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Chapter 452: Mobilization Before the War

In the next two days, Danzhu will send plateau infantry to drive the people of Dakang to attack the city.

Although they could not cross the moat every time, they consumed a lot of heavy crossbow arrows and stones in the city.

The plateau people discovered that when they attacked the city on the third day, some catapults threw not only stones but also some bricks.

Apparently, the stones stored in the city have been almost used up, and the demolition of houses has begun.

The plateau generals were very excited about this discovery.

But Danzhu remained indifferent, because he understood that this might be Qing Xinyao's deception. Instead, he reminded his generals not to take it lightly and continue to attack the city according to the original plan tomorrow.

It was at noon that day that Jin Feng received the news that Da Zhuang was in place, and he immediately called for Jiu Gongzhang, Liang Qing and Mulan.

"News from Da Zhuang, they are already in place."

Jin Feng put a small note on the table.

"Great!" Qing Mulan clenched her fists excitedly: "Sir, when will we take action?"

"Xichuan City has been under attack for three days. Of course, the sooner we act, the better." Jin Feng said, "But before we act, there is one more thing that must be done."

"What's the matter?" Qing Mulan asked.

"Mobilize before the war." Jin Feng replied.

"Sir, if you don't tell me, Wuyang is going to remind you."

Ninth Princess said: "I also discovered this problem. It's not that they are fearful of war or lazy, but...how should I put it, they are a little careless."

"They felt that the plateau people's attack on Xichuan had nothing to do with them, so they were careless."

Jin Feng said: "Morale is one of the important factors that determine the outcome of a war. Our chances of winning this time are not good. If we continue to have the mentality that it has nothing to do with us, we will definitely lose."

"Sir, I'm going to gather people now."

Zhang Liang also noticed that something was wrong recently, but he didn't know where the problem was.

After Jin Feng talked to Ninth Princess, he finally understood.

The escorts didn't feel nervous about the impending war at all.

Soon, the bodyguards were gathered in the open space by Zhang Liang.

Jin Feng climbed onto the high platform and picked up the tin trumpet.

"Everyone knows that I don't like to beat around the bush. I asked you to gather today because the war is about to start!"

Jin Feng said directly: "But I found that many people don't have the awareness to fight immediately, and they all act carelessly!"

"Many of you have fought in wars. Don't you know that people will die in wars?"

"Or do you think that our Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is the same as the army you were in back then? You can run away if you can't win?"

"Our Zhenyuan Escort Agency does not want cowards. Anyone who dares to desert in this battle will be killed on the spot! There will be no compensation, and none of the properties under Xihewan will accept the families of deserters!"

This is the first time that the Zhenyuan Escort has faced off against regular troops, and they are elite cavalry from the plateau.

It is of great significance to Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

Jin Feng will never allow failure.

But he did not talk about the national interests, but directly started from the most immediate interests of the bodyguards.

This trick is indeed very effective.

The expressions of many escorts changed at that time.

Ninety-nine percent of the escorts are illiterate and do not understand the vague meaning of justice, but they know that if they deserter, not only will they die, but their families will also be kicked out of the factory in Xihewan.

The price is too high and they cannot afford it.

Seeing the reaction of the escorts, Jin Feng continued: "I know that many people think that the plateau people attacking Xichuan have nothing to do with us. It is me, Jin Feng, who is meddling in other people's affairs."

"My family is extremely wealthy and I still have a title. Am I crazy and want to go to the battlefield and meddle in other people's business?"

"Do you know that the elite cavalry can run from Xichuan to Jinchuan in just one day and one night?"

"After the plateau people conquer Xichuan, they will definitely look north to Guanzhong. Guangyuan is the only way to go. The plateau people will definitely attack Guangyuan!"

"We can't protect Xichuan today, and we won't be able to protect Jinchuan tomorrow!"

"On the way here, you should have seen what the villages were plundered by the plateau people, right?"

"Kill them all and leave no chickens or dogs behind!"

"You must have heard in the past two days that there is a fight over in Xichuan. The plateau people are using the people as human shields and beating them to attack Xichuan Mansion!"

"We can't protect Xichuan today. When the plateau people attack Jinchuan, you will be used as human shields and shields by the plateau people!

Your children will be picked on by the plateau people!

Your wives and concubines will be insulted by the plateau people!

Your houses will be burned to ashes by the plateau people!"

"Now, do you still think that Xichuan City has nothing to do with you?"

At the end of the sentence, Jin Feng almost shouted.

Under the stage, the faces of the escorts gradually became cautious.

In fact, what Jin Feng said is right. Many escorts thought that the plateau people attacking Xichuan had nothing to do with them.

But after hearing Jin Feng's analysis now, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

On the way here, several villages they passed had turned into deserted ghost villages.

In the past two days, they also heard about the battle in Xichuan City.

"Defend Xichuan and never retreat until we die!"

Zhang Liang seized the opportunity, raised his arms and roared.

"Defend Xichuan and never retreat until we die!"

Under the stage, the escorts followed and roared.

Jin Feng and Ninth Princess looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Morale finally improved.

When the escorts stopped because they were tired, Jin Feng raised the tin trumpet again.

"This time, I will take out three thousand taels of silver to reward those who are brave in battle!"

A big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other, the effect is indeed the best.

When the escorts heard this, they all roared excitedly.

Outside the open space, Wei Datong stroked his beard and smiled.

The common people who had been accepted by the Ninth Princess and temporarily placed on the ship also ran to the deck to see what the escorts were shouting.

"Let's go and board the ship!"

Jin Feng waved his hand, and the escorts boarded the ship one after another in the order of usual drills.

Soon, dozens of large boats set off one after another, lining up in a long queue on the Jinma River and going down the river.

An hour later, a stone arch bridge appeared in front of the fleet.

There are two forts on the river beaches on the east and west sides of the arch bridge.

The Dakang soldiers were stationed before, but when the plateau people came, the Dakang soldiers either died or ran away, and the fortress fell into the hands of the plateau infantry.

These fortresses are Jin Feng’s goals!

"Dong dong dong!"

With the sound of dull drums, seven large ships sailed away from the fleet.

Five boats approached the west bank of the Jinma River, and two stopped under the bridge.

When the five large ships approaching the west bank were still five or six meters away from the shore, they simultaneously lowered their planks, and hundreds of escorts rushed along the planks towards the river beach.

There are 200 plateau people guarding the fortress on the west side of the stone bridge. Naturally, they will not watch the escorts landing, and immediately separate 150 people to stop them!

"Captain, the Dakang people are going to attack the west bank. Shall we go and help?"

On the east coast, a plateau infantry asked the leading captain.

"Our task is to guard the two fortresses on the east bank. If we go to the west bank and the Dakang people take the opportunity to take away the fortress on the east bank, we will all be hanged!"

The captain said: "Besides, didn't you see that the bridge was blocked by the Dakang people's catapults? How are we going to rush over? Let's take a look first!"

When the subordinates heard what the captain said, they had no choice but to shut up.

This chapter has been completed!
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