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Chapter 450 Fierce Siege Battle

The more than ten days he was detained in the cavalry camp was the most cruel experience in Zhou Youda's life.

Not to mention living in the open and suffering from hunger.

In the past ten days, he watched his wife and concubines being dragged away by the cavalry again and again.

Sometimes they don't even shy away from the most basic human ethics and do cruel things in broad daylight.

At first, the people resisted, but everyone who resisted was tortured and killed by the cavalry.

They also force other people to watch the process, and those who don't comply will be the next to be tied to the rack.

The other party's methods were too cruel. Being tied to a shelf was really more terrifying than death.

Slowly, people began to be afraid.

Become resigned.

Become obedient.

Become numb.

Zhou Youda spent a hellish ten days like this, and then was driven to the city.

When he walked under the moat, Zhou Youda looked up at the four-foot-high city wall in front of him, and finally there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

But it's not hope, but a deep sadness and despair.

Zhou Youda has read the book and knows what he will face next.

"Listen to me, as long as Xichuan City is captured, you will be the first batch of obedient people. General Danzhu said that the first three to climb the city will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver and given the title of county captain!"

The plateau people in the crowd shouted loudly: "Anyone who dares to retreat and run away, the whole family and three people on the left and right, will be killed on the spot!"

With a stick in one hand and dates in the other, the people's reactions were also different.

Most of them were still numb, some were cursing the plateau people secretly in their hearts, but there were also a handful of people who showed excitement.

There is no shortage of ambitious people in the world. After being captured, some people took the initiative to join the plateau people for their own benefit and helped the plateau people persecute their compatriots.

In the eyes of these people, the county captain is a great super official. They would not dare to think of killing him at ordinary times. Now he can get it by just climbing the city wall. How could he not be tempted?

As for being a county captain in Dakang or a plateau person, it doesn't matter at all in their eyes.

Zhou Youda clenched his fists when he saw someone next to him, with a look of anticipation on his face. He couldn't help but cursed in his heart, "Idiot!"

These people were so greedy for profit that they had no idea of ​​the dangers of siege warfare. Not to mention the first three people who scaled the city wall, the first thirty would not survive.

"Your faces are all marked by the Immortal Divine Light, and the Immortal Divine Light will bless you!"

The plateau people continued to shout.

Zhou Youda touched the mark on his cheek, feeling even more desperate.

Plateau people are still in the tribal age, and each tribe has its own gods.

The tribe of Gada Zampu believes in the Divine Light Immortal. It is said that Gada's father, who was a herdsman back then, saw colorful divine lights emitting from the valley behind him during the uprising. As expected, Gada's father succeeded in the uprising and established his own tribe.


Later, the tribe founded by Gada's father chose that valley and began to believe in the Great Immortal. The totem is a circle with seven vertical lines below it.

The circle represents the sun and light, and the seven vertical lines represent the seven colors of divine light.

It's a coincidence that there are often divine lights in that valley, and Gada's tribe is getting stronger and stronger.

When Jin Feng first heard about this, he immediately laughed out loud.

It's obviously just a rainbow, but it's still regarded as some kind of divine light.

As for the fact that there are often divine lights in the valley, it is probably because of its special location, making it easier for rainbows to form.

But people in the tribal era didn't know this. They only knew that the valley would often be illuminated by divine light, and the tribe would become stronger and stronger.

Isn't this the manifestation of the Divine Light?

Later, when Gada came to power, every time there was a battle, he would capture a group of his opponents' civilians and use a red-hot iron to brand a coin-sized totem on their faces.

Having this totem means that you have been captured by the Gada tribe and will be ostracized even if you return to your own tribe.

Therefore, many common people who have been branded will give up their hearts to help Gada fight in the hope that they will not be bullied in the future.

This proves from the side that the divine light is manifested.

Zhou Youda was extremely confused, and he followed the team and was driven forward by the plateau people.

On top of the city, Qing Xinyao felt uncomfortable.

The enemy was getting closer and closer, and his reason told him that he must issue an attack order.

But once the order is given, thousands of Dakang people will die in this battle.

"Sir, they are about to reach the moat. It's time for you to give the order."

The deputy general urged in a low voice.

The moat is the first line of defense of a city and is as important as the city wall.

But Danzhu has rich combat experience and had thought of countermeasures before coming.

The moat of Xichuan City is running water, with gates upstream and downstream.

Every few years, during slack farming periods, the upstream gate is closed, the water is drained, and people are mobilized to repair it.

The 10,000 cavalrymen not only looted the surrounding area, but also captured these two gates.

At this time, the water in the moat has been drained by the plateau cavalry, and the opponent can rush directly to the bottom of the city wall.

Qing Xinyao clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and uttered one word: "Fight!"

Boom, boom, boom!

A dull drum beat sounded.


A heavy crossbow arrow roared across the moat and hit the ground thirty feet away.

It is both a warning and a distance measurement.

The people from the plateau simply ignored them, and instead they beat the war drums, beat the Dakang people crazily, and started running wildly.

On the city wall, when the crowd crossed the cordon, the lieutenant gritted his teeth and gave the order to attack.

Dozens of heavy crossbows and catapults mounted on the city walls launched attacks simultaneously.

Arrows and stones flew out with a roar.

The scene suddenly became tragic!

Clouds of blood mist erupted from the dense crowd.

Some were shot through by heavy crossbows, and some were killed and injured by stones.

The blood began to spread and soak into the earth.

Screams kept coming and going!

Many people were frightened and stopped.

But the next second, he was hacked to death by the plateau people supervising the battle behind him.

The people had no choice but to keep their heads down and continue to rush forward.

The battle lasted for more than an hour.

On the other side of the moat, it looks like a Shura field.

There are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere.

There are people from well-off people and people from the plateau.

Some people were injured but did not die immediately, lying helplessly on the battlefield and howling miserably.

The plateau people did not break through the moat in the end.

But Danzhu was not disappointed at all.

He also knew that it was wishful thinking to capture Xichuan Prefecture in one day.

Anyway, there are plenty of people in Dakang. After this group is defeated, just let the cavalry go catch another group.

At this time, Xichuan City was surrounded by people, and the resources to defend the city were limited.

When these supplies are exhausted, the morale of the soldiers defending the city should also be worn down.

That's when the real attack on the city begins.

Ninth Princess and Jin Feng have been paying attention to Xichuan Fucheng, and they got the news just after the battle ended.

"Sir, can you do it?"

Qing Mulan took the battle report with anger on his face.

The Ninth Princess' face was calm, but her fists clenched her sleeves.

They had long known that this battle would be difficult, but they did not expect that it would be so brutal from the beginning.

Although they did not go to the scene, the Ninth Princess and Qing Mulan felt chilled after seeing the description in the battle report.

This chapter has been completed!
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