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Chapter 428

In the capital, Tang Fei brought dozens of carts of money and met with the bodyguards outside the city.

Thousands of miles away in Jiangnan, Tang Xiaobei also arrived safely at Chengling Mountain outside Baling County.

Baling County is the Yueyang of Jin Feng's previous life, and at the foot of Chengling Mountain is the first rock in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River - Chenglingji.

The definition of "ji" in the dictionary refers to the protruding rocks on the riverside or the stone beach in the river.

Chenglingji is located at the intersection of the Yangtze River, Dongting Lake, Xiangjiang River and other rivers and lakes. Together with Yanziji in Nanjing and Caishiji in Ma'anshan, it is also known as the three famous rocks in the Yangtze River.

It is not only a transportation hub for inland water transportation, but also a battleground for military strategists.

Chenglingji connects Sanxiang to the south and Jinghan to the north. It is the throat from Dongting Lake to the Yangtze River. If you occupy Chenglingji, you can block the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake.

Since ancient times, countless wars have been fought here.

Of course, Dakang's enemies are all in the north now, and the south of the Yangtze River is prosperous.

Cargo ships and passenger ships shuttled back and forth on the river, the pier was crowded with people, and in the distance there were pavilions and pavilions, which was much more lively than Guangyuan County.

"Ma'am, this way!"

On the shore, a girl in a long skirt and a group of guards waved to Tang Xiaobei.

She is the female shopkeeper Yuan Caiwei who was sent to Jiangnan by Tang Xiaobei.

The reputation of soap has spread in the capital, and the promotion model is also very mature. Yuan Caiwei has developed two county markets in Guangyuan and has rich experience.

After arriving in Jiangnan, he quickly used brothels and ladies as a breakthrough to quickly open up the situation.

Today, the sales volume of soap in Jiangnan is second only to the capital, and far exceeds that of the Sichuan-Sichuan region, which is the base camp.

But Yuan Caiwei's work in Jiangnan this time is not only to promote soap, but more importantly, to purchase food.

After all, you are spending money to buy things, and grain merchants will not push customers away, so the purchase of grain went smoothly at first.

But as Yuan Caiwei purchased more and more grain, grain merchants became dishonest and began to increase prices in series.

At first, I just added a little, but after discovering that Yuan Caiwei continued to purchase large amounts, the grain merchants began to inquire about the reason.

Soon, news of continuous rains in Sichuan and Sichuan areas spread.

The water level of the Yangtze River has continued to rise recently, which also proves the authenticity of the news.

Grain merchants directly raised grain prices by 30%.

Before coming, Jin Feng gave Yuan Caiwei the right to handle special matters.

If the price only increased a little, Yuan Caiwei could make the decision on her own, but if the price suddenly increased by 30% and the purchase volume was so huge, Yuan Caiwei did not dare to act rashly.

Just when she was about to ask Jin Feng for instructions, news came from Jinchuan that Tang Xiaobei was coming to Jiangnan in person to take charge of the food procurement work.

Yuan Caiwei was relieved. From that day on, she brought people to the pier to wait every day.

After waiting for several days, I finally saw the flag of Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

"Ma'am, you've had a hard journey!"

Yuan Caiwei ran to the boat and wanted to help Tang Xiaobei get off the boat.

"I'm not old enough to be helped!"

Tang Xiaobei waved his hand and asked directly: "Tell me how the situation is here."

"It's very bad. Now the news of the disaster in Sichuan and Sichuan has spread in the south of the Yangtze River. Grain merchants have joined forces and raised the price of grain by 30% a few days ago. And... and..."

When Yuan Caiwei said this, she suddenly stopped talking, her face full of hesitation.

"What else? Say it quickly, don't hesitate."

Tang Xiaobei was a little unhappy.

The female shopkeepers are all selected and trained by Tang Xiaobei. For the female shopkeepers, Tang Xiaobei is their teacher.

Seeing that Tang Xiaobei was angry, Yuan Caiwei quickly said: "Some people say that our Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce bought a large amount of grain and returned to Sichuan, hoping to wait until winter comes to make a fortune."

