Turn off the lights
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Chapter 468

That night, everything was the same as the previous few days.

The Tibetan soldiers drove the people to light bonfires.

After the people left, Jin Feng sent his bodyguards down to put out the bonfire.

The Tibetan cavalry came after them, but the people who put out the fire had already run away.

The same thing was repeated so many times in one night that both the bodyguards responsible for the harassment and the Tibetan soldiers keeping watch became a little numb.

Even Danzhu and Wu Zhe felt that Jin Feng was running out of skills and gradually relaxed their vigilance.

But at midnight that night, Danzhu was suddenly awakened by the sound of drums.

After rushing out of the barracks, I found that the entire camp was filled with flames and shouts.

"What's going on?" Danzhu shouted at the bodyguard.

"Return to the general, the prisoners rioted and captured the army and horse camp!" the guard replied anxiously.

"What?!" Danzhu's face changed wildly.

He dared to attack Xichuan City with only 20,000 people. His greatest confidence was the cavalry.

The greatest strength of the cavalry is the war horse.

Both cavalry and war horses need to rest.

Therefore, at night, if there is no emergency, except for the emergency night watch cavalry, other war horses will be sent to the military horse camp on the north side of the camp, where they will be specially fed and cared for by military horse officers.

"How is the situation now?" Danzhu asked anxiously.

"The military horse camp... is gone!" the guard said with a grimace.

"What do you mean it's gone?" Danzhu asked.

"There were only a few dozen brothers in the military horse camp on duty at night. There were too many rioting prisoners, and we couldn't stop them at all!" the guard said: "The prisoners took over the military horse camp, took away the horses, and set fire everywhere. The forage yard was also set on fire.


When Danzhu heard this, he almost sat down on the ground.

What is the difference between a cavalry without horses and a tiger without claws?

"Send someone to chase him quickly!" Danzhu was so anxious that his forehead was sweating.

"There were too many prisoners. After breaking out of the camp, they ran everywhere. It was too dark to catch up..."

"Trash, they are all trash!" Danzhu was so angry that he jumped on his feet and yelled: "What do the people in the prison camp do for food? They know how to show off their power and kindness to women every day. If they succeed less than they can, they will fail more. Go to

Cut him off for me!"

One person can tell that if the prisoners suddenly riot, someone must be organizing it.

Ciji, the prison camp leader, had a responsibility that he could not shirk.

Ciji is Danzhu's cousin. When Danzhu was angry before, he also said that he wanted to kill Ciji, but in the end it was ignored.

Who knows if it is true or false this time.

If you kill someone, and Danzhu regrets it later, wouldn't it be too unfair to kill yourself?

The bodyguard stood where he was, whether he answered the call or not.

"Why are you still standing there? Go and chop Ciji!"

Danzhu threw his sword directly to the bodyguard.

The guard's eyelids twitched, he took the saber and turned around to leave.

He understood that Danzhu was really angry this time.

"Uncle, please forgive me, Ciji has caused too much trouble this time!"

After the guards left, Danzhu closed his eyes slightly and spoke softly.

His father died young, and it can almost be said that he was taught by his uncle. His achievements today are inseparable from his uncle.

Ciji was his uncle's only flesh and blood. Before his death, his uncle asked him to take good care of Ciji.

Danzhu agreed.

He has been keeping Ci Ji with him all these years. If anything good happens, the first thing he thinks of is his cousin.

Under the protection of Danzhu, Ciji became more and more arrogant.

Previously, Danzhu had to capture prisoners to attack the city, but Ciji was somewhat hesitant and did not dare to be too cruel to the prisoners.

Later, when Jin Feng arrived at Damang Slope, Danzhu was afraid of being deceived, so the siege stopped, and Ci Ji completely let himself go.

A group of girls were taken away from the prisoner camp every day, and there would always be a few less returned the next morning.

Everyone who came back was injured.

The group of bastards he raised also followed the same example.

They did not regard the captive people as human beings at all.

Meals in the prison camp were also reduced from one meal a day to one meal every two days.

Han Feng and Zhou Youdan were able to organize so many people to riot so smoothly, and Ciji and his henchmen were indispensable.

Danzhu has 10,000 cavalry, which means he has more than 10,000 horses.

These war horses require a huge amount of fodder.

Once the hayyard is set alight, it cannot be extinguished.

Moreover, the prisoners also took away the war horses.

In the middle of the night, the prisoners fled in all directions, and he did not dare to send everyone out to chase them. In the end, he was able to recover 10% of them. Thank God.

This time the basket Ciji poked was so big that even the pills couldn't hold it.

I can only bear the pain and kill this cousin.

"This should be Jin Feng's true purpose!"

Wu Zhe walked out from the side and said helplessly: "We all thought wrong."

He and Danzhu had already guessed that Jin Feng was using the strategy of weakening the enemy and must have other motives. However, both of them believed that Jin Feng was planning a dangerous place outside the city, so they had been carefully guarding against dangerous places recently.

He never expected that Jin Feng would attack from inside the Tubo camp.

Thinking about it now, Jin Feng's previous troubles were probably all about covering up the prisoner camp.

Facts have proved that Jin Feng succeeded.

It was precisely because Wu Zhe and Danzhu's attention was diverted and they were too lazy to pay attention to Ci Ji that Ci Ji became even more aggressive.

Otherwise, with Wu Zhe's character, he would never allow Ci Ji to do such nonsense.

Han Feng's plan will not be realized so smoothly.

Ciji will not die.

"I would rather give Jin Feng two dangerous places than be like this!"

Danzhu closed her eyes in pain.

The current situation is worse than the worst possible possibility that he and Wu Zhe expected.

Wu Zhe sighed, and just as he was about to speak, he saw bursts of white light flashing from the north, lighting up the sky as bright as day!

Immediately afterwards, the same white light appeared in the east!

There were also faint sounds of beating drums and shouting for death.

Although Xichuan Prefecture at this time was not as large as Chengdu in later generations, it was not small.

The Tubo camp is located in the west and north of the city. It is normal to hear the battle sounds in the north of the city, but the shouts of killing in the east of the city can be heard across the entire Xichuan City, which is enough to show how fierce the battle is!

Wu Zhe originally wanted to say something to comfort Wu Zhe, but now he can't say a word.

He just looked at Danzhu in disbelief.

Have you ever been open-mouthed? Just when you said you were willing to give Jin Feng two dangerous places, something happened in the east and north?

However, Wu Zhe also knew that it was just a coincidence, so he complained in his heart and quickly patted Danzhu on the shoulder.

As soon as Danzhu opened his eyes, he was completely confused.

I don’t think I closed my eyes for long, right?

Why are the east and north both at war?

Is there something wrong with the way I open my eyes?

Danzhu was a little doubtful about life.

But he quickly reacted and roared at a guard next to him: "What's going on?"

Guard: "???"

He stood outside the big tent for half the night, how could he possibly know what happened?

However, he knew that Danzhu was angry now, so he did not dare to complain. Instead, he bowed and carefully answered: "I...I don't know!"

"Then why don't you quickly arrange for someone to investigate?" Danzhu roared angrily.

"Yes!" The guard hurriedly ran away to find the scout.

This chapter has been completed!
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