thriving and prosperous scene.

This is what fascinates the Ninth Princess the most.

"Just stay longer if you like."

Qing Mulan actually wanted to stay if she liked him, but she knew this was impossible.

The marriage of the Ninth Princess is not only her own business, but also the whole Dakang business.

"I can't stay any longer," Ninth Princess shook her head gently, "The wedding is coming, I have to leave."

Qing Mulan, who was happy just now, suddenly darkened after hearing this.

Jin Feng also fell silent.

Being born into a royal family is both a blessing and a misfortune.

The struggle between princes is just like raising gu. There are dozens or even dozens of princes, but there is only one winner in the end.

The loser's ending is often very tragic. Even if he does not die in the fight, he will be under house arrest for the rest of his life, and may even be bullied by the eunuch who guards him.

Imperial daughters are relatively better off. Although they cannot make the final decision on marriage, this was the case for women in the feudal period. Basically, they never met the person they were going to marry before they got married.

After a princess gets married, her husband's family will generally not be bullied for the sake of the royal family.

But the situation of the Ninth Princess is different.

She went to get married.

Moreover, Dakang is in a weak position. When the Ninth Princess arrives in Tubo, her status will definitely not be very high.

Jin Feng had no choice but to sigh and asked, "When are you leaving?"


The Ninth Princess turned to look at Jin Feng: "Sir, I'm leaving tomorrow. Can we talk openly?"

In the past few days, heavy rain has been intermittent, and Jin Feng has not been idle either.

In addition to busy work in the laboratory, I always look for escorts who come back to escort the goods to learn about the rainfall conditions in various places.

Especially the escorts from the capital were immediately called away by Jin Feng upon their return.

After learning that the Central Plains region did not experience continuous cloudy days, but only a few autumn rains that stopped, Jin Feng immediately wrote to Luo Lan, asking her to mobilize manpower from the chamber of commerce to purchase grain in various parts of the Central Plains.

In addition, Jin Feng also asked Tang Xiaobei and Zheng Fang to mobilize a large number of men and go down the river to Jiangnan.

The climate in the south of the Yangtze River is warm and humid, suitable for the growth of food crops, and has always been rich.

The people sent by Jin Feng not only wanted to form a chamber of commerce in Jiangnan, but their main goal was to purchase grain and then transport it back to Jinchuan by water.

All this was seen by the Ninth Princess.

She knew that Jin Feng was definitely not doing this to make money, but was really worried about famine.

In fact, the Ninth Princess was also worried about this problem and had always wanted to have a good talk with Jin Feng.

But Jin Feng avoided it every time.

She was leaving tomorrow, and the Ninth Princess decided that she would not let Jin Feng go even if she stalked him today.

Jin Feng also noticed the firm attitude of the Ninth Princess and asked: "What does Your Highness want to talk about?"

"Let's talk about Dakang," Ninth Princess tugged her hair around her ears, "Sir, do you think Dakang can be saved?"

When Jin Feng heard this, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

This topic is too sensitive.

The Ninth Princess asked too directly.

"Do you really want to talk?" Jin Feng asked.

"Please give me some advice, sir!" Princess Ninth folded her hands and saluted Jin Feng solemnly.

"Okay then," Jin Feng thought for a moment and said, "Actually, the taxes levied by the Dakang court were bearable by the people, but when officials at all levels increased the taxes and fell on the people, it was very heavy.

At least most of the various taxes paid by the common people were divided up by officials at all levels. The court was infamy, and the national treasury became increasingly empty.

I still say the same thing, if we can get rid of the corrupt officials and landlords and gentry, and then make the determination to rectify the army, Dakang will be saved.

I know this is difficult, but at this time Dakang is like a patient with abscesses, surrounded by several vicious dogs. If he cannot bear the pain and cut off the abscesses, he will not be able to move when the abscesses invade the bone marrow.

Even if you don't die from the disease, you will be eaten by vicious dogs!"

The Ninth Princess sighed and did not refute Jin Feng's words, but continued to ask: "What should we do after we deal with the corrupt officials and landlords and squires?"

"The old gentleman told me that a country will be built through agriculture, strong through industry, rejuvenated through education, and prosperous through commerce!"

Jin Feng said: "If agriculture develops well, the people will be able to have enough to eat; if industry develops well, powerful weapons will be produced and the people will not be bullied by foreigners; if commerce develops well, the people will live a prosperous life; if education develops well, the people will be able to live a prosperous life.

If it develops well, the people will provide a steady stream of talents for the country!

How can the common people rebel if they have enough to eat, are not bullied, have money to spend, and have a future for their children?”

"Found a country through agriculture, make it strong through industry, revitalize it through education, and make it rich through commerce!"

The Ninth Princess repeated Jin Feng's words over and over again, her eyes getting brighter and brighter.

Ever since she had the concept of family and country, the Ninth Princess has been thinking about how to prosper and prosper.

To this end, she read countless books and thought about it countless nights.

I searched hard but couldn't find a way out.

But these few words from Jin Feng gave the Ninth Princess a feeling of enlightenment.

Like a tangled mass of twine, she had been looking for it for years without a clue.

Jin Feng helped her find the key thread, and with a gentle pull, the twine untied.

The problem that had troubled her for many years suddenly became clear.

"These few words are really a good way to govern the country!"

The Ninth Princess bowed deeply to Jin Feng and said with emotion: "If sir, he had been born a hundred years earlier, Dakang would not have fallen like this!"

"Your Highness is so complimentary!"

Jin Feng stretched out his hand to help the Ninth Princess up. Just as he was about to speak, a man wearing a mask rushed towards her.

While running, he shouted: "Sir, it's a success! Sir, it's a success!"

Qin'er and Amei, who were standing not far away, became alert at the same time and stepped sideways to block the Ninth Princess and the others.

Da Liu was even more direct. He raised his foot and kicked the man: "What are you shouting? Didn't you see that the gentleman is talking to the distinguished guest? There are no rules at all!"

The man was kicked but was not angry and said excitedly: "Sir, the glass you mentioned has been made!"

When Jin Feng heard this, he no longer cared about the Ninth Princess and ran away.

This chapter has been completed!
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