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Chapter 451

"Sir, can you do it?"

Seeing that Jin Feng didn't answer, Qing Mulan asked again.

The Ninth Princess also turned to look at Jin Feng.

"Not yet," Jin Feng shook his head: "Dazhuang hasn't arrived yet, and Zhong Ming's team hasn't sent any news yet. If we start rashly now, we have almost no chance of winning."

"Are we just going to watch the plateau people drive the people to their deaths?"

Qing Mulan said: "After the war, there must be someone in the DPRK attacking my brother and Wuyang. Doesn't this give them a reason?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Jin Feng asked coldly: "How about you take your personal guards and fight against the plateau people?"

Jin Feng felt very uncomfortable knowing that the people from the plateau were driving the people of Dakang to be cannon fodder.

This is not an invention of Danzhu. Jin Feng encountered this situation when he was fighting the Dangxiang people in the northwest.

It's now acceptable.

Moreover, since Da Zhuang was not in position, he had no other choice but to watch.


Qing Mulan was choked to the point of being speechless.

"Sister, sir, you are right. When fighting, you must be calm and able to keep your composure."

The Ninth Princess stepped forward and held Qing Mulan's hand, and said helplessly: "Wait a little longer!"

In the plateau cavalry camp, Zhou Youda was like a zombie, lying numb on the ground.

In today's siege, he was relatively lucky. He was not shot to death by a heavy crossbow or hit by a catapult.

But his mother and two concubines were stoned to death.

The remaining concubines were also washed away. They haven't come back yet, so they are probably dead.

Now the only person left by his side is his wife.

After the war, they and other survivors were escorted back by the plateau people.

Perhaps worried that pushing too hard would cause a mutiny, the plateau people promised the survivors that in the next three days, others would fight and they could rest for three days.

In these three days, the plateau people will not abuse them again.

That night, each person was given a piece of whole grain cake.

"Ms. sir, let's have some..."

The wife held the coarse grain cake next to Zhou Youda and cried, "Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your mother."

When Zhou Youda heard his wife's words, his almost completely numb heart began to waver.

The mother was hit by a flying stone and did not die immediately. She died after holding him and explaining the aftermath.

In fact, there was nothing to explain. I just begged Zhou Youda to live on and not to cut off the Zhou family's incense.

It is because of this energy that Zhou Youda can survive until now.

He took the coarse grain cake from his wife and took a big bite.

"I'll go bring my husband some water."

When his wife noticed that Zhou Youda had started eating, she happily turned around and left.

They don't have any tools and can only drink water with their hands.

Zhou Youda grew up in fine clothing and fine food, and he would never be able to eat this kind of coarse grain cake.

But now, he swallowed the whole grain cake in a few mouthfuls.

He wants to live.

Not only for himself, but for the sake of family inheritance, for his mother, and for his wife who will never leave him, he must live.

"Mr. Zhou, are you full?"

A man squatted next to Zhou Youda and handed over another piece of coarse grain cake: "If you are not full, there is another piece here."

Zhou Youda did not answer, but stared at the man in confusion: "Brother, do we know each other?"

"Sir, you may not know me, but I know you." The man whispered, "My name is Han Feng, and I belong to Mr. Jin of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau."

"Mr. Jin from Zhenyuan Escort Agency?" Zhou Youda was even more confused.

"It's the Mr. Jin who wrote about the war and the iron horse that traveled three thousand miles and brought down sixteen states with one sword." Han Feng explained again.

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Jin from Guangyuan!" Zhou Youda suddenly realized.

Some time ago, soap also appeared in Xichuan Prefecture. As a great talent in Xichuan, Zhou Youda naturally knew the poems engraved on the soap boxes.

In order to collect poems, he spent a lot of money and bought a lot of soap.

"Brother, you are from Guangyuan, why were you arrested?" Zhou Youda asked, "Were you here to sell soap and were you arrested on the way?"

"No, I was caught on purpose." Han Feng replied.

After Tang Xiaobei discovered the problems with the Zhongming Group in Jiangnan, Jin Feng called Han Feng back to prepare to rectify the Zhongming Group.

But only two days after Han Feng came back, the ninth princess arrived.

Jin Feng sent Han Feng to lead people to Xichuan Mansion in advance and blended into the crowd of people.

"I was caught on purpose, why?" Zhou Youda looked at Han Feng like a monster.

Han Feng did not answer, but asked: "Since Mr. Zhou has heard of my husband, he should know that he is a military general and defeated the party members in Weizhou City, right?"

"I know that he can write poems when he writes, and he can kill enemies in battle. I admire Mr. Jin for this the most." Zhou Youda sighed: "If I had Mr.'s ability, why would my family be ruined?"

"Mr. Zhou is a scholar and sensible, so I won't make any detours with him."

Han Feng said: "My husband is very familiar with military affairs. He guessed that the plateau people would use the prosperous people as a shield, so he sent me and other brothers to sneak in, just to persuade everyone to stop working for the plateau people.

The plateau people ruined our family and treated us like animals as a shield. Even if we are really going to die, we can't do something that would make our enemies happy and help our enemies attack Xichuan City. Don't you think that's right, sir?"

"Brother, what you said makes sense, but...but we have nothing, so what can we do?" Zhou Youda said bitterly.

"Who said we can't do anything? If we have to die, even if we die here right now, it's better than helping the enemy attack Xichuan City, right?"

Han Feng said: "Besides, the people from the plateau captured more people than they did. They all died anyway. We can't defeat the people from the plateau one on one. We can beat one with three, one with five, one with ten, and we can bite."

Kill them?"

Zhou Youda lowered his head in shame.

As a scholar, I still have the most basic integrity.

If there hadn't been a single seedling left in the Zhou family, he might have killed it long ago.

"Sir, please don't get me wrong. I know that you must have a reason to live. I am not blaming you."

Han Feng said: "And even if you are going to die, you can't die so cowardly, you can't lose your integrity as a scholar, and you can't lose the face of your ancestors!"

"Brother, stop talking, I understand what you mean."

Zhou Youda interrupted Han Feng and asked: "Brother, if you need anything from Zhou, just tell me."

"In that case, I'll tell you straight." Han Feng leaned into Zhou Youda's ear and said, "To be honest, my husband and the Ninth Princess have arrived in Xichuan and are planning a counterattack against the plateau people. We need our cooperation.

The Zhou family has a good reputation, and I hope that your husband can help me mobilize the people..."

This is also the reason why Han Feng came to find Zhou Youda.

In the feudal era, there were many superstitious people.

Zhou Youda's grandfather and father felt that the Zhou family's lack of prosperity might have offended some god, so they seldom exploited tenants in recent years and often contributed money to build bridges and pave roads.

If the tenants can no longer survive, they will lend money and grain to help them support themselves.

No matter what the reason is, it is a good thing.

Therefore, the Zhou family has a very good reputation in the surrounding area. If Zhou Youda is willing to help mobilize the people, the effect will definitely be much better than Han Feng.

This chapter has been completed!
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