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Chapter 482 Zhuge Repeating Crossbow

At the foot of the Big Snake Slope, the Tubo soldiers had already rushed to the front of the Weisheng Army's fortifications.

There was no declaration of war, no declaration of war.

As soon as the Tibetan soldiers arrived, they immediately began to attack the fortifications on Dangman Slope.

The so-called fortification is nothing more than digging a trench under the Big Snake Slope, and then piling the excavated soil on the edge of the trench to serve as a temporary city wall.

Due to limited time, the trenches were not dug very deep and the pile of soil was not very high.

Fortunately, Meng Tianhai's Weisheng Army was not an old soldier. Although its combat effectiveness was not as good as that of Tiehuying and Heijia, they did not flee.

Moreover, because of the victory at Mao'er Mountain and knowing that the Ninth Princess was at Damang Slope, the morale was pretty good.

At Jin Feng's suggestion, Meng Tianhai also made some changes to the Weisheng Army's combat methods.

The soldiers guarding the earthen wall were each given two or three bamboo sticks.

This kind of thing is everywhere in Sichuan and Sichuan. After being sharpened, it can be used as a spear.

Moreover, the bamboo is at least three or four meters long, and it can stab the enemy to death across the trench.

With the help of fortifications and bamboo spears, Sergeant Weisheng successfully blocked the first wave of attacks from the Tibetan soldiers and killed many enemies.

However, as more and more Tibetan soldiers gathered, the pressure on Weisheng's army also increased. Some relatively shallow trenches could be breached by Tibetan soldiers at any time.

Jin Feng stood on the hillside, frowning and looking down.

This time he came to Xichuan City with a total of one thousand escorts.

Except for the black-armored team that was taken away by Zhang Liang, the remaining five hundred people were all following Jin Feng.

These escorts do not have black armor, but only wear black escort uniforms. Inside the uniforms is a set of steel wire inner armor.

Many escorts were carrying large and small black wooden boxes.

Jin Feng observed for a while, then turned around and said: "One platoon and two platoons, go to reinforce the No. 3 position. The third platoon will reinforce the No. 5 position!"


There was a response from the escort team, and the three teams rushed down the mountain carrying the boxes.

As Jin Feng's orders were issued one after another, there were fewer and fewer escorts behind him.

At this time, the first batch of escorts had arrived at position three.

There are huge rocks underneath the No. 3 position, and the trench can only be dug to a depth of more than one meter.

Although some earth and rocks were transported from other places to build a higher earth wall, this place was listed as a key breakthrough target by Danzhu and the pressure it endured was much greater than other positions.

The trench, which was more than one meter deep, had already been filled with corpses.

But more and more Tibetan soldiers came.

Position No. 3 is in danger of collapse at any time.

After the escorts arrived, the male escorts immediately went into battle to help Wei Shengjun defend the earthen wall, while the female escorts quickly opened the wooden box.

After a while, strange-looking crossbows were carried up the earth wall by the female soldiers.

This is not a portable heavy crossbow, but a brand new repeating crossbow.

In his previous life, Jin Feng's tutor when he was a graduate student was obsessed with crossbows. He led Jin Feng and several classmates to work in the laboratory for more than half a year, looking through countless ancient books, trying to copy the legendary Zhuge Liannu and Wooden Ox and Liuma.

The wooden ox and the flowing horse were not successful, but the continuous crossbow was made.

Although I don’t know if it is the same as what Zhuge Liang did back then, but it can indeed achieve multiple and continuous shots.

In addition, there are computers in the laboratory to help with modeling and calculations. Professor Jin Feng and the others made the Liannu more scientifically than the Zhuge Liannu recorded in history books, and the filling and stringing speed were faster.

Although the power is not comparable to that of a single-shot heavy crossbow, and the range is much closer, it can fire ten arrows at a time.

There is no Zhuge Liang and no professor in this world, but Jin Feng still named this new type of crossbow Zhuge Liannu.

It can be regarded as a tribute to Mr. Zhuge and his professor.

If a single-shot heavy crossbow is compared to a sniper rifle, the Zhuge Liannu is a light machine gun.

Heavy crossbows can strike at long range, while Zhuge Liannu is suitable for close range and large-scale battles like today.