"Are there many people talking like this?" Tang Xiaobei stopped.

"There are quite a few. Now many people pass by the entrance of the Chamber of Commerce and spit on the ground."

Yuan Caiwei said helplessly: "Even the sales of soap have dropped. Many brothel customers know that the soap belongs to us and are unwilling to use it."

"So serious?" Tang Xiaobei frowned slightly.

"More than 20 years ago, when the Yangtze River burst its banks and the south of the Yangtze River suffered floods, Mr. Xu from the Ministry of Revenue transferred grain from Sichuan and Sichuan to provide disaster relief, so many people in the south of the Yangtze River remembered our kindness from Sichuan and Sichuan," Yuan Caiwei explained.

In fact, the Sichuan Basin has fertile land and has always been one of the most important granaries in the country.

Just because of the backward terrain and water conservancy facilities, less rain can easily cause spring drought and summer drought, while more rain can easily cause floods.

In recent years, the weather in Sichuan and Sichuan has not been very good, and the grain harvest has been serious. This year, there is a possibility of a complete harvest.

That's why Jin Feng came to Jiangnan in advance to buy grain.

Yuan Caiwei glanced at Tang Xiaobei secretly and whispered: "Madam, there is another situation..."


"I don't know who spread the news this morning. People know that the Chamber of Commerce belongs to Mr. Wang. Now some people are scolding Mr. Wang for making a fortune..."

"What, are you scolding your husband to make a fortune?" Tang Xiaobei almost laughed angrily.

No one knows better than Tang Xiaobei why Jin Feng buys grain.

I originally planned to do good deeds, but ended up being slandered...

Tang Xiaobei asked coldly: "Has there been any investigation? Is there someone behind the scenes?"

Nowadays, wherever the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce goes, it will bring bodyguards and members of the bell ringing team with them.

"We have investigated, but we have no foundation in Jiangnan, and we haven't found any clues yet." Yuan Caiwei shook her head.

"Continue the investigation." Tang Xiaobei's face returned to calmness and he continued to disembark.

But his eyes narrowed slightly.

Anyone who knows her well knows that Tang Xiaobei is really angry.

"Madam, our carriage is over here." Yuan Caiwei trotted ahead to lead the way.

"I've almost fainted from wandering around on the boat these days. Let's take a walk."

Tang Xiaobei asked: "Caiwei, is there anything interesting in Baling County?"

"Is it fun?" Yuan Caiwei thought Tang Xiaobei was testing her, so she carefully replied: "I haven't been around much since I came here, so I don't know very well."

"Then find someone who knows more about it," Tang Xiaobei said, "You also need to rest for a few days and let's take a walk."

"Shopping around?" Yuan Caiwei was a little confused: "What should I do with the grain merchants?"

"What can I do? They raised the price by 30%, how can I still buy it?"

Tang Xiaobei said: "My husband said that you should do good deeds within your ability. The grain dealer has made it clear that he wants to trick us. If he still jumps into the trap, wouldn't he be a fool?

It's not like Baling County is the only one in the world that has food. If we wait a few more days and it still doesn't work, we'll just go to other places."


Yuan Caiwei nodded, but she knew in her heart that Tang Xiaobei was talking angrily.

If the grain merchants only raised prices, Tang Xiaobei might have left.

But in the entire Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce, who doesn't know that Jin Feng is Tang Xiaobei's favorite?

She had heard when she was training in Guangyuan that the young master of the Zhou family was almost beaten to death by Tang Xiaobei in Chunfeng Tower because he scolded Jin Feng.

Now that someone is slandering Jin Feng, it would be strange if Tang Xiaobei left without investigating clearly.

Sure enough, the next second Yuan Caiwei heard Tang Xiaobei say: "Caiwei, collect the information on the major grain merchants in Baling County and give it to me tonight."

"Okay!" Yuan Caiwei nodded quickly.

Yes, this is the Mrs. Xiaobei that I am familiar with.

This chapter has been completed!
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