The arrows used are not long and thick arrows like spears like heavy crossbows, but ordinary hand crossbow arrows.

After the female escort carried the Zhuge Liannu to the earth wall, two people were responsible for filling it, one was responsible for winding it with the rocker arm, and the other was responsible for firing it.

Perform their duties calmly and quickly.

"Filling over!"

"End of winding!"

The female soldier in charge heard the confirmation from her companion and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In his previous life, Jin Feng had only tested Zhuge Liannu in the laboratory.

This was the first time it appeared on the battlefield, and Jin Feng didn't know how effective it would be.

Halfway up the hillside, Jin Feng held a telescope and pointed it at the enemy in front of the female soldier.


Ten arrows flew toward the crowd like lightning.

The soldiers in front of position three were so dense that not one of the ten arrows missed.

Although the power of Zhuge Liannu is not as good as the heavy crossbow, it is much higher than the ordinary hand crossbow.

And the distance is so close, the lethality cannot be underestimated.

The arrow passed directly through the first soldier, and then flew to the second soldier with almost no loss of speed.

Although it is not as overbearing as a heavy crossbow and can penetrate people as well as candied haws, each arrow penetrates at least three soldiers before stopping.

In front of the Zhuge Liannu, a fan-shaped blank area instantly appeared.

The noisy battlefield seemed to have stagnated.

Both our comrades and enemy soldiers, including the female soldier responsible for firing, were all frightened by the huge lethality of Zhuge Liannu!

This is simply slaughter!

The Tubo soldiers who came to their senses subconsciously moved away from Zhuge Liannu and looked for shields.

The Dakang soldiers cheered excitedly.

With such a magical weapon, why should we be afraid of the Tubo people?

Halfway up the mountain, Jin Feng also let out a long sigh of relief.

The so-called evacuation from Kanershan was just an excuse to persuade the Ninth Princess to leave.

If we evacuate at this time, the morale of the army will definitely collapse immediately, and the soldiers will rush to flee.

By that time, no matter how many means Jin Feng has, it will be in vain.

So the only thing you can do is hold your ground.

The effect of flash bombs during the day was too weak and would accidentally injure his own people. He was really unsure whether he could defend the Big Python Slope.

Although Jin Feng also prepared an escape route for himself, he did not want to be a deserter until the last moment.

Zhuge Liannu's performance made Jin Feng's heart suddenly fall to the ground.

Jin Feng's attention was completely focused on the battle at the bottom of the mountain, when he suddenly heard a dull drumbeat coming from the top of the python slope behind him.

The sound of drums is very common on the battlefield, because when a fight breaks out, all kinds of sounds converge together, and you may not be able to hear people talking face to face, so you can only use flags and drums and gongs to convey orders.

But this drum beat had no rhythm at all, and the commander-in-chief Jin Feng didn't even know what it meant.

"Who the hell is beating the drum? Are you tired of living?"

Jin Feng cursed secretly and turned around.

I saw that on the largest boulder on the top of the Big Snake Slope, I don’t know when a huge war drum as tall as a person was placed.

The Ninth Princess, wearing Qing Mulan's escort uniform, stood in front of the war drum, beating the drum vigorously.

At the foot of the hillside, Jin Feng was not the only one attracted by the sound of drums.

Many Weisheng Army soldiers also turned their heads to look at the top of the mountain.

The next second, the battlefield was boiling.

"Brothers, the ninth princess did not escape, she is beating the drum for us!"

"It's obviously a female soldier, so where is the ninth princess?"

"The Ninth Princess went to patrol the camp the day before yesterday, and she even talked to me. How can I admit my mistake? That's the Ninth Princess, but she changed into Mr. Jin's female soldier uniform!"

"Except for the Ninth Princess, who dares to beat the drum randomly in front of the battle? Are you not afraid of Mr. Jin's head being chopped off?"

"The princess plays the drum herself. Even if I die here, it's worth it!"

"Fight to the death and never retreat!"

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to book friends "Good Guys" for their suggestions, book friends "Kang Fuyun" and "Chef King" for their huge rewards, and many book friends who have always supported Beichuan. Thank you! Beichuan continues to code, and everyone will read it tomorrow.

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